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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. The point of the beta is to fix everything we can, so there's no point to be complaining like that, like we're not doing our best to make everything ready for the G.O.
  2. Sorry but I misunderstood what the new rule was because of the lack of English from the poster. But let me see if I'm right, before it was only 1 SOTM winner and now it's 3 SOTM winners if more than 10 people join the SOTM?
  3. Then you will have to go back in time, or to a retail server where all classes have their roll. PvP servers will never provide that.
  4. Dragon Network C4, Shadow 10x, 1+1 Racial.
  5. You serious ? Loled hard at that. [ONTopic] I didn't like the blur idea at all, it looks like it doesn't fit there because blur is mainly to take our attention of what's going in the background and you used it in the smoke so it just doesn't "belong" so to say.
  6. I have to say, NeverMore did spam the SOTM thread saying that Stewies signature sucked, so I as a normal member did my part and went to the SOTM general discussion and said, "NeverMore, you have this thread to spam, no need to be there" well, guess what? He deleted his reply and mine. People here really abuse the people they have.
  7. In here we have proof that it was Cyrox who did it, back in 2012: http://shadowtearz.deviantart.com/art/Spiderman-302158716 In here it's probably the same guy because he posted back in 2012 as well: http://forum.duelingnetwork.com/index.php?/topic/13124-dex%E2%99%A5s-gfx-showcase/page-3&do=findComment&comment=221693
  8. Right... Lets open a server when everyone is in school. /logic [ONTopic] I've checked it out since it's been a long time since I've played retail and the server seems legit. Best of luck.
  9. People come up with the weirdest names now a days xD Well, good luck with your server.
  10. Since when ? L2 isn't dead, you're the one who grew up and don't think it's fun any more.
  11. Thread was removed, you can lock this now, thank you.
  12. Why everyone keeps on saying "Oh read the rules" bla bla bla if they are not used then? Well, I won't even bother any more then if that's how the community works, I just think it's unfair when a postless member makes a mistake and gets dekarmed or even banned and people like that are immune to all that stuff.
  13. http://youtu.be/3I0iA7V65MY Download: http://rghost.ru/46937326 Mirror: http://yadi.sk/d/iJNaLqD2686iM Credits: Empatic from L2Maxi.
  14. What if it was YOUR background and people were selling it without giving you any credit whatsoever? ONTopic: So many views and no one is capable of doing what's right, that's MaxCheaters I guess, be a friend and be saved.
  15. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=274406.0 This member is selling a website that is using copyrighted images, he claims that the image is all over the internet but how could it not be? After all it's internet and people copy/paste stuff everywhere. The art that I'm claiming that is stolen is this one: http://liiga.deviantart.com/art/Corrupted-Innocence-84290283 As you can see it says "©2008-2013 *liiga" not xDamian which was the one who design the website. Also, the seller was pretty rude against my accusation and said the following: I think that rules are made for everyone, not only to the normal members. I've contacted the art designer and if this isn't enough proof to get it delete with punishment I'll report it later with a screenshot from the art designers response and report it again. Artist copyright:
  16. Wait a minute! No Pink Floyd?
  17. Y'all some evil people, lol.
  18. Wait, what? You bought that theme even knowing that someone got it online for free and then edited it ? You sure have too much money. Anyways, it's not my duty to criticise what you do with your money so, good luck with your new project.
  19. [OFFTopic] I love how people get outdated versions of DzinerStudio themes then edit a couple of images and claim it to be theirs. /Fuck Logic [/OFFTopic] Anyways, I guess it takes many fails to get 1 simple thing right. Don't take me wrong because I don't mean to flame or troll but if you didn't have a decent server yet, you can't expect people to take you serious. At least I have to give you credit for not changing your name and acting like it's a brand new thing from an unknown user, if you get what I'm saying.
  20. Like it was said the right side really takes the attention of the main part, overall it looks like a normal image with color effects.
  21. The gold thingy in the corner really looks stretched and the quality is poor or is it MxC? Besides that it's pretty cool.
  22. You probably didn't get my comment.
  23. You know what would be a good idea ? Making a server called Syria just when they're getting attacked with chemical weapons. DF Outha here man.
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