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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. No one knows but complaining about it won't solve it, if you make a e-war about it, it will only make them create another rule to justify your ban and that's done.
  2. You have to admit that you don't have the best reputation around so probably someone took advantage of one little mistake and got you banned for 2 weeks. That's how it works over here.
  3. If I got banned just because they felt like it I wouldn't even take a minute to create a thread. We all know that this forum isn't serious at all when it comes to the staff (taking some that I actually see doing what they're supposed to) and rules, everyone for themselves.
  4. But it's only two weeks man, you can't do anything about it now =/ You can't be that hooked to a forum.
  5. I guess I have to share this here since y'all trying to measure your I-Dick.
  6. The information that your posts contain most of the time is hatred against someone. I can say that I do the same sometimes but it's only against people who rip stuff or don't follow the rules I like the most. So, it's actually not considered hatting but pointing out what's wrong.
  7. If it's non sense why are you banned then? /logic
  8. Oh, his English always messes up so I thought he was trying to ask Stewie and wasn't Stewie. luls.
  9. If you tell people your real username maybe other mods can search for the reason.
  10. I really enjoy the smooth effect that you've done. Still, the text sometimes can be a real problem so might as well just leave like a hidden credit and that's all. I can give it a 6/10 just because I didn't enjoy that text just floating there.
  11. That was deep and we do appreciate every kind word that you said, people like you give us even more reasons to work even harder in our project. Thanks once again. - Zard
  12. If you're so pro how come you didn't participate ? We do our best to give some action to the section and then you come up saying that we all suck ? Who df are you to even say stuff like that ?
  13. Like someone once told me, "Dude, it's MaxCHEATERS. If that still didn't get to your head, I don't know what will ..".
  14. I don't get you people... It's internet... I can do anything I want to, there's rules, I'm following them. Not my fault that you guys can't do it as well. It's not hating, it's pointing out the things that are wrong.
  15. Come on dude... It's like the 4th L2 Gold replica that I see in the last 2 months. Still, best of luck.
  16. The problem is your grammar, it's spelled it has* Besides that, a theme it's always a theme, so, you can't just decide that you'll let people put ninja turtles next to a anime render. There's no sense and will only make me report you for not following the SOTM rules or make a special guide for you so you can learn how to set-up a SOTM.
  17. If people get karmed for a guide or a share and if years go by and it gets outdated, they still should keep the karma. Imagine if the member has to deal with real life stuff and has to be away for some time, it's unfair to take the karma away.
  18. Lol, weren't you the guy who was crying everywhere to get that account unbanned ? Bahahaha... Man, that's just sad. Also, it's spelled there are and not they are.
  19. Wait, what? Do you have sight issues or something, mate? You clearly cannot see what I'm seeing. If I knew that a SOTM themed anime worked like this I would put a anime render and a porn quote or something... Df is wrong with people. You're mad because I removed his sale for breaking the rules and now I'm the hater. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  20. Let me know when this is a turtle... Freakin e-friends.
  21. How do you decide if someone isn't good at Bulgarian ? You just know because you're fluent in the language. Duuuh!
  22. With NCSoft Corporation and Google Translator Inc. I've learned English and Spanish online. SELF MADE MOTHA FUKA! While everyone was learning how to troll, I was learning English.
  23. Dissy topic izy fully ouff guudo engwish spekas. You're still surprised about the stuff that's been going on the last months? It's not MxC anymore, it's a whore house, no one follows or knows what rules are any more.
  24. http://www.l2elcardia.us Launches on 3rd of September and it's exactly the server you're looking for.
  25. C'mon blind mods, it's not the first thread, not the 2nd not the 50th from this guy, it's hundreds of threads... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=275050.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 Ya'll blind or something ? Can't you read the rules and see that he's sharing warez? LOOK! -> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=138.0 Punish that guy and delete the threads if you really do care about your masters rules. :troll: I want to see what will happen now. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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