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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. I think that's how you mentioned it. Try logging with a test account and you'll see that the max size is 500x200, it used to be 450x100 but they updated it like 2 days ago. Maybe you're bugged, maybe it's your browser I dunno but what's for sure is that 90% of the community have their settings to 500x200.
  2. Dude it's not MxC fault that your browser is messed up and can't get up to date with the community. Everyone has 500x200, if you don't that's your problem, stop trying to offend people, it ain't cool at all.
  3. Bitches be saying, "oh you looking for attention" when they be spamming all the boards with useless shit. Dying!

  4. As a matter of fact I do have permission to use that image because I've asked fear-sAs before using it. Also, don't be hunting my stuff with an alt account BonJovi just because I've removed your sale :)
  5. Have you seen the original ?
  6. So now I'm a retard and a fag, ok... Also, I wouldn't join MxC team even if they paid me to do it, it's simply not worth it and btw, just reminding you, it's 2013 so I can say whatever I want either it pleases you or not. So do me a favour and deal with it. That's because of people like you that this community will never be known for anything else besides L2J.
  7. That's what I thought, when kids don't have an explanation they flame even more. If the way I do things doesn't go with your standards you're free to have me on your block list. I'll be glad to be there.
  8. Kinda sad to know that since the community itself has so much potential. Too bad the forum team isn't that professional when it comes to putting order into the forum population. The only one that I've actually seen that does its job how its supposed to it's ExtremeDwarf, I have no idea who he is but he just doesn't care as long as you're breaking the rules. I've seen people getting accounts unbanned, even people that don't give any profit to the community and just end up doing the same stuff all over again but they're still here. MxC should become the next 4chan, get rid of all the rules because almost no one of them are actually followed and just let them animals do what they want... Random thoughts.
  9. Please, enlighten me and tell me how does text prove that I have a mental illness just because I don't agree with what you're saying.
  10. Not really but well organized communities don't let that happen and if it does happen its up to a mod to remove the double post and edit the last reply. Unless it happens alot from the same member then there's punishment. But... It's not something that will happen in this community because people have an attitude against everything that's why mods lose interest and people start leaving.
  11. You got that fact from Wikipedia ? o.O At least learn how to flame properly.
  12. Organized communities. Wasn't talking about you specifically but almost everyone now. Back in SMF it wasn't allowed, what I've also noticed is that there's so much people in the team, moding areas but all of them are frozen after moving to IPB and just don't care about what's going on.
  13. I see that double post is allowed now as well.
  14. You've already lost it when you tried to act tough and tried to flame me on the internet. But here, take a look Mr. Also you can QQ all you want, if Maxtor wanted it this way, that's how it's going to be.
  15. Good God, why ya'll want huge stuff? And how come it matters so much? 50 Kbs is a decent size for a gif avatar and 500x200 is the perfect max size. Stop wining people...
  16. Decent size? For what? A blog? This is a forum I don't feel like scrolling big ass signatures to see what I actually want. Also, no one is complaining about the size so it's your browsers fault because the forum is already set to 500x200.
  17. No can do... What's the point of having a signature this big?
  18. Some people are getting that bug in their accounts but the current size is 500x200, if you have an alt account you'll be able to see it. Try cleaning your cookies, also there's no point in having big ass signatures, people even used to have wallpapers as a signature, that's messed up.
  19. Well MxC is still in a adapting phase, there's still so much to do but when they start putting everything together and when the Portal is ready as well with some nice articles, reviews and when there's the next sections to support new games, I think the population will rise again. MxC is mostly visited by Greeks and BR's, when they add the new sections I'm hoping that other countries will join the community as well.
  20. First... And then I'll agree to do anything you ask for ;)
  21. Mine will always be the dark side of MxC. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forums/index.php?/user/129256-zardanico/
  22. Good critics, I'll improvise in my next work what was pointed out from everyone.
  23. Talking about that, I hope I get my SOTM award later on, it was recent! ;D
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