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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. Try resetting your current one.
  2. Try a new browser because it is changed mate. If it wasn't I wasn't able to use my current signature. Have you tried to clean with CCleaner?
  3. Could be used only for certain sections where shares are posted, so people wouldn't have to spam to see the thread, a simple thanks would show up the content.
  4. Maxtor changed it yesterday to 500x200, so yeah... I think you guys have to clean your cookies to see the new changes.
  5. Stop complaining about the sizes because they are just perfect for a forum, you guys want to use banners, wallpapers and not signatures. Everything is perfect and you're lucky that Maxtor enabled the profiles in the first place.
  6. Got bored of your precious L2 Pride replica and already looking for a new server? Awwwww. I guess I was right after all.
  7. I get it, the problem is that clan players won't mind quests which include killing a raid but solo players will always complain that they can't and it's unfair. The majority of players play solo in pvp servers so the coin fits it.
  8. The answer was exactly when you said pvp server. If it's pvp why quest? People only make quests on crafting servers.
  9. No mate, I mean the people who have an avatar but the forum can't find where it is, not the ones with the default grey avatar. It shows the topic name where it was supposed to be the avatar, that's a bug.
  10. Also, people who don't have an avatar show up like this.
  11. Uh, they seem only not to work if you upload them from your machine but if you use an external link they work properly.
  12. Avatars are resized to 90x90 in the post profile so avatar gifs don't work properly.
  13. IPB with or without fixes man, I'm enjoying the shit out of it man! Bahaha.
  14. Thanks Maxtor, that was a really good change. My profile is OP again ♥
  15. Ikr? We could interact so much via profile, since there's the profile comment system and etc. Dunno what's wrong with checking people's profiles.
  16. Also, normal members will be able to customize their profile and be able to use the profile feed feature? People without avatar show like this in the board.
  17. Welcome mate, hope you enjoy the community. Like any other community there's rules, take a look at them before surfing the forum.
  18. They said there wouldn't be karma system anymore and I agree with it. Rewards are much better. There was too many fights about karma.
  19. Could be a VIP feature or donator.
  20. Members have the permission to change their nickname also. There's no more karma system. Btw, make a signature limit, letting them people use wallpapers as their signature isn't cool at all.
  21. First the movie, then the rebel kids destroying houses and coming in the news and now a Lineage II server for the forever alones who are socially awkward and can't party. Good luck with your project.
  22. What I think of it is that it looks RIPPED, you're not skilled enough to even enter a signature contest and you're known to RIP stuff and claim its yours. Here you go, that's exactly what I think about it, just like you asked for. (:
  23. If we're complaining it's because we logged in and didn't like the experience at all. In my opinion, I don't need to have L2 Punch writen all over my freakin screen to know where I'm playing. Also, those client modifications not even made me leave the server but uninstall my client as well.
  24. Evo site, shinko forum... What's this -beep-ary all about? Good God mate, make only 1 decent server and stop wiping and closing everything.
  25. Well if there wasn't a balance in official there would only be 3 classes each of them with the same stats. Balance in official means knowing everything about your class, if there's 2 partys pvping for over 20 minutes that's called balance, they knew their class since in official every class as a role in the party and they could keep being alive. Now if there's a party killing other partys, well you can't call that unbalance but knowing how to play. The balance always came to the players and how they choose to play. True, there's classes that just can't kill every other class, that's part of the balance because Lineage II was never meant to be played 1 vs 1, we do it and if we die by a class which wasn't supposed to kill us doesn't mean that there wasn't a balance in the fight because it all comes to which one is playing their class better.
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