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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. Will be a long way confronting scammers until you find a honest one, still, welcome to the community.
  2. Some people just can't freakin get the obvious, is it L2J or L2OFF ? You probably don't even know what both mean but anyways. Good luck with your balanced server like never seen before.
  3. Nah, my smartphone is still hanging itself. Also, you get less specs just because of multi colour covers? That ain't weird at all.
  4. If that's true, that's just sad for me... I'm not even obsessed to see who's stalking her or anything :/... But I really WANT THAT FREAKIN HACK TO DO WHAT IT SAYS!!!
  5. Did you even read the tutorial at all? o.O [ONTopic] Thanks, perfect tool to see who's stalking my gf's fb. Muhahaha
  6. Well Ragezone made it to Global 20,262, we can do it as well ;o
  7. Good share, MxC is a nice community but it still needs some years to top some of the most popular communities. Take gaia for example, this is their current statistics: Gaia has 2,164,573,639 articles posted with 27,179,651 registered users.
  8. The only way I would try it again would be if this interface was in it: I just can't stand the interface and when I tried it I couldn't make it having screen mode which totally made me uninstall it. Maybe in the future when I really need to start using its tools I'll give it a try again.
  9. I've never lost quality in any of my images, unless I'm exporting as a web image and I want it to load faster. Otherwise it all depends on the images you're using to make a signature or the render itself, well making effects isn't easy as well and get that balanced quality but you get that with time and with trying new settings and stuff like that. I remember when I couldn't do a black & white image without losing quality but now they come out just fine. My tool of trade since I've started is PS CS3 and I might never change it.
  10. Zardanico


    Looks good but if it was me I would go with a clean look, since the board doesn't have a specific game that's supporting, going with a clean and user friendly theme like Ragezone did would fit in my opinion. But hey, it's just an opinion. Thanks for showing that up.
  11. Zardanico


    Just between us two, is it looking fancy and really professional? To be honest I don't think it looks professional enough with SMF or with this theme for that matter.
  12. Zardanico


    Does anyone know when MxC is going to migrate to IPB?
  13. Hey! If advising some good gaming gear is a plus to become a co-admin, I'll start right away. *le sarcasm*
  14. Like I've said before, the IL community is way too low now, the only servers that can get a lot of players its the RU ones. European players have left to higher chronicles because of the lack of good servers in IL, also, the chronicle became boring because If you're a player that played since C1 until IL, you'll know that not much have changed, only after Kamael the game had a new role and meaning.
  15. Well, if you have resources to run a server for 10 years, why don't you make like the first mid year without donations and then later on if you see that the community is interested in donations you open them up?
  16. BR's some of them can play together, even thought they're not known for being good players they always try their best, the community itself is known for not playing that good and QQing a lot. Latinos, I think they might be the worst, they play by themselves most of the time and flame you either you kill them or get killed by them. Greeks & Russians, not much to say about them, they always invade all the servers and try to zerg everything, team play? Well... Not much that I've seen until now, at least in official. Polish, they're really concentrated in the game and know a lot of stuff about it, I've meet some funny polish people in my time. We, Portuguese people, I've been in portuguese guilds since I can remember and we would always have organized CP's. We aren't the kind of people that QQ because we can accept our weaknesses and improvise later on.
  17. The problem isn't the game itself because as you can see they come up with many ideas and updates. The problem its us, we've been playing this game for so long that it became boring.
  18. Thanks for the feedback guys. The menu and footer I choose to leave it that way because it is a ready to code edition and since I don't like to use everything with images I thought that Tahoma would be a pretty nice font to write some text. Same way goes for the menu.
  19. Man! There's unlimited nipples? Gotta check this server out :o I have such a nipple fetish!
  20. He keeps sharing warez in this section: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=138.0 Mods told me that he got a warning so he would start adding credits which doesn't make sense, when you're sharing warez why would you put up credits? Also, he's sharing to gain clicks with adf.ly, taking advantage of the community. I'll quote these rules again: Thanks for your time.
  21. Gotta have to try new stuff man, those you make are really boring.
  22. Why do you always use inverted colors?
  23. To the people that are saying that the server needs advertising, that's kinda bullshit. Some people can get over 100+ players only from MxC, well kids sure but doesn't matter, we don't judge anyone. Like it was said, the problem is the community that only enjoys Mage/Archer servers, most of the people that used to enjoy a balanced server went to higher chronicles because of that. People make about 5 Interlude servers every week (talking about the ones that are shared in here) sometimes more so it's normal that people get tired of this chronicle. No one appreciates Interlude any more because it's a over used chronicle now. Anyway, I really had huge expectations with L2 Elcardia and it really breaks my heart to see it fail like this. [ONTopic] Trusted guy, hope you have good sales.
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