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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. Major lag, low community, full buffer 16m and dances/songs 1m. No thanks.
  2. Server is still stable and even more balanced.
  3. Many bugs have been fixed, still making the perfect geodata.
  4. 30m left to start.
  5. Starts today 26 of July at 18:00. RATES EXP/SP: 150 Party EXP/SP: 2x Adena: 100x Drop Items: 50.00 Drop Seal Stones: 3.00 Spoil: 50.00 Manor: 1 Quests Reward: x15(not for all) Zero Hour Transfer: 1 x 3 Grand Boss Adena: 10 Grand Boss Items: 1 Raid Boss Adena: 10.00 Raid Boss Items: 3.00 Enchant Rate: 58% Increased enchant rate for Blessing scrolls Safe Enchant: +3 Mob-Champions (strong x12, 70% chance drop medal) GENERAL 2 Hours Buffs (26 slots + 4 Divine Slots, 6 for debuf). Auto pickup / Auto Learn Skills Weight limit x8. Basic NPC Buffer. Items D-B Grade on shops. 3 free Subclass. New characters starts with top No-Grade items and 20 level. Offline trade on exit. Wedding. Announcing respawn Raid Bosses. OLYMPIAD AND HEROES Olympiad fights every day at 18:00PM ~ 12:00PM. Hero status period every WEEK. Announce with olympiad period time (how much time for ends). RAID BOSSES Strong Antharas. Baium x2 ( now we configurating it as L2OFF) Strong Queen Ant x2 with 60% drop chance. Flame Splendor of Barakiel level 80 respawn 4 hours. CASTLE SIEGES Only 3 Castles active for more competition. Medal (Unseal, SA) Rewards for Siege winners. EVENTS TvT Event (18:00PM and 22:00PM with buff and poitions) DM Event (19:00PM and 21:00PM without buff and poitions) CTF Event (20:00PM and 00:00PM with out buff and poitions) Prize: 15 Medal Website: http://antharas.net/ Forum: http://antharas.net/board/ Btw, not my server, just advertising.
  6. The server looks stable but you have to keep in mind that it asn't been add in Hopzone or Topzone yet, so the population that it gets it's from the forums that it's been shared.
  7. I've created an account and it worked just fine with the activation. Using GMail.
  8. Zardanico


    OL Server. Enough said :)
  9. Just in case you come here first, I've updated your gift. http://l2primer.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.msg15#msg15
  10. I've only been on for some minutes and I've got to say that the server brings unique customization, it is lag free and most of all he his different in its own way. I'll join for sure.
  11. Type: Signature Size: 450x200 Theme: Based on the render Text: Zardanico Subtext: Unknown Lengend Style: Like a nest or something Render: The one on my signature.
  12. Waiting for it!
  13. 60+ Yes
  14. Will give it a try.
  15. Type: Signature Size :450x200 Theme : Evil Text : Zardanico Subtext : Meet your maker! Style : Something evilish based on the render. Render: http://s16.postimg.org/l6zdw6uc5/Devil.png <- Bought it on GraphicRiver just for you to make the signature, if you want the PSD let me know. Extra: If it's not asking too much, could you make a 100x100 Avatar with Zard writen on it ?
  16. You have to wait for the account panel to be turned on. They might open it 5 minutes before it launches.
  17. Will try since it open in 30 minutes.
  18. Clans with 4 people inside have lvl 8 <- knowing that there isn't donations that's pretty much weird. Augment skills do not have regin which means that any bishop is a OP class or AL. Cubics work on unflagged people. Olys are full bugged: Example... if you join a match and your oponent disconnects, the match never ends and you have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to get out, once you get out you can't join olys anymore or teleport to another place. You have to wait that the olys end. I've tried to believe that the server was going to grow but there's 1 Admin and 2/3 GM's and we never see them online or taking attention to the players reports so it isn't for me. This server had everything to be good but they didn't know how to develop so here it goes.
  19. Playing MMO's it's all about getting together with other people and not being anti-social. L2 Bellum gives the examples and makes it able to players to socialize and inspire them to create clans and enjoy raiding as well as clan wars. It's all about being social.
  20. Awesome server, already enjoying the first 20 minutes.
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