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Everything posted by Zardanico

  1. I complained about the NPC's because I'm more of a first impression player. The features had me but when I tried the shops it wasn't worth it for me. Everyone has its own likes and dislikes. But... You've got a nice server there.
  2. Joined but didn't like the experience at all. Btw, why do people have the need to put up big ass NPC's ? It's like full of raids inside Giran.
  3. Clean my thread. Just the ones that are complaining about how old it is and how many times it has been shared. Leave the ones that replied to get the links. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=280072.msg2636450#msg2636450 Thanks
  4. Looking good, just didn't like the overlay border, it doesn't fit every situation.
  5. We have to admit something... People don't know how to CnC in here because they only care about PC and just criticize with some bullshit like they knew how to do better. It's obvious that even if there is members that know how to design they won't show it in this community.
  6. Too much gaming is ruining peoples brain...
  7. Right... You've never even seen Valakas, poor you.
  8. Then you've never killed Valakas.
  9. It used to be cool until it became a trend.
  10. Drake? What drake?
  11. This belongs in the previews, mate...
  12. It is max +16 He had a bad launch even with the unique npc's and whatnot, the server is well designed and we can see it took some time but the floods ruined it and the community that were pking newbies in the start zone.
  13. Since summer is ending people know that there's no more time to farm mats to craft so gogo s-grade gear and unbalanced pvp ;D
  14. Free bump
  15. This test is designed to catch insecure closet mangs.
  16. Should I laugh at that or something?
  17. Kinda looks like this one. Was it inspired by it?
  18. Could work but since I went with black & white I wanted it to be as minimal as possible. Will give it a try and see the results.
  19. Here's a little gift that I made for L2 Primer. Let me know your thoughts about it. Avatar: Signature:
  20. [hr /] Here's some of the DzinerStudio Premium Themes. There's PSD files for most of them, only TwoTone doesn't. [hr /] Theme list: - Cargo - Citiez - DsV1 - DsV4 - Expo - Express - Icecube - Indigo - Joli - LaGusta - Micolo - NewBalance - Noize - Scratch - SurfAndTurf - TwoTone - Urban - Vivanto - Zentoa - Zone99 [hr /] Live Demo Download - MultiUpload Download - Mega.co.nz I've bought these themes myself, therefore I'm responsible for what I do with them. Let me know if the download links do not work by PM.
  21. Finally got in but got dc again and can't connect. 6 players online and I was lagging on changing class, thanks but no thanks.
  22. Hm, created an acc, got in, got dc, can't connect anymore. ;o
  23. This member rzx2012 keeps trying to flame me just because I didn't agree with his opinions. He even followed me on a thread that I made to advertise a server that I was playing on. If you could do something about it and clean both threads I would be greatful. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279075.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279498.0 Thanks once again.
  24. Yeah, they failed. For once I thought it was going to be a good project but it ended up being a joke, I even shared to win the event but I will ask a mod to delete it.
  25. Lol no...
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