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Everything posted by Silverwind

  1. @Sdw thanks for the link. Could you please upload the Ertheia branch too?
  2. What's next, L2Rolex? GL with your serv, looks good
  3. Actually a wipe would prove beneficial to the server but I highly doubt he's going to wipe now with all those donators. The server started while it was not ready BUT the server itself was attractive (500 people on during the GO). A wipe would bring many of the players who left in the first days back since most of the problems the server had back then are fixed.
  4. Sounds like the one I suggested. There is a problem with this however. Let's say there is a player called X. X hasn't been online for weeks and he's eligible for a reward. In that week he was offline he was also eligible for another reward. With this code he will only get his reward once. What you can do is to store an integer called numberofrewards in DB and just reward him as many times as the value of numberofrewards
  5. Actually it wasn't NCsoft behind the this, just some kid filing DMCA takedown requests for fun
  6. You can add a code in EnterWorld which checks if the user is eligible for a reward (you can store the player IDs in DB). If he is, then the engine spawns the reward in his inventory.
  7. I'm already working with the clean L2J pack but I am wondering, is there any better (free) pack for H5? I don't care about quests and stuff. I just want skills/sieges/oly/other pvp stuff to work correctly.
  8. Core: https://github.com/L2J/L2J_Server/tree/GraciaFinal DP: https://github.com/L2J/L2J_DataPack/tree/GraciaFinal
  9. 1) Client modding is indeed illegal, but nowadays NCSoft doesn't give a fuck. 2) DP/stats/chars/baseStats i think
  10. Okay guys thanks for your replies, It worked. Can someone lock this?
  11. Thank you. I downloaded that version of UnrealED but whenever I try to load a static mesh package it says that it ran out of virtual memory even though i have plenty of memory free.
  12. Is there any way to edit those files? I know I can edit .utx(s) with UE but I also want to edit some static meshes. It is possible?
  13. Wargate? Just no. That server is so bad that even alextotti's servers are better. Half of the shits are not working there (from skills to items) and if you're going to play a kamael class then you just lucked out cause he didn't even bother to edit them. The enchant system there is ridiculous and same goes for the farm. If you're into H5, take a look at L2 Equanimity
  14. I've seen many people bot there so I believe Adrenaline would work
  15. I can create a GUI for you, just send me your bot's features list and I'll try to make a good one. (I use C#)
  16. Thank you, I'll try it. Any ideas on how to change the currency of the mailing system?
  17. Is it possible? If yes, what do I need to change? (Excuse me for my newbie-ness, i've been trying different codes but I can't get it to work)
  18. My friend wants to start an H5 server and based on his forum activity he expects around 200 players. Can you recommend a cheap server that should handle 200 players easily?
  19. Server looks dead, only 4 people registered on the forums.
  20. Features look good, interesting clan event by the way.
  21. @xxdem I'm interested in your project, check your messages.
  22. I think farming will be similar to L2Pride's, since the server is based on the pride pack
  23. Can you elaborate on that? What's different from L2 Pride? Armors? Classes? Also show us some screens from the server because now everyone assumes this is a copy/paste.
  24. IMO it's better to start like this and try to make it as stable (and as good) as the original L2 Pride. Then the devs can implement new features without worrying about bugs that existed before :D
  25. You did an outstanding job with the website & forums, let's hope the server will be good.
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