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Everything posted by Silverwind

  1. I guess the word "creativity" has a different meaning to each of us. For me, being a creative developer means to create something no one has ever heard of before, something your style, something that others do not call pridestyle, pridelike etc.
  2. The servers you listed (with an exception of l2nexus) are not creative at all, just l2pride recreations with different customs.
  3. You can't call Dav a bad developer just because his coding skills weren't top tier back then. Being a good coder doesn't make you a good developer and being a good developer doesn't make you a good coder. Dav was a good developer because he had something many of you don't. Originality, imagination and love for what he did (at least in the first years). If I were a CEO at some software company and I had to choose between you and Dav, I would choose Dav. Don't get me wrong, you are a good coder but creativity>coding skills, at least for me. Cheers Colville
  4. Ontopic: https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed-1726539840951734/ New pridelike?
  5. You know you make no sense, right?
  6. You don't understand him. He didn't say that he created the FB profile just for the domain registration, he said that because there is a FB profile with his name it doesn't mean that the person who registered the domain name is him.
  7. I know Dev didn't give up so easily but I still think that Colville has something to do with this server. I talked to him on ventrillo, he doesn't sound like some albanian scum
  8. Cut the crap, I also don't like prelude but I don't say shits like you do. Their website was registered in April, in Colville's name.
  9. Prelude is a joke, maybe a bit funnier than this averia shit. WTS 140 glits in prelude + exploit pm me Come on, this is not the place for you to advertise your failed project.
  10. i think you'll have to edit the script inside LineageSkillEffect.u you should set the scalesize variable (of that effect, not for all) to whatever you want
  11. Sounds good since the number of free h5 projects that exist atm is limited
  12. Did you even try it? It links to an unavailable github page
  13. In fact, you posted the same files. If that doesn't work, yours doesn't work either.
  14. UPDATE: I found a system at some russian forums but whenever I open l2.exe (with devmode), after the splash screen, it shows this Anyone who knows what's going on?
  15. Can someone give me a working link of a patched IO system? Thanks
  16. I'm also looking for this, along with the ertheia branch. Fuck NCSoft :/
  17. No thanks, even aepvp looks 500x better than this
  18. How many more "second chances" do you need to finally create a stable server? You work on this pack for so many years but you do the same mistakes each time you open it. The server had a bad start and it pretty much fucked up the server's future, and that won't change if you don't wipe (and if you don't do the same mistakes ofc).
  19. Something else other than AePvP and Prelude, they both suck.
  20. Nice work! With all these shares the song you use in your videos has stuck in my head :)
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