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Everything posted by Silverwind

  1. predictions for 2016: Kemosa dies in 1-2 weeks L2crabbed starts with 150-200 players and dies within 1-2 months l2aepvp starts with 300-400 players but somehow xdem fucks up and the majority leaves
  2. Okay look. I'm going to give you a hack but It's not as easy as you'd like. Go to this site. In the top right corner there is a list with many games, click Lineage 2. When the page finishes loading, click "Download ezHackDB Pro 2016 CRACKED (L2 Version)". The installation is really easy, you just click next and next all the time. Extract the .rar file you just downloaded and open instructions.txt. Follow the instructions and you're good to go. The success rate of this hack depends on the server, but it works most of the times so I guess you have 80% chance of making it work
  3. Θα βοηθούσε πολύ αν μας έλεγες τι τάξη πας. Ακόμα και στην τρίτη λυκείου ποτέ δεν είναι αργά για να στρώσεις τον κώλο σου και να διαβάσεις, αν το θες πραγματικά βέβαια
  4. Είσαι σίγουρος πως είσαι καλός ατα θεωρητικά?
  5. Get this one: https://github.com/L2Miko/L2FileEdit?files=1
  6. IMO it would be great to see unity downgraded to H5, the world lacks one good and free project nowadays
  7. I'm in a dilemma between this and nexus. Any reason to use this over nexus?
  8. thanks but that rev is older than the internet
  9. It's not only the gif-making part.. It's also the fact that you care so much about it. Don't you have a life or something?
  10. i think you have a lot of free time
  11. I just want to leech some HTMLs and instances goddamnit!
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/200535-l2jsunrise-source This one
  13. lmao read what i posted again. An old rev was shared here but now it got taken down, I'm looking for that rev
  14. I'm looking for the pack that was shared here some months ago, if anyone has it you can drop me a pm (i'm not going to use it on a live server, don't worry)
  15. It got ppl? Seems like it's time to share the exploit
  16. Sorry mate IO is just too much
  17. Not interested in post GoD servers :(
  18. The code looks clean and efficient, gj
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