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Everything posted by jorfanidis

  1. Hello, anyone have a obt npc to show ? i need it for essence server (mobius)
  2. any news about compiler essence 447?
  3. Hello there, I would like to buy a ready made server for essence chronicle (ASSASIN) but with the most items/skills/enchants to be working. I do not want to buy a pack and configure it myself. Its going to take a long time. if anyone had configured an essence server and its on a working condition (skills/items/enchants/compounds) let me know. I am not planning to make it live for people. just for me an my team. I'm not looking something expensive, so if anyone had a server in the past with all these working features let me know. John
  4. Absolutely brilliant.
  5. 700 Euro. SERVER NORTH AMERICA / Aden / Elcadia
  6. Cardinal (Clan Healer) Level 89+ Best Character for healing your-self, your party and your clan. You never die if you have this character farming anywhere. Heal and Mana sustain 100% Armor Mana Helmet +5 (Debuff Resistance +5%) Flaming Set +5 (Critical Damage Received -2%) Evation Boots +5 (Skill Evation -2%) Majestic Gauntlets +4 (Critical Rate Received -3%) Circlet of Hero +4 (Debuff Resistance +1%) Cloak of Protection +8 Reduction Piercing Mask +2 Blessed Dragon's Belt +4 Revenge Shield +5 TOP Augment 2K+ HP Weapons Farm Weapon +5 Themis' Tongue (MP consuption -1%) M.Atak + 420 M.Atak + 7% Casting Speed + 4% Party - Raids - Events Weapon +5 Queen Ant's Stone Crasher Max HP +22% Casting Speed +15% M.Atak +195 Casting Speed +55 Dyes & Potential Dye CON +4 Dye CON +4 Dye CON +4 Accessories Ring of Core +2 Orfen's Earring +2 Zaken's Earring Valakas' Necklace Eihasad Pendant Level 3 Extra Orfen's Earring on Inventory Agathion Bracelet Level 5 Ignis Agathion +7 Nebula Agathion +8 Petram Agathion +6 Procela Agathion +6 Agation Joy +5 Talisman Bracelet Level 5 Aden Talisman +7 Talisman Speed +6 Eva's Talisman +6 Talisman of Power +4 Hellbound Talisman +3 Venir's Talisman Level 10 Brooch Level 4 Zircon Level 5 Spinel Level 5 Onyx Level 5 Coral Level 5 Beryl Level 2 Comes with many Boosts and Scrolls for farming. 700 Euro. SERVER NORTH AMERICA / Aden / Elcadia Contact PM Here or Discord Discord: localhost#1277 Only PayPal
  7. not working on battle chronicle 338 protocol
  8. is this working for mobius essence ?
  9. Good day there, I would like to buy correct and updated datapack files for Aden Version of the game. Not classic, not live. Aden. Transcendence dungeon correct mobs/stats/skills Hunting Zones correct mobs/skills/stats Startup Quest-line files Clan Raids/Instances If anyone have anything that worth's, or can implement it contact me on jorfan81@hotmail.com
  10. I am seeking for the latest official gameclient on lineage2.com website. after you select North america as your country and download the client. The one that when running dont mention 4Games logo on the footer
  11. Good day anyone. Is it possible anyone have a patched system for the American Client and not the EU 4Game system? All the systems I have found so far are for 4game client. I was wonder why the don't do the same for NA Client. And done tell me is the same. It is not.
  12. can you provide a working client essense 311 that works?
  13. does this server support fake players to spawn ?
  14. Anyone know the geodata password to extract ?
  15. Καλημέρα Παιδιά, Εχω μια εκδοση του σερβερ Sunrise του 2018 και θα ηθελα να προσθεσω ROBOT. Εχω βρεί το L2 Roboto. Δέν γνωρίζω αν υπάρχει κάποια άλλη καλύτερη έκδοση με πάνελ. Μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει να το κανουμε adapt στον σέρβερ. Εχουμε ολα τα απαραιτητα, Eclipse κλπ. Με το αζημιωτο φυσικα. Ευχαριστώ.
  16. Latest commit was on Latest commit9ebda43on Oct 16, 2018 Is this the latest version ? Is it working on L2J Sunrise Server? Can we adapt it ? Thanks
  17. Hello there, I have a very old customized pack of l2j that i had it online for some years on the past. Now after 10 years of inactivity i decided to fresh it a bit and update it to be stable playable with latest client. Is it possible to upgrade our server sources? Message me for more details and quote. Thanks JOHN
  18. Μπορεί κάποιος να μου πει ποια εκδοση bot λειτουργει στο server l2erebus.eu ? Ευχαριστώ !
  19. Hello all, We have started a new server at www.l2erebus.eu It is a freya unique server and users can also connect with H5 client too. Can someone try to connect with any kind of bot and tell me wich version work ? This is a bot friendly server. You are welcome to try it to our server. :)
  20. like that to be able to see that thread
  21. omg why i have to have 5 post minimum to see that post ? or any other with post requirements ? idea of forums isnt sharing things to anyone ? or someone want to promote spam threads?
  22. Καλησπέρα σας απανταχού Lineagers. Ψάχνω καποιο άτομο το οποιο να μου εγκαταστησει μερικα πατσακια και να κανω compile μεσω eclipse. Οποιος ενδιαφερεται ας επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου ! jorfan81@hotmail.com Ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά
  23. well in order to see that post i have to have 100 posts. that forces users to spam in order to read the fixes... pure cheeters :/
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