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Did you fix changeset 143 as i told you ? :D


Yup, he did :D


fixed the drop protection, only party must be affected, not clan (ty Finito for report and "the ride" :D)


Rev 154 is out.


Changeset 154


Skill fixes && misc.



- builds.xml have been formated and cleaned. DP doesn't create a .zip anymore, nor try to update/clean it (faster compilation).

- .project is supposed to correctly "link" dp and core (you don't have to make manually the fix anymore). Ty Voqus.

- 2 items are now considered as quest items ("seductive whispers" and a "game of cards").



- Once sitted, you can only disable a toggle, not activate it anymore. Issues like using fakedeath during private shops weren't so cool... The initial feature (and bugs) has been introduced at revision 50.

- Slow reuse time is 7sec, not 2sec.

- Seal of Disease acts like a seal, not like a one man target && far-casting spell (Gracia behavior), ty Vonak.

- cancellation and such CANCEL skillType are now corrected. Formulas were linking to another skillType, CANCEL_DEBUFF, which isn't the good effect ;p. So from now, Mental Shield and such buffs should correctly add resistance to cancellation type skills. CANCEL skillType is now 100% effect success aswell. Ty Vonak and Sim for report.

- confusionVuln is now handled directly by derangementVuln. This property (confusionVuln) doesn't exist anymore.


You have to update skills XMLs.


Revision 155-161 add :


- retail magical critical rate formula (based on l2p work)

- corrected Confusion effects (mobs are killing themselves and can go to another mob).

- unified project organization (on 4 commits instead of 1, like any bad project)

- added 6 teleports "quests", all tested and corrected using L2off htms.

- Correction of MANADAM effects, which now support MDOT. Effect is really supposed to burn some initial mana then to do a MDOT.

- Fixes the teleport skill from Blade of Splendor (VoS), which had 2 skillType (o_o).

- Fixes attack button on pet betray mod.

- Bypass shield's check on Hydro Blast's use (2007 L2Guru topics)

- fix macro items use deleting the itemUse fP. Even put at 1, it was making it bugging.


Thanks to the growing faCebook community, aCis page got now a decent URL ^^. Ty to all followers ! You can find it clicking here. I know it's named L2aCis, but faCebook doesn't allow 4 letters ;o. Project is aCis, not L2JaCis, not L2aCis... Just aCis !


Special mention to Vonak, who made me open a section only for him (skills report) !


Ty Street, gl to L2Brick too :)



Current internal developement hotpoint, NPC skills reworked using L2off. Sry about quality, imageshack sux when it comes to slideshow.


Before : http://img215.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00080t.jpg


After : http://img7.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00066gn.jpg



The result is more or less +4k skills (24k skills -> 28k).


Ty Street, gl to L2Brick too :)



Current internal developement hotpoint, NPC skills reworked using L2off. Sry about quality, imageshack sux when it comes to slideshow.


Before : http://img215.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00080t.jpg


After : http://img7.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00066gn.jpg



The result is more or less +4k skills (24k skills -> 28k).

You have no dwarf in the ss....


I bump my stickied topic because 17792 views aren't enough (I want 22222) ! Rev 165.


XMLFactory, Formulas rework, baseStats deletion.


Ok, that does 3 days I didn't commit but there was a good reason (as always when I don't commit) ^_^". I was testing some experimental features, and some revert back. Some formulas have been corrected aswell, or "tweaked". Here's the list of changes :



- reverted baseStats.xml to IL stuff. Why ? Values/tables are calculated on the fly from core (no use of external technology = less ram/cpu consumption), and are more accurate (no rounded values).

- saveVs from skills have been deleted, and replaced by core side formula (= less data from skill as all skillTypes use same stats, aka MEN or CON, to be calculated). Many XMLs are concerned.



- That's EXPERIMENTAL feature. All XMLs are now loaded from a single instance. That means clean code (some XML refactor codes are cut per 1/3), and normally less objects created. The use is very simple aswell. From the moment, no problem has been discovered using it.

- armorsets' XML got a new structure (must be updated).



- a big rework has been made on Formulas.java. All Func have been moved in the folder named "funcs". Old funcs have been moved on a new folder "basefuncs".

- many formulas (mainly magical) got now proper logs. You can see them activating "Developer" option in server.properties. I hope it will help you to find eventual issues.

- some formulas have been reworked from scrap:

- calcAtkBreak (renamed calcCastBreak) has been improved and the use is more simple/generic. Mobs casts aren't broken so often (depending of IA, goes to 10% to 30% of player rate).

- calcHitMiss uses retail infos (verified from l2guru 2007 forum post / L2p bravehost).

- calcMagicEffect has been tweaked (because effects weren't noticeable at all : 10% fail only on a red mob). Effect has been x2. I think the formula is still "too kind" with players, anyway.

- resistances are now directly applied instead of lolcalculated (understand than 20 resist = 20% now instead of 24%, etc).


Nice project im gonna test it as soon as you tell me how I can manage to connect an interlude gs to my freya ls. Any idea? Tried to modify the LoginServerThread of the il server already but without success somehow. :S

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    • add price or any mod needs to lock! follow the rules of the forum
    • What I sent is something you have in your server's core. You don't need to modify the client. 
    • okay thank but can you tell me this code should i cooy and paste it somewhere or what ? how can i get the full file and just paste it in sustem
    • You need to utilise the following packet: `const S_EX_SEND_UI_EVENT = 398;` It's structure is as follow, or at least on new chronicles: writeD(_objectId); // EVENT IDs: // 0 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on bottom) // 1 - Disable Timer // 2 - Green Line with percents and timer // 3 - Number of residues collected (N pcs.) // 4 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on top) // 5 - Blue Line with percents and timer // 6 - Yellow Egg progress // 7 - Red Egg progress // 5 - Line with gears, percents and timer writeD(_type); // EVENT_ID writeD(0x00); // int ASK writeD(0x00); // int REPLY writeS(String.valueOf(_countUp)); // 0 = count down, 1 = count up timer always disappears 10 seconds before end writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime2)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime2)); writeD(-1); // what message to display by id, if any - NPC String Id // you can string several writeS() below, depending on the amount of variables in the npc string. only 1 line if NPC String ID = -1 writeS("Custom Text To Display or fill in variables in the NPC string by id"); // works in conjunction with the above line  
    • Can somebody help with some file about olympiad. I am looking for a file that to count when oly starts and when oly ends. From when oly start till the end to have timer left next to opponent CP/HP
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