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Are there any L2 Interlude Servers out there wroth playing?

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Well are there?

And what do expect to find in a interlude server?

Do current interlude servers piss you off with there customs?

What would you chose in a server, Core side(Like L2Inc Item Shop) customs or client side(wings, armor repaint and stuff like that..)


Answer in this form:

1) First question answer.

2) Second question answer.

3) Third question answer.

4) Forth question answer.


This topic wont only help u find a good interlude server, but change the way they are made now!

So don't hesitate and answer. ^^

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2)Something Stable with a good balance and a good community of no more retarded kids :D.

3)Not really customs arent annoying the admins that cant freaking balance them are.

4)both ? :D

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2)Something Stable with a good balance and a good community of no more retarded kids :D.

3)Not really customs arent annoying the admins that cant freaking balance them are.

4)both ? :D

interesting, but wouldn't u prefer dusk weapons or ncsoft made items instead of some color changed items?


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interesting, but wouldn't u prefer dusk weapons or ncsoft made items instead of some color changed items?


i love dusk wpns they are so perfect :O
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1) Yes!

2) Somethink that keep me playing in this server without bored in 2-3 days, maybe week.

To be (stable), without (Donate), no (Corruption) & GMs to help simple - New chars (not only heros) when needed!

3) Maybe yes, maybe no, 50 -50.

4) As i say, only customs, don't make the server, but with other things together.

I wil choose a server like L2 Pride (Interlude). (Without donate always)

I like only Custom Weapons || Armors || Jewels.

Other stuff like cloaks, wings, etc i don't like.


Setekh i Suggest Sticky topic. Will help a lot of Devs & players this topic.

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1) Yes!

2) Somethink that keep me playing in this server without bored in 2-3 days, maybe week.

To be (stable), without (Donate), no (Corruption) & GMs to help simple - New chars (not only heros) when needed!

3) Maybe yes, maybe no, 50 -50.

4) As i say, only customs, don't make the server, but with other things together.

I wil choose a server like L2 Pride (Interlude). (Without donate always)

I like only Custom Weapons || Armors || Jewels.

Other stuff like cloaks, wings, etc i don't like.


Setekh i Suggest Sticky topic. Will help a lot of Devs & players this topic.

totaly agree ... but no coruption? i dont know any server w/o coruption till now...( dont mention low rates)

all are for money and corupted...this is how it was ....is ... and will be...sad but true :(

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Well are there? no

And what do expect to find in a interlude server? safe +3 max +16-20adena no costums

Do current interlude servers piss you off with there customs? yes

What would you chose in a server, Core side(Like L2Inc Item Shop) customs or client side(wings, armor repaint and stuff like that..) core side

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Setekh i Suggest Sticky topic. Will help a lot of Devs & players this topic.

Will be done.


totaly agree ... but no coruption? i dont know any server w/o coruption till now...( dont mention low rates)

all are for money and corupted...this is how it was ....is ... and will be...sad but true :(

Something like that only happens if the staff is under 19 years old and most probably their mentally retarded and cant help themselves.


Well guys keep giving them infos.

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1. Interlude servers.. atm not.

2. L2off, probably a mid rate with big community to pvp 24/7, but keep the retail like feel.(24 buff slots,etc.)

3. On l2off's customs are good, but in l2j's only star wars customs.

4. Something simple, no OE weps,armors, and main thing is pvp.

I won't join a server if the rates are 999999x, if the donations are too overpowered (weps +16-25),

if the site doesn't have a .com/net,etc.. domain, if i smell corruption/gm noobs.

L2off interlude servers are much to overated these days, the thing that pisses me off in l2 is the farmb0ts(walker).

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L2off interlude servers are much to overated these days, the thing that pisses me off in l2 is the farmb0ts(walker).

Nah not really, and tbh l2offs are actually more bugged then l2js and more outdated, the stupid thing is the admins of the server, nothing counts more then that ^^

(If the admin is a honorable man he could fix up his server, l2j or l2off and make smth stable and fun)

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1)Not now...

2)A good community,good L2J balance,no donate,no corruption

3)More server custom's are good,except heavy armors that are useless...

4)Simple custom armors that make balance,not wings-OP tatoo etc

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1)No...New servers come dead after 2 days. :/

2)Balanced class,no donate,no corruption and hold this, something ~>UNIQUE<~.

3)Not really.Custom give the incentive to still playing in server,to be greater,powerfull and have more fun.But custom need balanced stats,that is the problem nowadays..

4)Both of them :D ,but first Core side.



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is the gameplay which is making things look worse.


middle rates are becoming like high rates

low rates are no longer frequented or living longer.


most of admins make things easier with the intention to gain more ppl, but they just gain more kids.


They make subclass without quest and like that way they just loose some active days of players.


If subclass would be with quest it would need some days to take it.

like: cabrio - today, those 3 rb at toi's in 2 other days, baium (we think it have a 5 days delay) after 4-5 days.

farming for moonstones. in conclusion - it will need like a week.


I've seen no more competition on sieges/olympiad .


So, me as a player think into my mind: I fakin wait 6 days to make this sub ... i won't loose this time spent. I'll play more.



But making even nobles with caradine letter at shop is a fail.

Even global gk bring your ass everywhere (better give //teleportto at all players?? pfff) nobles teleport become useless.


etc etc

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Quest are keeping people in L2 and any other MMORPG

And yes,i totally agree with Erol.Also 3Q occupation is a great quest to be done in mid grades

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The thing is that L2, is not a quest-based game. It's a pure grind game. There are just a few useful quests.


Also, Erol, you are wrong about the sub-class thing. You can just go exp/farm, until you see some (co-)leader organising sub raids. Except if you are talking about pvp servers. That's another story.

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