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trinity files


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Just now, xdem said:


na doume l2relic based se trinity kai ti ston kosmo !

Δεν υπάρχει λόγος να δουλέψω αρχεία shared . Το πραιντ πακ πήρατε και το φτιάξατε λίγο καλύτερα από όσο ήταν όταν ανέβηκε.. Εσύ ισχυρίζεσαι ότι είσαι ο καλύτερος ντέβ εδώ μέσα και δεν κατάφερες να φτιάξεις κάτι καλύτερο απο αυτό το αίσχος? εσείς μαλώνατε με όλους και καταφέρατε να μαλώσετε και μεταξύ σας... αυτό δείχνει και το πόσο χαζά παιδάκια είστε που είστε και παιδικοί φίλοι. Όσο για αυτό το πακ δεν έχει κάτι καλύτερο απο το πράιντ πακ πέρα απο τα κόστουμ ιτεμς....αποτύχατε σαν άνθρωποι αυτό είναι το κακό. Και λίγο αξιοπρέπεια να είχες απάνω σου δεν έπρεπε να προσβάλεις έτσι τον φίλο σου, και αυτό που έκανες είναι κακό και για σένα γιατί θα ανοίξουν και άλλα πραιντ πακ και δεν θα μπορέσεις ποτέ σου να ανοίξεις αυτό που φτιάχνεις τώρα 10 χρόνια....

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Nezuko said:

I have a question, sorry for my ignorance, how do you run gameserver if you don't have gameserver.bat?

To run any java aplication, the command line "java" is required. you then give as parameter your classpath (lib folder) and simply create your own ".bat". It isnt that hard to create one.

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"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261\bin\java" -Djava.util.logging.manager=net.sf.l2j.util.L2LogManager -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx2024m -cp ./../libs/*;l2jserver.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer

mere example.

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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, Dekiru said:

Lets get the way that you have a life buddy that you have exchange so many things, so many ideas, and spend so much time together, and end up just like a backstub? So the quote of the day is that you send in trash all that years of friendship, for just to make only your ''own ego'' proud. I am not of that ideology and i will never be, its a very big distance between friends, and job partners. 

How are you so sure that he is the one who backstabbed and not the other person tho?

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On 8/18/2022 at 5:57 PM, Hustman said:

How are you so sure that he is the one who backstabbed and not the other person tho?


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28 minutes ago, Dekiru said:

Idk who are you and what you want to look like and I don't care anyways. It's proud that he steal his files, or is proud about his monthly salary that is bigger than Brado's? Come on that guy have a deep thoughts about his life, he won't go far believe me. You have to be first human, and second everything else. 

I am not trying to look like anything, I just believe that when someone does stuff behind your back, throwing dirt at you name, not recognizing your work and so on, it is his fault. At least blizzard did what ever he did publicly he did not hide anything.

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On 8/19/2022 at 12:49 PM, Hustman said:

I am not trying to look like anything, I just believe that when someone does stuff behind your back, throwing dirt at you name, not recognizing your work and so on, it is his fault. At least blizzard did what ever he did publicly he did not hide anything.


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12 minutes ago, Dekiru said:

Because i have been to in one close situation with ''partner'' , when someone have something that you dont have, or more recongnize from you, and maybe you have better skills in some task's, for sure the second guy will start to hate. Where is he fault because i see some transactions in paypal out there...

In my opinion, he doesn't have to envy him at all. The guy just opened a shared pack that has been opened by many others before him a thousand times. Any unique feature his server had was either stolen or added by blizzard, in which case he didn't even get any props. Blizzard has proven times and times what he can do and how successful his servers can be, so i don't understand your argument.

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28 minutes ago, Hustman said:

In my opinion, he doesn't have to envy him at all. The guy just opened a shared pack that has been opened by many others before him a thousand times. Any unique feature his server had was either stolen or added by blizzard, in which case he didn't even get any props. Blizzard has proven times and times what he can do and how successful his servers can be, so i don't understand your argument.

Exactly where the envy comes from. Blizzard's servers never lasted more than a week plus their population were top bottom. So yes, its an act of jealousy and envy. No matter how good or if any good you are, the moment your behaviour is a piece of shit you cannot have a good product no matter what.

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On 8/19/2022 at 4:12 PM, Hustman said:

In my opinion, he doesn't have to envy him at all. The guy just opened a shared pack that has been opened by many others before him a thousand times. Any unique feature his server had was either stolen or added by blizzard, in which case he didn't even get any props. Blizzard has proven times and times what he can do and how successful his servers can be, so i don't understand your argument.


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Remind me please who teached you extradata, a lawyer who was involved half a year with coding. All narcissistic arrogant faggots showed up in here with other people's balls. Be humble sit down...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Late to post, let me say that the share is not for personal reasons, I don't know who you are and by what means you think you can judge me, but let me tell you that sharing these files I haven't regret that, I am the own who got backstabed, we had some deals where I kept my end, and they didn't, on top of it they lied to me. They stole everything from my sources, notably the state of art auto farm algorithm InertiaX which I ALSO shared in public. My skills in L2J are unmatched, my servers are state of art, I put extreme detail on my work, and I love these packs, I am the best L2J developer and I offer my knowledge and skills in the pridelike community for free, giving recognition is the least I can get back, but the admins here open the servers only for money this is not my mentality.


Son you are talking about my mediocre servers and bad personality, let me tell your that you don't know me or my servers, you are the typical basic guy that hates something blindly because you know you can't reach, you are the one who envy because my low lasting servers always hit the nostalgia and players want more and more, my community knows what I can do, I know what I can do, I am not here for the money and the corruption you guys are masters of. Your last server that was a major disgrace fuck up, you also hide behind fake names, I don't do that, you can't judge me little snake

On 8/19/2022 at 4:46 PM, Dekiru said:

Since the first lick drop in 2014, this is much better pack with much more fixes inside and job that other people made before him. Since someone is ''friend'', real life friend ++ partner, and you get paid about your job so what more to say mate. He want just some attention, and destroy the pride community nothing more.


I never asked or got any money I am nobody's developer and if that was the case my salary would be like 400$ a day, nobody in L2 can afford me as a full time developer, especially a policeman and a DHL delivery man like the Trinity admins. And if that money sounds like a lot to you, its an above average salary for a guy of my background and skillset


So, nobody's partner or developer, just someone that contributed for free without getting the proper recognition back.

Nobody's bitch, if you fuck with me you are my enemy

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