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Item Expire



Hi friends.
I'm doing a method where when the item expires teleport the player to another site.


	public void onItemExpire(L2Item item)
		L2PcInstance player = null;
		if (item.getId() == ITEM_NAME)
			if (item.getId() == -1)


some developer colleague can give me some suggestion?
thx :alone:

Edited by Sabrent
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7 hours ago, Sabrent said:


I can tell you many reasons why this code will not work:

  • - L2PcInstance player = null; (and its always null so will never work)
  • - if (item.getId() == ITEM_NAME) (looks wrong if "ITEM_NAME" its not int or Integer)
  • - if (item.getId() == -1) (i think lineage client do not support negative item ID)
  • - player.teleToLocation(DIMENSIONAL_CRACK) (player can not been found "its null" also "DIMENSIONAL_CRACK" have to been "Location DIMENSIONAL_CRACK = new Location(x,y,z);"

You have double check on Item ID and and if "ITEM_NAME" isn't "-1" then the check will always return to "false", but its not the only problem as you can read above.

Better tell us how you will use this Item and there will be better way for that.

Edited by StinkyMadness
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By "expired item", I suppose you speak about Shadow Weapon. PostIL chronicles probably uses the same timer/engine anyway.


On aCis, it would be located into ShadowItemTaskManager#run() method, in the following "if" block :

if (mana == -1)

If you use another pack, simply search for S1S_REMAINING_MANA_IS_NOW_0 which is the destruction of the item when mana reached 0.


If it's another system, simply check which message is sent when item is destroyed or when time expires, and put your teleToLocation in the block.

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19 hours ago, Sabrent said:

Hi friends.
I'm doing a method where when the item expires teleport the player to another site.


	public void onItemExpire(L2Item item)
		L2PcInstance player = null;
		if (item.getId() == ITEM_NAME)
			if (item.getId() == -1)


some developer colleague can give me some suggestion?
thx :alone:

you can achieve such thing by making a custom item / custom skill
why you want to use script ?

suggestion / example

<set name="duration" val="600" />

<set name="targetType" val="SELF" />

            <effect name="Escape">
                <param escapeType="TOWN" />


the only pathetic here is you Kara'
get a transformation into a fem  you rly need it.


Edited by etherian
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oh btw here is something you can use Kara`  it will suit you very well

<skill id="9065432" levels="1" name="retarded Kara">
        <set name="operateType" val="A2" />
        <set name="reuseDelay" val="1" />
        <set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
        <set name="trait" val="STUPIDITY" />
       <cond msgId="113" addName="1">      
             <using kind="FORUM" />
            <effect name="Buff">
                <param power="100" />
                <add stat="retarded" val="40" />

Edited by etherian
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12 hours ago, Tryskell said:

By "expired item", I suppose you speak about Shadow Weapon. PostIL chronicles probably uses the same timer/engine anyway.


On aCis, it would be located into ShadowItemTaskManager#run() method, in the following "if" block :

if (mana == -1)

If you use another pack, simply search for S1S_REMAINING_MANA_IS_NOW_0 which is the destruction of the item when mana reached 0.


If it's another system, simply check which message is sent when item is destroyed or when time expires, and put your teleToLocation in the block.

Yeah! :cheer:

I was observing the examples in L2ItemInstance and L2Item on the getTime and getDuration of the mana, I also observed the behavior of the shadows weapons and cursed weapons, try to do a method, but I am not an expert in Java but I am a student and I am not ashamed to ask.


1 hour ago, etherian said:

you can achieve such thing by making a custom item / custom skill
why you want to use script ?

suggestion / example

<set name="duration" val="600" />

<set name="targetType" val="SELF" />

            <effect name="Escape">
                <param escapeType="TOWN" />


the only pathetic here is you Kara'
get a transformation into a fem  you rly need it.


Thx friend :cheer:

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What I want is that when the item is finished, the player is teleport to another site.


my script

 * MyNpc AI.
public final class MyNpc extends AbstractNpcAI
	// NPC
	private static final int NPC1 = 36655;
	private static final int NPC2 = 36656;
	// Item
	private static final int ITEM_NAME = 47811;

	private static final Location DIMENSIONAL = new Location(-190313, -112464, -7752);

	private MyNpc()
		addStartNpc(NPC1, NPC2);
		addTalkId(NPC1, NPC2);
		addFirstTalkId(NPC1, NPC2);

	public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
		String htmltext = null;
		if (npc.getId() == NPC1)
			switch (event)
				case "36655.htm":
					htmltext = event;
				case "give_coin":
					if (hasQuestItems(player, ITEM_NAME))
						return "haveitem_b.htm";
						giveItems(player, ITEM_NAME, 1);
						playSound(player, QuestSound.ITEMSOUND_QUEST_ITEMGET);
	if (npc.getId() == NPC2)
		switch (event)
			case "36656.htm":
				htmltext = event;
			case "give_coin":
				if (hasQuestItems(player, ITEM_NAME))
					return "haveitem_s.htm";
					giveItems(player, ITEM_NAME, 1);
					playSound(player, QuestSound.ITEMSOUND_QUEST_ITEMGET);

return htmltext;


public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) {
	String htmltext = null;
	switch (npc.getId())
		case NPC1:
			htmltext = "36655.htm";
		case NPC2:
			htmltext = "36656.htm";
	return htmltext;

public void onItemExpire(L2Item item)
	L2PcInstance player = null;
	if (item.getId() == ITEM_NAME)
		if (item.getId() == -1)


public static void main(String[] args) { new MyNpc(); }

try custom item and skill and it not work

	<skill id="55032" displayId="770" toLevel="1" name="Dimensional">
			<condition name="OpCanEscape" />
			<effect name="Teleport">

	<item id="47811" name="Dimensional" type="EtcItem">
		<set name="is_tradable" val="false" />
		<set name="immediate_effect" val="true" />
		<set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" />
		<set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
		<set name="is_dropable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_destroyable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_depositable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_sellable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_clan_depositable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_mailable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_commissionable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_private_storeable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_stackable" val="false" />
		<set name="time" val="60" /><!-- Mints -->
			<skill id="55032" level="1" /> <!-- Dimensional -->


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7 hours ago, Sabrent said:

try custom item and skill and it not work

	<skill id="55032" displayId="770" toLevel="1" name="Dimensional">
			<condition name="OpCanEscape" />
			<effect name="Teleport">

	<item id="47811" name="Dimensional" type="EtcItem">
		<set name="is_tradable" val="false" />
		<set name="immediate_effect" val="true" />
		<set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" />
		<set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
		<set name="is_dropable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_destroyable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_depositable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_sellable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_clan_depositable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_mailable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_commissionable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_private_storeable" val="false" />
		<set name="is_stackable" val="false" />
		<set name="time" val="60" /><!-- Mints -->
			<skill id="55032" level="1" /> <!-- Dimensional -->


taking as example bsoe

<item id="1538" type="EtcItem" name="Blessed Scroll of Escape">
        <set name="icon" val="icon.etc_scroll_of_return_i01" />
        <set name="default_action" val="SKILL_REDUCE" />
        <set name="etcitem_type" val="SCROLL" />
        <set name="material" val="PAPER" />
        <set name="weight" val="120" />
        <set name="price" val="150000" />
        <set name="is_stackable" val="true" />
        <set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" />
        <set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
        <set name="item_skill" val="2036-1" />

<skill id="2036" levels="2" name="Blessed Scroll of Escape">
         <table name="#itemConsumeId"> 1538 3958 </table>
        <set name="hitTime" val="200" />
        <set name="isMagic" val="2" /> <!-- Static Skill -->
        <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1" />
        <set name="itemConsumeId" val="#itemConsumeId" />
        <set name="magicLvl" val="1" />
        <set name="operateType" val="A1" />
        <set name="rideState" val="NONE;STRIDER;WYVERN;WOLF" />
        <set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
        <cond msgId="113" addName="1">
                <player canEscape="true" />
                    <player insideZoneId="10501, 10502, 10503, 10504, 10505, 10506, 10507, 10508" />
            <effect name="Escape">
                <param escapeType="TOWN" />

the item must have its decay

<set name="duration" val="600" />
i guess time  must be that


lets see in the operate type i dont think pasive will do the trick

must be immediate effect when the item is destroyed
or in this case consumed or depleted

what happens when you pick up a herb?  it bestows immediate effect on the char

    <item id="8600" type="EtcItem" name="Herb of Life">
        <set name="immediate_effect" val="true" />
        <set name="ex_immediate_effect" val="true" />
        <set name="material" val="PAPER" />
        <set name="is_depositable" val="false" />
        <set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
        <set name="item_skill" val="2278-1" />
        <set name="for_npc" val="true" />

<skill id="2278" levels="3" name="Herb of Life">
        <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 -->
        <table name="#amount"> 15 25 100 </table>
        <set name="effectPoint" val="100" />
        <set name="hitTime" val="100" />
        <set name="isMagic" val="2" /> <!-- Static Skill -->
        <set name="magicLvl" val="1" />
        <set name="operateType" val="A1" />
        <set name="reuseDelay" val="2000" />
        <set name="rideState" val="NONE;STRIDER;WYVERN;WOLF" />
        <set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
        <set name="isRecoveryHerb" val="true" />
        <cond msgId="113" addName="1">
            <player flyMounted="false" />
            <effect name="HealPercent">
                <param power="#amount" />



well i will search more later but i think this tips might give you a more clear idea of what you must create as custom  

im looking if i can make something like  BlowSound.Java  to fix the mortal blow thing

i saw fixes posted in other topics  but they dont work

Edited by etherian
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