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Why removed my thread?


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24 minutes ago, Exiledvp said:

Why removed my thread? 

I shared acis 380 latest rev to the public, why is removed?

Cause ur not allowed. Read the rules before u do something and don't open topic asking why.

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26 minutes ago, Exiledvp said:

Why removed my thread? 

I shared acis 380 latest rev to the public, why is removed?

Thread won't work mate. Just put it on your signature and start spamming around. You will have some hours before they notice and remove it. :cheer:

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Is a cheaters forum lol

If i share now l2scripts lineage2classic seven signs compiled with instructions how to edit the IP bind it will be removed too?

I bet if i share this now, it will stay and not be removed and even all mods will start download it, true???

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Not sure why you want to deny me 10€ / contributions. That could be explained if I scammed anyone, but I'm helpful, I share exploit fixes for everyone, and my project is my project. Use another project if you're unhappy.


If you simply share my work, you simply deny my work and the way my project works.


While there isn't legit way to block the redistribution, It's just common sense to avoid to get sources shared. First because you remove me some "income", second because you block my contributors system. Third because none got control over what is shared - it could be backdoored, people simply can resell it with higher prices stating it's fixed but none can control it.


I got the freedom to share, as I got the freedom to stop to share aCis. If you want one day aCis ended, maybe you should follow my lead.


Moreover, if you dislike my project nothing stop you to begin from L2JIL, as I did. Actually I'm the only dude who did that.


If you like the project, simply read my rules and contribute to the project. Sharing the project randomly simply delete contributors aspect (none will share) and possible income.


Not sure why you are so much happy about it.

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Nah, people tend to respect other peoples rules in this forum. There are some boundaries we don't cross and that includes sharing acis latest source.


3 minutes ago, Tryskell said:

Moreover, if you dislike my project nothing stop you to begin from L2JIL, as I did. Actually I'm the only dude who did that.

Well nothing stops him from picking any project really, including aCis. It's just mxc distribution that will be hard. Your files are shared on pretty much any other l2 related website.

Edited by Elfocrash
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2 minutes ago, Tryskell said:

Not sure why you want to deny me 10€ / contributions. That could be explained if I scammed anyone, but I'm helpful, I share exploit fixes for everyone, and my project is my project. Use another project if you're unhappy.


If you simply share my work, you simply deny my work and the way my project works.


While there isn't legit way to block the redistribution, It's just common sense to avoid to get sources shared. First because you remove me some "income", second because you block my contributors system. Third because none got control over what is shared - it could be backdoored, people simply can resell it with higher prices stating it's fixed but none can control it.


I got the freedom to share, as I got the freedom to stop to share aCis. If you want one day aCis ended, maybe you should follow my lead.


Moreover, if you dislike my project nothing stop you to begin from L2JIL, as I did. Actually I'm the only dude who did that.


If you like the project, simply read my rules and contribute to the project. Sharing the project randomly simply delete contributors aspect (none will share) and possible income.


Not sure why you are so much happy about it.

one friend needed a simple fix with heading, one guy told him to purchase acis and rip the code :) , but he could simply help my friend and give gim the fix for heading issue...

what happened? He purchased acis and wow... code was not even working... 

So this is why i wanted to share, because i was angry

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2 minutes ago, Exiledvp said:

one friend needed a simple fix with heading, one guy told him to purchase acis and rip the code :) , but he could simply help my friend and give gim the fix for heading issue...

what happened? He purchased acis and wow... code was not even working... 

So this is why i wanted to share, because i was angry

  • If it's an aCis vanilla problem you can report any issue on bug report section, or directly on Discord if it's game-breaking. I fixed 800+ bugs reports since aCis exists (670 topics, but some topics got multiple issues).
  • If you paid someone to fix something, I'm basically not involved, nor aCis project.
  • If you follow someone call, well, maybe be angry vs that people...? And not me ? If a man insults you in the street, you probably won't punch back a random woman who was passing nearby, right ?
  • Nothing stops you to make a "request help" topic on MxC forum. If I got the answer to your question, I generally answer.

@Elfo, I know you're part of the sharing people with your l2kt project on L2JBrazil (or even previously, when you were angry), but I know than your project won't move. You are basically harmless, you will stick to 380, code for 3 months and change of idea. Meanwhile I will move to 381, 382, 383,... You simply follow my lead. In your particular way.


The problem is about people who share latest and stick to share latest. It's really not sweet, and while others aren't respectful, nothing block you to be respectful towards the amount of work I did.


Better goes in my way than the versus, that's better for anyone.

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31 minutes ago, Exiledvp said:

Is a cheaters forum lol

If i share now l2scripts lineage2classic seven signs compiled with instructions how to edit the IP bind it will be removed too?

I bet if i share this now, it will stay and not be removed and even all mods will start download it, true???


Ah, this forum gets shittier everyday just because people do the same over and over.

Let me write again. Forum is called MAXCHEATERS, no MAXLEECHERS or MAXSCAMMERS.


You can share cheats, hacks, bots anything you want but respect what other sell.

What you do is basically scam. Also whats the reason of selling sources around you try ruin L2 or help idiots who dont want pay a penny for others work? Congratulations cause this make you triple idiot.

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23 minutes ago, Exiledvp said:

And when other sources ware shared? What the forum staff did? They let them stay there, even if owner asked for remove :)


I got subforums on those forums, and I participate to L2J section since 10y. I add views with my project, and I participate to keep L2J section alive.


MxC got no reason to don't go in my way.


Finally, for your heading problem, if it's not an aCis based issue, make a request help topic on those boards. And if it's aCis vanilla, you can directly report it on aCis forums bug report section.

Edited by Tryskell
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1 hour ago, Tryskell said:


I got subforums on those forums, and I participate to L2J section since 10y. I add views with my project, and I participate to keep L2J section alive.


MxC got no reason to don't go in my way.


Finally, for your heading problem, if it's not an aCis based issue, make a request help topic on those boards. And if it's aCis vanilla, you can directly report it on aCis forums bug report section.

Listen friend, i do not have anything with you, my friend needed a fix you made on your acis, this is all, my friend payd acis sub, he got latest source and, the fix was a crap...

Why i shared? Because one guy from your team told my friend to buy acis and rip the code, he only asked for 1 little code not for whole source.... And what your team member did? He told my friend to buy acis because he will never share this little code...

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Ask @Designatix about MxC rules. He told what aCis is "child" project of MxC community and we will block any illegal shares of this project. It's calling as friendship - respecting the "child" project rules.


Go back in fraudulent ghetto.

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9 minutes ago, Rootware said:

Ask @Designatix about MxC rules. He told what aCis is "child" project of MxC community and we will block any illegal shares of this project. It's calling as friendship - respecting the "child" project rules.


Go back in fraudulent ghetto.

I meant "our child" ;p not mxc's child but you can say it's mxc community's child somehow as well, me and everyone and if not everyone most of us for sure (from MxC team) working on java IL sources use aCis and because i respect what tryskell and acis team provide to us, i simply won't allow here leechers sharing its latest sources.

  • Thanks 1
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