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Posted (edited)

hi all.
I have a problem with the game server, check affect and all the handler.

already verify the xml, and this is all fine, this error occurs when finish loading the Handlers

Can any give me a suggestion?



Edited by Sabrent

11 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)
public class SkillData implements IGameXmlReader
	private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SkillData.class.getName());

	private final Map<Long, Skill> _skills = new HashMap<>();
	private final Map<Integer, Integer> _skillsMaxLevel = new HashMap<>();

	private class NamedParamInfo
		private final String _name;
		private final Integer _fromLevel;
		private final Integer _toLevel;
		private final Integer _fromSubLevel;
		private final Integer _toSubLevel;
		private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, StatsSet>> _info;

		public NamedParamInfo(String name, Integer fromLevel, Integer toLevel, Integer fromSubLevel, Integer toSubLevel, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, StatsSet>> info)
			_name = name;
			_fromLevel = fromLevel;
			_toLevel = toLevel;
			_fromSubLevel = fromSubLevel;
			_toSubLevel = toSubLevel;
			_info = info;

		public String getName()
			return _name;

		public Integer getFromLevel()
			return _fromLevel;

		public Integer getToLevel()
			return _toLevel;

		public Integer getFromSubLevel()
			return _fromSubLevel;

		public Integer getToSubLevel()
			return _toSubLevel;

		public Map<Integer, Map<Integer, StatsSet>> getInfo()
			return _info;

	protected SkillData()
	public static long getSkillHashCode(Skill skill)
		return getSkillHashCode(skill.getId(), skill.getLevel(), skill.getSubLevel());
	public static long getSkillHashCode(int skillId, int skillLevel)
		return getSkillHashCode(skillId, skillLevel, 0);
	public static long getSkillHashCode(int skillId, int skillLevel, int subSkillLevel)
		return subSkillLevel > 0 ? ((skillId * 4294967296L) + (subSkillLevel * 65536) + skillLevel) : (skillId * 65536) + skillLevel;

	public Skill getSkill(int skillId, int level)
		return getSkill(skillId, level, 0);

	public Skill getSkill(int skillId, int level, int subLevel)
		final Skill result = _skills.get(getSkillHashCode(skillId, level, subLevel));
		if (result != null)
			return result;

		final int maxLvl = getMaxLevel(skillId);
		if ((maxLvl > 0) && (level > maxLvl))
			LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Call to unexisting skill level id: " + skillId + " requested level: " + level + " max level: " + maxLvl + ".", new Throwable());
			return _skills.get(getSkillHashCode(skillId, maxLvl, 0));

		LOGGER.warning(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": No skill info found for skill id " + skillId + " and skill level " + level);
		return null;

	public int getMaxLevel(int skillId)
		final Integer maxLevel = _skillsMaxLevel.get(skillId);
		return maxLevel != null ? maxLevel : 0;

	public List<Skill> getSiegeSkills(boolean addNoble, boolean hasCastle)
		final List<Skill> temp = new LinkedList<>();

		temp.add(_skills.get(SkillData.getSkillHashCode(CommonSkill.IMPRIT_OF_LIGHT.getId(), 1)));
		temp.add(_skills.get(SkillData.getSkillHashCode(CommonSkill.IMPRIT_OF_DARKNESS.getId(), 1)));

		temp.add(_skills.get(SkillData.getSkillHashCode(247, 1))); 

		if (addNoble)
			temp.add(_skills.get(SkillData.getSkillHashCode(326, 1))); 
		if (hasCastle)
			temp.add(_skills.get(SkillData.getSkillHashCode(844, 1))); 
			temp.add(_skills.get(SkillData.getSkillHashCode(845, 1))); 
		return temp;

	public boolean isValidating()
		return false;

	public synchronized void load()
		parseDatapackDirectory("data/stats/skills/", true);
		LOGGER.info(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Loaded " + this._skills.size() + " Skills.");

	public void reload()

	public void parseDocument(Document doc, File f)
		for (Node node = doc.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
			if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(node.getNodeName()))
				for (Node listNode = node.getFirstChild(); listNode != null; listNode = listNode.getNextSibling())
					if ("skill".equalsIgnoreCase(listNode.getNodeName()))
						NamedNodeMap attributes = listNode.getAttributes();
						final Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> levels = new HashMap<>();
						final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, StatsSet>> skillInfo = new HashMap<>();
						final StatsSet generalSkillInfo = skillInfo.computeIfAbsent(-1, (k) -> new HashMap<>()).computeIfAbsent(-1, (k) -> new StatsSet());

						parseAttributes(attributes, "", generalSkillInfo);

						final Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>>> variableValues = new HashMap<>();
						final Map<EffectScope, List<NamedParamInfo>> effectParamInfo = new HashMap<>();
						final Map<SkillConditionScope, List<NamedParamInfo>> conditionParamInfo = new HashMap<>();
						for (Node skillNode = listNode.getFirstChild(); skillNode != null; skillNode = skillNode.getNextSibling())
							final String skillNodeName = skillNode.getNodeName();
							switch (skillNodeName.toLowerCase())
								case "variable":
									attributes = skillNode.getAttributes();
									final String name = "@" + parseString(attributes, "name");
									variableValues.put(name, parseValues(skillNode));
								case "#text":
									final EffectScope effectScope = EffectScope.findByXmlNodeName(skillNodeName);
									if (effectScope != null)
										for (Node effectsNode = skillNode.getFirstChild(); effectsNode != null; effectsNode = effectsNode.getNextSibling())
											switch (effectsNode.getNodeName().toLowerCase())
												case "effect":
													effectParamInfo.computeIfAbsent(effectScope, (k) -> new LinkedList<>()).add(parseNamedParamInfo(effectsNode, variableValues));
									final SkillConditionScope skillConditionScope = SkillConditionScope.findByXmlNodeName(skillNodeName);
									if (skillConditionScope != null)
										for (Node conditionNode = skillNode.getFirstChild(); conditionNode != null; conditionNode = conditionNode.getNextSibling())
											switch (conditionNode.getNodeName().toLowerCase())
												case "condition":
													conditionParamInfo.computeIfAbsent(skillConditionScope, (k) -> new LinkedList<>()).add(parseNamedParamInfo(conditionNode, variableValues));
										parseInfo(skillNode, variableValues, skillInfo);

						final int fromLevel = generalSkillInfo.getInt(".fromLevel", 1);
						final int toLevel = generalSkillInfo.getInt(".toLevel", 0);

						for (int i = fromLevel; i <= toLevel; i++)
							levels.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(0);

						skillInfo.forEach((level, subLevelMap) ->
							if (level == -1)
							subLevelMap.forEach((subLevel, statsSet) ->
								if (subLevel == -1)
								levels.computeIfAbsent(level, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(subLevel);

						Stream.concat(effectParamInfo.values().stream(), conditionParamInfo.values().stream()).forEach(namedParamInfos ->
							namedParamInfos.forEach(namedParamInfo ->
								namedParamInfo.getInfo().forEach((level, subLevelMap) ->
									if (level == -1)
									subLevelMap.forEach((subLevel, statsSet) ->
										if (subLevel == -1)
										levels.computeIfAbsent(level, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(subLevel);

								if ((namedParamInfo.getFromLevel() != null) && (namedParamInfo.getToLevel() != null))
									for (int i = namedParamInfo.getFromLevel(); i <= namedParamInfo.getToLevel(); i++)
										if ((namedParamInfo.getFromSubLevel() != null) && (namedParamInfo.getToSubLevel() != null))
											for (int j = namedParamInfo.getFromSubLevel(); j <= namedParamInfo.getToSubLevel(); j++)

												levels.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(j);
											levels.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(0);

						levels.forEach((level, subLevels) ->
							subLevels.forEach(subLevel ->
								final StatsSet statsSet = Optional.ofNullable(skillInfo.getOrDefault(level, Collections.emptyMap()).get(subLevel)).orElseGet(StatsSet::new);
								skillInfo.getOrDefault(level, Collections.emptyMap()).getOrDefault(-1, StatsSet.EMPTY_STATSET).getSet().forEach(statsSet.getSet()::putIfAbsent);
								skillInfo.getOrDefault(-1, Collections.emptyMap()).getOrDefault(-1, StatsSet.EMPTY_STATSET).getSet().forEach(statsSet.getSet()::putIfAbsent);
								statsSet.set(".level", level);
								statsSet.set(".subLevel", subLevel);
								final Skill skill = new Skill(statsSet);
								forEachNamedParamInfoParam(effectParamInfo, level, subLevel, ((effectScope, params) ->
									final String effectName = params.getString(".name");
										final Function<StatsSet, AbstractEffect> effectFunction = EffectHandler.getInstance().getHandlerFactory(effectName);
										if (effectFunction != null)
											skill.addEffect(effectScope, effectFunction.apply(params));
											LOGGER.warning(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Missing effect for Skill Id[" + statsSet.getInt(".id") + "] Level[" + level + "] SubLevel[" + subLevel + "] Effect Scope[" + effectScope + "] Effect Name[" + effectName + "]");
									catch (Exception e)
										LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Failed loading effect for Skill Id[" + statsSet.getInt(".id") + "] Level[" + level + "] SubLevel[" + subLevel + "] Effect Scope[" + effectScope + "] Effect Name[" + effectName + "]", e);

								forEachNamedParamInfoParam(conditionParamInfo, level, subLevel, ((skillConditionScope, params) ->
									final String conditionName = params.getString(".name");
										final Function<StatsSet, ISkillCondition> conditionFunction = SkillConditionHandler.getInstance().getHandlerFactory(conditionName);
										if (conditionFunction != null)
											skill.addCondition(skillConditionScope, conditionFunction.apply(params));
											LOGGER.warning(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Missing condition for Skill Id[" + statsSet.getInt(".id") + "] Level[" + level + "] SubLevel[" + subLevel + "] Effect Scope[" + skillConditionScope + "] Effect Name[" + conditionName + "]");
									catch (Exception e)
										LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Failed loading condition for Skill Id[" + statsSet.getInt(".id") + "] Level[" + level + "] SubLevel[" + subLevel + "] Condition Scope[" + skillConditionScope + "] Condition Name[" + conditionName + "]", e);

								_skills.put(getSkillHashCode(skill), skill);
								_skillsMaxLevel.merge(skill.getId(), skill.getLevel(), Integer::max);
								if ((skill.getSubLevel() % 1000) == 1)
									EnchantSkillGroupsData.getInstance().addRouteForSkill(skill.getId(), skill.getLevel(), skill.getSubLevel());

	private <T> void forEachNamedParamInfoParam(Map<T, List<NamedParamInfo>> paramInfo, int level, int subLevel, BiConsumer<T, StatsSet> consumer)
		paramInfo.forEach((scope, namedParamInfos) ->
			namedParamInfos.forEach(namedParamInfo ->
				if (((namedParamInfo.getFromLevel() == null) && (namedParamInfo.getToLevel() == null)) || ((namedParamInfo.getFromLevel() <= level) && (namedParamInfo.getToLevel() >= level)))
					if (((namedParamInfo.getFromSubLevel() == null) && (namedParamInfo.getToSubLevel() == null)) || ((namedParamInfo.getFromSubLevel() <= subLevel) && (namedParamInfo.getToSubLevel() >= subLevel)))
						final StatsSet params = Optional.ofNullable(namedParamInfo.getInfo().getOrDefault(level, Collections.emptyMap()).get(subLevel)).orElseGet(StatsSet::new);
						namedParamInfo.getInfo().getOrDefault(level, Collections.emptyMap()).getOrDefault(-1, StatsSet.EMPTY_STATSET).getSet().forEach(params.getSet()::putIfAbsent);
						namedParamInfo.getInfo().getOrDefault(-1, Collections.emptyMap()).getOrDefault(-1, StatsSet.EMPTY_STATSET).getSet().forEach(params.getSet()::putIfAbsent);
						params.set(".name", namedParamInfo.getName());
						consumer.accept(scope, params);

	private NamedParamInfo parseNamedParamInfo(Node node, Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>>> variableValues)
		final NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
		final String name = parseString(attributes, "name");
		final Integer level = parseInteger(attributes, "level");
		final Integer fromLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "fromLevel", level);
		final Integer toLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "toLevel", level);
		final Integer subLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "subLevel");
		final Integer fromSubLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "fromSubLevel", subLevel);
		final Integer toSubLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "toSubLevel", subLevel);
		final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, StatsSet>> info = new HashMap<>();
		for (node = node.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
			if (!node.getNodeName().equals("#text"))
				parseInfo(node, variableValues, info);
		return new NamedParamInfo(name, fromLevel, toLevel, fromSubLevel, toSubLevel, info);

	private void parseInfo(Node node, Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>>> variableValues, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, StatsSet>> info)
		Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>> values = parseValues(node);
		final Object generalValue = values.getOrDefault(-1, Collections.emptyMap()).get(-1);
		if (generalValue != null)
			final String stringGeneralValue = String.valueOf(generalValue);
			if (stringGeneralValue.startsWith("@"))
				Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>> variableValue = variableValues.get(stringGeneralValue);
				if (variableValue != null)
					values = variableValue;
					throw new IllegalArgumentException("undefined variable " + stringGeneralValue);

		values.forEach((level, subLevelMap) ->
			subLevelMap.forEach((subLevel, value) ->
				info.computeIfAbsent(level, (k) -> new HashMap<>()).computeIfAbsent(subLevel, (k) -> new StatsSet()).set(node.getNodeName(), value);

	private Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>> parseValues(Node node)
		final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Object>> values = new HashMap<>();
		Object parsedValue = parseValue(node, true, false, Collections.emptyMap());
		if (parsedValue != null)
			values.computeIfAbsent(-1, (k) -> new HashMap<>()).put(-1, parsedValue);
			for (node = node.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
				if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("value"))
					final NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
					final Integer level = parseInteger(attributes, "level");
					if (level != null)
						parsedValue = parseValue(node, false, false, Collections.emptyMap());
						if (parsedValue != null)
							final Integer subLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "subLevel", -1);
							values.computeIfAbsent(level, (k) -> new HashMap<>()).put(subLevel, parsedValue);
						final int fromLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "fromLevel");
						final int toLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "toLevel");
						final int fromSubLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "fromSubLevel", -1);
						final int toSubLevel = parseInteger(attributes, "toSubLevel", -1);
						for (int i = fromLevel; i <= toLevel; i++)
							for (int j = fromSubLevel; j <= toSubLevel; j++)
								Map<Integer, Object> subValues = values.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new HashMap<>());
								Map<String, Double> variables = new HashMap<>();
								variables.put("index", (i - fromLevel) + 1d);
								variables.put("subIndex", (j - fromSubLevel) + 1d);
								Object base = values.getOrDefault(i, Collections.emptyMap()).get(-1);
								if ((base != null) && !(base instanceof StatsSet))
									variables.put("base", Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(base)));
								parsedValue = parseValue(node, false, false, variables);
								if (parsedValue != null)
									subValues.put(j, parsedValue);
		return values;

	Object parseValue(Node node, boolean blockValue, boolean parseAttributes, Map<String, Double> variables)
		StatsSet statsSet = null;
		List<Object> list = null;
		Object text = null;
		if (parseAttributes && (!node.getNodeName().equals("value") || !blockValue) && (node.getAttributes().getLength() > 0))
			statsSet = new StatsSet();
			parseAttributes(node.getAttributes(), "", statsSet, variables);
		for (node = node.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
			final String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
			switch (node.getNodeName())
				case "#text":
					final String value = node.getNodeValue().trim();
					if (!value.isEmpty())
						text = parseNodeValue(value, variables);
				case "item":
					if (list == null)
						list = new LinkedList<>();

					final Object value = parseValue(node, false, true, variables);
					if (value != null)
				case "value":
					if (blockValue)
					final Object value = parseValue(node, false, true, variables);
					if (value != null)
						if (statsSet == null)
							statsSet = new StatsSet();

						statsSet.set(nodeName, value);
		if (list != null)
			if (text != null)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text and list in same node are not allowed. Node[" + node + "]");
			if (statsSet != null)
				statsSet.set(".", list);
				return list;
		if (text != null)
			if (list != null)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text and list in same node are not allowed. Node[" + node + "]");
			if (statsSet != null)
				statsSet.set(".", text);
				return text;
		return statsSet;

	private void parseAttributes(NamedNodeMap attributes, String prefix, StatsSet statsSet, Map<String, Double> variables)
		for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
			final Node attributeNode = attributes.item(i);
			statsSet.set(prefix + "." + attributeNode.getNodeName(), parseNodeValue(attributeNode.getNodeValue(), variables));

	private void parseAttributes(NamedNodeMap attributes, String prefix, StatsSet statsSet)
		parseAttributes(attributes, prefix, statsSet, Collections.emptyMap());

	private Object parseNodeValue(String value, Map<String, Double> variables)
		if (value.startsWith("{") && value.endsWith("}"))
			return new ExpressionBuilder(value).variables(variables.keySet()).build().setVariables(variables).evaluate();
		return value;

	public static SkillData getInstance()
		return SingletonHolder._instance;

	private static class SingletonHolder
		protected static final SkillData _instance = new SkillData();

this is my SkillData and my database and XML are fine

Edited by Sabrent
  • 0

Maybe in XMl you missing something like "" or  < />. Just use notepad++ and you will see colors scheme in this notepad. If something bad.. program show it.


Have a nice day


  • 0

I used to have these errors in L2jServer freya client some years ago. Monsters have skills too. There are monsters which have skill id 6152 in their skill list but this skill doesn't exist in your server. In order to fix this error, you could either add skills with these Ids (something i don't recommend) or delete these skills from these monsters.


Your pack either uses XML files for skills/npcs or an sql table. Mostly sql table, i think. So, go find them in database and delete the queries with skillId 6152 and etc.

  • 0

i dont think is hard to understand, the error by itself saying all the info you looking for and as @Solomun said, the skill you called does not exist in your files


public Skill getSkill(int skillId, int level, int subLevel)
	final Skill result = _skills.get(getSkillHashCode(skillId, level, subLevel));
	if (result != null)
		return result;
	final int maxLvl = getMaxLevel(skillId);
	if ((maxLvl > 0) && (level > maxLvl))
		LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Call to unexisting skill level id: " + skillId + " requested level: " + level + " max level: " + maxLvl + ".", new Throwable());
		return _skills.get(getSkillHashCode(skillId, maxLvl, 0));
	LOGGER.warning(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": No skill info found for skill id " + skillId + " and skill level " + level);
	return null;

public int getMaxLevel(int skillId)
	final Integer maxLevel = _skillsMaxLevel.get(skillId);
	return maxLevel != null ? maxLevel : 0;


  • 0
4 minutes ago, Nightw0lf said:

that propably happent when you copied some monster from other pack and pasted it inside your files and you know shit happens.

Actually, not. Some l2jserver packs have this problem by default.


It is not a big deal, just remove them from monsters skill list.

  • 0
12 hours ago, Solomun said:

Actually, not. Some l2jserver packs have this problem by default.


It is not a big deal, just remove them from monsters skill list.

it looks like he is using frozen and he propably copied some higher chronicle monster in this case thats why i try to make him understand or remember how he caused this true not big deal for us but for him :)

  • 0
1 hour ago, Nightw0lf said:

it looks like he is using frozen and he propably copied some higher chronicle monster in this case thats why i try to make him understand or remember how he caused this true not big deal for us but for him :)

I'm 90% sure, he is using l2jserver Freya. :P


Whatever tho, he will figure it out.

  • 0
13 hours ago, Solomun said:

I'm 90% sure, he is using l2jserver Freya. :P


Whatever tho, he will figure it out.

i said that cause of LOGGER. it was like that arround 1100 rev of frozen if i am not mistaken but true he will

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