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Bad RequestBypassToServer: null



Hi, I'm having a problem with the phoenix event when I click on "info" in npc, it does not open the html with the information of the event and this error in GS, does anyone know how to fix it?





15 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, L2shaken said:

Hi, I'm having a problem with the phoenix event when I click on "info" in npc, it does not open the html with the information of the event and this error in GS, does anyone know how to fix it?






This is not enough information, noone can help you.

Add more information.


Edited by Not Alone
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the button Info have a bypass, this bypass is wrong. check in requestbypasstoserver the specific bypass if it handles properly the tokens you sent

  • 0

Search the error message on sources, add a e.printStackTrace() and repost once you got more details. As said higher, a bypass encountered a null value and couldn't move on since it tried to make an action on an non-existing object.

  • 0

Check you RequestBypassToServer if have .

if dont have add.

				String[] str = _command.substring(6).trim().split(" ", 2);
				if (str.length == 1)
					activeChar.processQuestEvent(str[0], "");
					activeChar.processQuestEvent(str[0], str[1]);
+			else if (_command.startsWith("eventvote")) 
+				EventManager.getInstance().addVote(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(10))); 
+		 	else if (_command.startsWith("eventstats")) 
+		 	{
+		 		try
+		 		{
+		 	        EventStats.getInstance().showHtml(Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(11)),activeChar);
+		 		}
+		 		catch (Exception e)
+		 		{
+		 			activeChar.sendMessage("Currently there are no statistics to show.");
+		 		}
+		 	}
+		 	else if (_command.startsWith("eventstats_show")) 
+	 			EventStats.getInstance().showPlayerStats(Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(16)),activeChar); 
+		 	else if (_command.equals("eventbuffershow")) 
+		 		EventBuffer.getInstance().showHtml(activeChar); 
+		 	else if (_command.startsWith("eventbuffer")) 
+		 	{ 
+				EventBuffer.getInstance().changeList(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(12,_command.length()-2)), (Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(_command.length()-1)) == 0 ? false : true)); 
+				EventBuffer.getInstance().showHtml(activeChar); 
+		 	}
+		 	else if (_command.startsWith("eventinfo "))
+			{
+				int eventId = Integer.valueOf(_command.substring(10));
+				NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
+				html.setFile("data/html/eventinfo/"+eventId+".htm");
+				activeChar.sendPacket(html);
+				activeChar.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET);
+			}
			else if (_command.startsWith("_match"))


  • 0
7 hours ago, Tryskell said:

Search the error message on sources, add a e.printStackTrace() and repost once you got more details. As said higher, a bypass encountered a null value and couldn't move on since it tried to make an action on an non-existing object.

I've tried everything, apparently everything is correct, I do not understand this error.

  • 0
10 hours ago, Reborn12 said:

Missing requestbypasstoserver.java part if im not wrong

I added everything.


   Index: aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestBypassToServer.java

            else if (_command.startsWith("eventvote ")) 
				EventManager.getInstance().addVote(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(10)));
			else if (_command.startsWith("eventstats "))
				catch (Exception e)
					activeChar.sendMessage("Currently there are no statistics to show.");
			else if (_command.startsWith("eventstats_show "))
			else if (_command.equals("eventbuffershow"))
			else if (_command.startsWith("eventbuffer "))
				EventBuffer.getInstance().changeList(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(12,_command.length()-2)), (Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(_command.length()-1)) == 0 ? false : true)); 
			else if (_command.startsWith("eventinfo "))
				int eventId = Integer.valueOf(_command.substring(10));
		        NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
		        html.setFile("data/html-" + activeChar.getPlayerLanguage() + "/mods/eventinfo/" + eventId + ".htm");
		        html.replace("%amount%", String.valueOf(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "rewardAmmount")));
		        html.replace("%item%", ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "rewardId")).getItemName());
		        html.replace("%minlvl%", String.valueOf(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "minLvl")));
		        html.replace("%maxlvl%", String.valueOf(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "maxLvl")));
		        html.replace("%time%", String.valueOf(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "matchTime") / 60));
		        html.replace("%players%", String.valueOf(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "minPlayers")));
		        html.replace("%url%", EventManager.getInstance().getString("siteUrl"));
		        html.replace("%buffs%", EventManager.getInstance().getBoolean(eventId, "removeBuffs") ? "Self" : "Full");


  Index: aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/events/EventManager.java


Responsible for displaying html from NPC:

public void showFirstHtml(L2PcInstance player, int obj)
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(obj);
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		int count = 0;
		sb.append("<html><body><center><table width=270><tr><td width=145>Event Engine</td><td width=75>" + (getBoolean("eventBufferEnabled") ? "<a action=\"bypass -h eventbuffershow\">Buffer</a>" : "") + "</td><td width=50><a action=\"bypass -h eventstats 1\">Statistics</a></td></tr></table></center><br>");
		if (getStatus() == State.VOTING)
			sb.append("<center><table width=270 bgcolor=5A5A5A><tr><td width=90>Events</td><td width=140><center>Time left: " + cdtask.getTime() + "</center></td><td width=40><center>Votes</center></td></tr></table></center><br>");
			for (Map.Entry<Integer, Event> event : events.entrySet())
				sb.append("<center><table width=270 " + (count % 2 == 1 ? "" : "bgcolor=5A5A5A") + "><tr><td width=180>" + event.getValue().getString("eventName") + "</td><td width=30><a action=\"bypass -h eventinfo " + event.getKey() + "\">Info</a></td><td width=30><center>" + getVoteCount(event.getKey()) + "</td></tr></table></center>");
		else if (getStatus() == State.REGISTERING)
			sb.append("<center><table width=270 bgcolor=5A5A5A><tr><td width=70>");
			if (players.contains(player))
				sb.append("<a action=\"bypass -h npc_" + obj + "_unreg\">Unregister</a>");
				sb.append("<a action=\"bypass -h npc_" + obj + "_reg\">Register</a>");
			sb.append("</td><td width=130><center><a action=\"bypass -h eventinfo " + getCurrentEvent().getInt("ids") + "\">" + getCurrentEvent().getString("eventName") + "</a></td><td width=70>Time: " + cdtask.getTime() + "</td></tr></table><br>");
			for (L2PcInstance p : EventManager.getInstance().players)
				sb.append("<center><table width=270 " + (count % 2 == 1 ? "" : "bgcolor=5A5A5A") + "><tr><td width=120>" + p.getName() + "</td><td width=40>lvl " + p.getLevel() + "</td><td width=110>" + p.getTemplate().getClassName() + "</td></tr></table>");
		else if (getStatus() == State.RUNNING)
			getCurrentEvent().showHtml(player, obj);


  • 0
Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, tazerman2 said:



public void showFirstHtml(L2PcInstance player, int obj)


Show me that part of your code in EventManager.java for me to compare. is possible ?

Edited by L2shaken
  • 0
Posted (edited)

your showfirsthtml is differet from my and i can't give you my code because i have change html's and i sell my phoenix.

try add from this maybe you find problem.


Edited by tazerman2
  • 0
17 minutes ago, tazerman2 said:



html.replace("%item%", ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(EventManager.getInstance().getInt(eventId, "rewardId")).getItemName());


I found the error, it is in this line, I isolated it and it worked normally.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Why would you create a dummy item for ? Simply use ItemTable to retrieve item name, based on the itemId.


And put a damn null check if the item doesn't exist (case you write an invalid itemId, or don't write it at all).

Edited by Tryskell

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