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Multi Shop [Donate Manager] Acis, L2Jfrozen

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Hello guys..


I here is a Multi Shop [Donate Manager] with a lot of things inside..


What's inside?

  • Noblesse Status
  • Level up your clan
  • Add x Reputation score
  • Get full clan skills
  • Augment Skills Lv10. [Active/Passive]
  • Clean x Pk Kills
  • Change your sex
  • Change your Main Class
  • Change your password
  • Get full Recomments
  • Siege Register
    Register your clan for sieges.
  • Change your name color.
    Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Gold
  • Party Teleport
    Go to your party member.
  • Clan Teleport
    Go to your Clan member.
    Teleport Restrictions:
  • Sieges, Olympiad, Events, Party Rift, jail, Duel, ObserverMode(oly), Non-Party members.
  • Change your name.
  • Enchant your items to max enchant.


Watch the video.



Supported: aCis 350,365. L2jFrozen

Price: 10E Paypal // 10 Paysafecard [Only Greek].

FREE for L2jNetwork project in next rev.

Edited by 'Baggos'
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30€ are you serious? Considering all this is shared, lol.


ya, idk why ppl still trying sell something so overpriced ;D


Clan/Sieges/Change name color/Party target Teleport/Password/Augment Skills/Clean x Pk.. 

Give me shares with all those.. 30E it is cheap. 


Who cares if is share? Pay me 30 euro to get the code and if I use shared code style just junk it as you junk my l2jnetwork project.

Don't you think SweeT that price is cheap? Do you remember back to my noob days, I asked some codes from you, and you took 50 euro for shared codes. Pvp flag/vote manager/catsguard/Respawn boss announce and something like this..

10 minutes codes 50 euro. And you say overprice mine 2 days coding.

Edited by 'Baggos'
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Friendly advice, don't say this shit or you will end up like absolutepower.

End up or not, I'm not selling services, and never will. I prefer to give my services free. So, I do not really care.. 

No matters the words, is true.

It is not fair his reply about "overpriced".. Someone can pay more for the half shop code, as I did in my start from the same guy.



"vote manager" "10 minutes codes"



Keep all my syntax and try to understood the example. 

Edited by 'Baggos'
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you took 50 euro for shared codes. Pvp flag/vote manager/catsguard/Respawn boss announce and something like this..

Max price I asked from someone was 30€, but whatever :lol:

Yeah, you can ask whatever price you want, just service manager is shared, which miss change pass and agu shop - "10min of work" :D

Edited by SweeTs
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Max price I asked from someone was 30€, but whatever :lol:

Yeah, you can ask whatever price you want, just service manager is shared, which miss change pass and agu shop - "10min of work" :D

Anyway.. Just to know, my answer to you before wasn't angry or something. Just I said example for my price.

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