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What You Think About Lucera?

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acis is private project . if isn't private share last rev ... if everyone can't get last rev = project is private 

but on this topic  Ubuntu ask opinion for lucera


Read about freemium concept then. Everyone can get access to it.

Edited by Tryskell
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Read about freemium concept then. Everyone can get access to it.

Well that's not quite true since to get free access you must have knowledge on either java programming or contribute in other ways but you still need knowledge.

However I agree with the fremium concept on aCis since progress is faster with it and there are no leaches, but the term 'freemium' is not as accurate imo.

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Read about freemium concept then. Everyone can get access to it.

is not free .. for i get access need to pay or i work for this project ... then is not free

free project :

l2jserver all chronicle



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is not free .. for i get access need to pay or i work for this project ... then is not free

free project :

l2jserver all chronicle




aCis got a free revision. So your words are wrong.


And making the thing entirely free is pointless, simply see how L2J works to understand how wrong it is. You probably got 0 contribution on L2JHellas too, while I'm litterally sitting on contributions and I have to organize, test and finally commit (I got at least 2 revisions here and there).


Being free isn't a good thing, it's a plague. People think because it's free they got only rights and no duties. And saying aCis is private is plain wrong too, since anyone willing to help got access to it. That's the case of 15+ ppl which became IC, and 5+ customers had their customership extended for that matter too.


Free projects simply attract leechers, period. If you're a contributor on L2JFrozen/L2JHellas you won't have problem to get latest aCis too.

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Tryskell still has energy to explain stuff to idiots.


I don't even understand why people speak about aCis at first glance. I continue to explain for randomers who are just new to L2J and end on such topic and got a bad opinion of aCis without even trying, simply because there are noobs waking up from 2011, one trashtalker treating everyone of "noob" (and asking 250€ for a stacksub system) and a old leaker who never understood freemium concept no matter how much times I explained it, but who simply copied aCis quests and scripts with no shame for his own pack (and simply ripped off L2JFree/L2J for leftover without verifying if it's right or wrong).


All in one, I believe aCis isn't that bad if you see it on every single IL topic.



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Never worth to buy a pack from russia, they use a much different coding style which requires you to be so skilled that it would be pointless for you to pay for a pack.


You are better off using a standard l2j pack and go from there even tho it may take longer to get it right the end result will be much better for your own needs.


i have buy lucera pack.the pack is totaly different than usual l2j pack.

you will have many problems to start build your server.


ps.for eu players lucera is unbalance.


Second. if you want to add npc or build farm zone you must put locations for each mob/npc.

//spawn blabla dont save the loc after rr.


life stone success is complicated.


i dont know what progress they have done now. but is not worth to buy it

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i have buy lucera pack.the pack is totaly different than usual l2j pack.

you will have many problems to start build your server.


ps.for eu players lucera is unbalance.


Second. if you want to add npc or build farm zone you must put locations for each mob/npc.

//spawn blabla dont save the loc after rr.


life stone success is complicated.


i dont know what progress they have done now. but is not worth to buy it

so if theres another way instead of the most using to spawn a mob into a custom location and so on,means the pack is fail and its not worth to buy right?damn with u boyz

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so if theres another way instead of the most using to spawn a mob into a custom location and so on,means the pack is fail and its not worth to buy right?damn with u boyz

i didnt say that pack is fail.blind man. i say is not worth to buy it ..it is an opinion that i have because i have buy it and i know more things than you.






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aCis got a free revision. So your words are wrong.


And making the thing entirely free is pointless, simply see how L2J works to understand how wrong it is. You probably got 0 contribution on L2JHellas too, while I'm litterally sitting on contributions and I have to organize, test and finally commit (I got at least 2 revisions here and there).


Being free isn't a good thing, it's a plague. People think because it's free they got only rights and no duties. And saying aCis is private is plain wrong too, since anyone willing to help got access to it. That's the case of 15+ ppl which became IC, and 5+ customers had their customership extended for that matter too.


Free projects simply attract leechers, period. If you're a contributor on L2JFrozen/L2JHellas you won't have problem to get latest aCis too.

wtf ?

free = don't pay , not work for this 
you talk about free ... aCis is not free ...
( with this thinking all projects is free ) 


Stop bullshitting eachother. to finish this....here now its free:

you share 364 last is 365 :P

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Like anyone gives a shit about you :D

Yeah right..In order to give a "sh1t" about someone he has to be SOMEONE..Start thinking like a normal person and not like an ego-narcissist mf human.

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