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[L2J] Lineage 2 Destruction


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Please someone copy l2 race supremacy, bored of pridefail style servers :(

The same retarded pack going from hand to hand without any changes and failing

Yeah , those were some good times back then :)

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Yeah , those were some good times back then :)

Αναφορικά με τα πρώτα που είπες δεν θα κάνω κανένα σχόλιο μιας και δεν απευθύνθηκα σε εσένα και ούτε χρειάζεται να μου αποδείξεις τίποτα θα πω πως έχεις σε όλα δίκαιο και ελπίζω αυτό να ικανοποιήσει την φαντασία σου.


Αναφορικά με τον race supremacy είστε το ίδιο γίδια όσο και οι interlude pride players που μιλάτε για καλές εποχές στο ΤΟΤΕ στο σήμερα κωλόζωα στο 2017 έχει αλλάξει όλο το concept του l2 και το πώς συμπεριφέρονται οι παίχτες και είστε τόσο ηλίθιοι να καταλάβετε μόνο αυτό.


Τουλάχιστον ο xdem το καταλαβαίνει αυτό ότι έχουν αλλάξει οι απαιτήσεις του παιχνιδιού και οι εποχές. Hello ? ? ? ? Αλλά σε ποιον γράφω.. Το χρόνο μου χάνω να μιλάω σε σκουπίδια όπως πολύ καλά σε είπαν και άλλοι από πάνω.

Edited by Dev
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First of all



I agree on the most with you the pride community is very problematic and 5 or more idiots are enough to destroy your entire work/ project.

That was the reason on my team's last try they didn't allow to a whole clan to enter no matter how much they begged to play. I refer to primes.

People like them shouldn't be allowed to play, what they will do is suck your balls in the begining and ruin your server and abandon you in the end. Of course it's not only them but you get my point



Sorry if i missunderstood but it seemed pretty obvious to me that you were referring to me.

It's true i don't have to prove anything to anyone , after all i'm doing so with actions in game but i don't like people speaking lies.
I can tolerate trash talk and everything else i don't mind at all , but lying is not very nice mr Dev :)


Second of all i'm 100% certain that you do not even know which version of RS i'm talking about.
I'm talking about the final RS (g.final pack).

That's the version that i played at and it was many times better than any private server i joined afterwards including yours , and i'm just being objective here.

You talk about how L2 has changed since then and that is true.

You compare me to "c6 pride fans" (i hate c6 btw).

And you also say that your forum buddy xdem realises the needs of players and this games.
You also make it sound like you realise that as well.


Are you? Really? L2 has evolved so far (GoD ++) and yet you still work on a G.final pack simply because you have zero imagination and knowledge of the game as a player so you're forced to use someones else work as a base for your project.
Even if you were the best developers one could find you are doomed to fail simply because of these 2 reasons.

Players are begging for a good , solid GoD+ private server and yet all you can do is G.final , Interlude and High Five, that's it.


When i tried to help you out you labeled however you liked and refused my help.
When i left your Jokes you said that "Primes qqed" and other nice comments while we were simply bored of your fake asses and boring servers.

And the funny thing is that i really tried to help you in the begging , all of you private server admins.

But then again , who am i?

It's not like all 20+ private servers i've joined died after i warned their admins about it months before it happened.


When you want to reply to me you should be choosing your words carefully.


P.S. I love how you're tilting so much that you can't even reply in English :D :D


P.S. #2 It's hilarious , seeing 2 people who have attacked each other as well as every other private server (ddos and forum trashing) supporting each other here in this way. Keep it up clowns i'm laughing so hard. :D

Edited by Primezero
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Primezero, I was never a clown and I never gave you the input to call me one. I am just a guy with some skills trying to achieve something good with a hell broken and toxic community. I was never a good admin and facts prove it, since then I almost never login game and passed administration to Scar, who in his turn doesn't really give a fuck about anything. I am not a clown, I am actually a very skilled programmer, I have my job and I don't rely on a small fan-made server to make my living. You on the other hand, you are a narcisist guy that always wants to go ontop of the administration team, you want things to work on your own way even if your POV is different, your ideas may seem logical to you but you ignore the effort and the problems that may arise. Thats why you're playing from server to server, until you achieve something for yourself either believing that you're the center of the universe for the server or whatever and thats why as a gamer you do that only on L2, because its the only vulnerable with a broken community where you can achieve "something". If you was really a legit guy you would try your luck with your friends on other real MMOs/Games like CSGO/LOL/DOTA/WOW/L2OFFICIAL/H1Z1 or whatever else, but you don't because you are "someone" just in small private servers. Back in 2009 players like you and your clan could not thrive in L2, you would been outplayed by the community in a few hours, thats why you was a nobody back then, and your whole clan. Don't take this personally, though I know you will, but I don't give a fuck because you're just another player with big ego.


Congratulations, you got the 4 minutes of fame again, you may not feel very special because I would make this walltext to anyone who said such things against my personality or my work. 

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First of all i can call you however i please.
You give me the right to do so when you behave like a clown.
Even your effort to reply in a proper manner on the first half of your topic and then trashtalk on the rest of it proves that you are indeed a clown.


Problem is that the description that you think is mine is actually your very own.

You see i never chased a Pro Gaming life , if i did i obviously would not waste my time on projects like yours  i would nolife on League , CS GO or Dota  , the rest of the games that you spoke of are not that competitive.

I play from server to server simply because all servers until now were bad.

And if you don't want to take my word for it feel free to go and see if any of them , including your very own is still up.

Choosing Scar as your admin was your choice and problem , not mine.
It was your server that he fucked up and i couldn't care less tbh.
As soon as i realised what was going on i was out and that was the end of story for me. I'm not the one who holds grudges and takes this personally like you're trying to say.

As i said even if you were the best one here you still CANNOT see the game from a players POV and that's why your projects will NEVER be balanced or any good.

Maybe it's not me who is wrong but you guys but you never think that way.
You think i have something against you imbeciles or that i'm planning to destroy all servers and draw attention to me.

I couldn't care less  , i really couldn't.
I'm just having fun with my mates and that's it.
If i can help a server get better i 'll try , i did that with every server even if almost all of you refused my help.


Back in 2k9 i wasn't the leader of any clan and i was actually playing in a retail like private server called L2 World. I was in a clan can't remember it's name and we did have Aden , so i guess i was doing pretty well.
If you're talking about being unable to dominate on Pride i 'm sorry but we'll never know.
I've met a lot of players who played there though and we've certainly dominated all of them.



All you admins blame the community and yes the community of this scene is one of the worst , BY FAR.

But tell me how are you any different or how are you trying to change all this?


Most of you are people who will try to sabotage each other and have already done so , who will lie , trashtalk and harm each other even if you have no personal profit out of it.
Simply because you do no want to see another guy succeed.

That's who you are mate.

P.s. If i was such a good developer like you're presening yourself to be , i would team up with a guy who actually has an idea of the game and i would try to create a never seen before server.
But i guess copying pride is easier , why do that.

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First of all i can call you however i please.

You give me the right to do so when you behave like a clown.

Even your effort to reply in a proper manner on the first half of your topic and then trashtalk on the rest of it proves that you are indeed a clown.


Problem is that the description that you think is mine is actually your very own.

You see i never chased a Pro Gaming life , if i did i obviously would not waste my time on projects like yours  i would nolife on League , CS GO or Dota  , the rest of the games that you spoke of are not that competitive.

I play from server to server simply because all servers until now were bad.

And if you don't want to take my word for it feel free to go and see if any of them , including your very own is still up.

Choosing Scar as your admin was your choice and problem , not mine.

It was your server that he fucked up and i couldn't care less tbh.

As soon as i realised what was going on i was out and that was the end of story for me. I'm not the one who holds grudges and takes this personally like you're trying to say.

As i said even if you were the best one here you still CANNOT see the game from a players POV and that's why your projects will NEVER be balanced or any good.


Maybe it's not me who is wrong but you guys but you never think that way.

You think i have something against you imbeciles or that i'm planning to destroy all servers and draw attention to me.


I couldn't care less  , i really couldn't.

I'm just having fun with my mates and that's it.

If i can help a server get better i 'll try , i did that with every server even if almost all of you refused my help.


Back in 2k9 i wasn't the leader of any clan and i was actually playing in a retail like private server called L2 World. I was in a clan can't remember it's name and we did have Aden , so i guess i was doing pretty well.

If you're talking about being unable to dominate on Pride i 'm sorry but we'll never know.

I've met a lot of players who played there though and we've certainly dominated all of them.



All you admins blame the community and yes the community of this scene is one of the worst , BY FAR.

But tell me how are you any different or how are you trying to change all this?


Most of you are people who will try to sabotage each other and have already done so , who will lie , trashtalk and harm each other even if you have no personal profit out of it.

Simply because you do no want to see another guy succeed.


That's who you are mate.


P.s. If i was such a good developer like you're presening yourself to be , i would team up with a guy who actually has an idea of the game and i would try to create a never seen before server.

But i guess copying pride is easier , why do that.


I never claimed to be a good developer, I neither am a self-claimed one, I handed my own shit on my server and the l2j community, and I've earned the respect and the reputation as one of the best developers for l2j scene


You're just trashtalk, why don't you create your own server ? Even a "selfproclaimed like me" managed to do something

Edited by xxdem
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I never claimed to be a good developer, I neither am a self-claimed one, I handed my own shit on my server and the l2j community, and I've earned the respect and the reputation as one of the best developers for l2j scene


You're just trashtalk, why don't you create your own server ? Even a "selfproclaimed like me" managed to do something

for real?on most topic i saw you talking you said crap that you are like best developer

you are so pathetic

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Destruction has alot of changes and is really good

Not like all the other copy pride style servers

like it's not a pride copy as an idea..lol

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Now that you guys really using my post to chat in, I got some stuff I want to say too.


As for you xdem, I actually don't know who you besides you are a good dev. I also remember that I used to be a GM on AePvP, CommanderKain was my name. I GM'd with Starving and a couple of other guys.

But what I don't understand is why do you talk so much trash on something that you call useless anyways? I would be ashamed to call myself a skilled developer and have such attitude.


I'm not pro but I do get along and understanding the codes on pride server and actually changed a lot in it.

I don't have the authority or time to even call my self a pro dev.

I probably work more than any of you so-called developers work in real life. Hence why programming is my free time space when I'm off work and I will never be as good as any developers who had the time for it. If I had to code the stuff pride has, it would have taken me a year if not even more. So why would I waste time creating something that is already created?


You talk about using other packs are for bad developers, then let me ask you this. Why is it your old server used to have pride item stats? Such as those unique stats Dav had? Why didn't you make your own codes for it? You know the answer yourself, why code something that's already coded, when you can just copy/ paste it.. right?


This is no flame, nor no disrespect.


As for you Zero. I actually played with Primes in L2World.

But as any other player around the world, not all l2 private servers were interesting. You guys were good, but not always the best. Everyone had their moments. Like any other game that has clans and pvp. When the top clan leaves, another clan takes the throne and that's how the circle is.


Every clan have their momements, it just depends on the time.

Every clan remember their domination time, but forgetting how hard it was to achieve.



Funny part about our server is, even when we are using a pride pack, every pride player who joined has basically quit. Because it's not pride. Which was the achievement after all, using his java codes to change the game.

The bad part about this is, players don't know how to play this style because they're not used to it xD


So I'll just warn you xdem, carefull with taking skills from pride because they will think it's a pride server on the spot when they log in, and then you will get the rain of cry babies bitching.

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its not the free copy of pride that everyone uses this one server is changed alot and really worked

yes,but its based on smth else,its not unique..i dont say ots bad server,its that its not what you told before not like other prides while its based on it..

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And pride is based off l2jserver files. So pride pack is just a modified l2jserver pack. Like any other "release" of packs there is out there.

Two source are still from l2jfree or l2j. Can't blame players for using what is out there.

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