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Hashmap Error




protected int getVoteWinner()
		int old = 0;
		HashMap<Integer, Integer> temp = new HashMap<>();
		for (int vote : votes.values())
			if (!temp.containsKey(vote))
				temp.put(vote, 1);
				old = temp.get(vote);
		int max = temp.head().getNext().getValue();
		int result = temp.head().getNext().getKey();
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : temp.entrySet())
			if (entry.getValue() > max)
				max = entry.getValue();
				result = entry.getKey();
		temp = null;
		return result;

How do I solve this problem? Use aCis 350, replaces FastMap with HashMap and is giving this error.

Edited by L2shaken
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No more love for javolution :D


I, tbh, got no clue what is Javolution in the end (realtime library, that's it), because L2J didn't use more than 5% of the complete library features. They simply replaced here and there few Lists/Maps/StringBuilder which could be simple ArrayList/HashMap for 70% of them, and for leftover be handled by concurrent (which has been reworked and got decent performance overall). And I personally prefer to rely on JDK features only.


In this topic, a concurrent or whatever linked type list is pointless, it can be achieved with better performance with simple container. There is no need to hit the head of the map, it's a result based method, so you begin at 0.


I was the first to drop Javolution, so it's more appropriate to say : I never liked it. :P


Trove had a better impact than Javolution for sure, notably because we use A LOT of Integer containers. But I tbh find it a pain in the ass to remember you have that library, not even 50% of Integer containers were managed by that lib, so you got inconsistent writting style over the whole pack => drop.

Edited by Tryskell
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I don't understand what you want, but this looks like better:

	protected int getVoteWinner()
		final HashMap<Integer, Integer> temp = new HashMap<>();
		for (int vote : votes.values())
			if (!temp.containsKey(vote))
				temp.put(vote, 1);
			int old = temp.get(vote);
		int max = 0;
		int result = 0;
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : temp.entrySet())
			if (entry.getValue() > max)
				max = entry.getValue();
				result = entry.getKey();
		return result;
Edited by Rootware
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Because your knowledge so sucks. You try to calling from a map the value as object, not like the variable.

	protected int getVoteWinner()
		final HashMap<Integer, Integer> temp = new HashMap<>();
		for (int vote : votes.values())
			if (!temp.containsKey(vote))
				temp.put(vote, 1);
			int old = temp.get(vote);
			temp.put(vote, ++old); // If a record with this "vode" exists in Map then she will be rewrited with new value from "old" variable.
		int max = 0;
		int result = 0;
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : temp.entrySet())
			if (entry.getValue() > max)
				max = entry.getValue();
				result = entry.getKey();
		return result;
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Yes, but I still have this photo error.

I'm sorry i know i'm offtopic, why you even bother open a server? I guess you got a free pack since you are do it on your own, your knowledge is 0 and you go for a live server.


SweeTs please post a gif for me.

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I'm sorry i know i'm offtopic, why you even bother open a server? I guess you got a free pack since you are do it on your own, your knowledge is 0 and you go for a live server.


SweeTs please post a gif for me.

no gif for u 

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