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interlude Aggressive Npc



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Guard aggresive when player PK or hit them. How to do GMSHOP or BUFFER aggressive too.


you cant do this lol 

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he prolly ask that if he wanna make a gmshop in an pvp area and if some1 pk the gmshop will hit him like guards do

altho just put a guard there 



No. I want make gmshop inside town. And if u hit him he kill you. I know its possible but how ?

Edited by Lancer
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Test This

for(L2PcInstance player : getKnownList().getKnownType(L2PcInstance.class))
				if(player.isGM() || player.isDead() || !player.isVisible() || !isInsideRadius(player, 1250, false, false))	
				getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.ATTACK, player);
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You must declare the instance (ej: L2Protector ) and then add

L2ProtectorInstance = guard; <- ej

guard.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.ATTACK, player);


Its a example.

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