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L2JSunrise Customized L2JServer Server Files 

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You silver plan is now activated.

The delay was because you didn't follow the instructions.

Is your test server always online? Or just on demand?

I have been trying to connect for a few days now to see server features before buying, but it seems to be offline.

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Is your test server always online? Or just on demand?

I have been trying to connect for a few days now to see server features before buying, but it seems to be offline.

You are right, unfortunately our server machine is under maintenance cause of a hard dick failure. Will be back online in a few days. 

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Considering the 11 new sunrise user's from the start of this month, i guess what you heard is not valid. 

Each month our community becomes bigger and bigger no matter what you or other crappy project owners believe or hear. 

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I didn't say anything about your user base, more about the developper. Dude don't get me wrong, I'm asking a question if you're about to die cause you don't do anything. I know for a fact at least 2 of your customer will be gone.

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Well actually that's not my problem, user's leaves and comes back. That's how things works.

What matters to me, is that for the last year everyday there was 30 or more sunrise user's logged in everyday. And believe me they are recycling all the time.


Sunrise will not die, we will keep developing improving and fixing.

Summer period for me was a dead period for computer's and internet. Imagine that there was delays even on accepting, and approving new user's and that's cause of my summer job which needs so much time and effort.

Finally my summer job will end in 3 days, so new things are coming from sunrise team, and we are already working on something new.


Announcements soon.

Stay tuned, if you are interested read here how you can become one of us. 

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We are about to create another H5 thing in a sea of current shitservers.

As we are looked (and still looking carefully), your project gold plan gives everything we possibly need in our development for a decent price.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but are your free files shared on website last updated at 2015-03? If so, would it be possible to receive newer (possibly limited) version of server files to test with? We are planning a purchase in about two months but before that we will need to went thru our checklist if this pack is really suitable for our team.


What we will try to make is 100x craft server for European/Russian communities.


Thanks, GL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont bay l2jsunrise pay for bugs feld project pay for noting y upload sun all complet file revenge for pay for noting

Glad to know that you left our closed community. We don't user's that don't know how to install proper a server.

At least you could read the guides that describing step by step how to perform a clean installation of l2jsunrise files.


Thanks god...

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