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L2JSunrise Customized L2JServer Server Files 

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  • Your topic must contain all the information about the product. If you're selling a project (L2 Pack), your topic must contain test-server's IP - It doesn't have to be 24/7 online, but enough to be tested.


Rules are rules!

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Oh then i have to follow them i guess  :okey:
Here's the test's server ip -> If you cant connect means that test server is offline, ( since from rules, it has not to be 24/7 online ).
Drop me a pm and i will open it asap!

Now ontopic!

More people joins our team every week.

We commited the 125 rev today with updates on community board with more features etc.

Every reported bug is fixed and pack is really stable.

Who have any doubts can join our test server and check on his own!


More will come ;)  ~>L2jSunrise Team <~


Website: http://www.l2jsunrise.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l2jsunrise

Edited by `NeverMore
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Oh then i have to follow them i guess  :okey:

Here's the test's server ip -> If you cant connect means that test server is offline, ( since from rules, it has not to be 24/7 online ).

Drop me a pm and i will open it asap!




Now ontopic!

More people joins our team every week.

We commited the 125 rev today with updates on community board with more features etc.

Every reported bug is fixed and pack is really stable.

Who have any doubts can join our test server and check on his own!


More will come ;)  ~>L2jSunrise Team <~


Website: http://www.l2jsunrise.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l2jsunrise

Plz tell us one day you can put it up for some hours so we can test all togheter!

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35 active users joined lately l2jsunrise community. Be the next one and gain a great discount ;)


Every bug report is fixed

New geoengine system ( fixed all l2j issues )

New community board with many functions like buffer, gm shop etc.

New features

A lot of stability improvements


Want more?

Contact me on skype mrnevermore1



Edited by `NeverMore
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Ahahah!!! I love your L2TALES community board :)


3 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users


Kelrzher, L2GodLikeOfficial,-> `NeverMore<-


L2jsunrise will be better now

Edited by HaddWik
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Ofc you do, contribute to our team and maybe in 10-20 years... maybe ... we will accept you in our community.


You can try make your own project :D hehehehehe

You know how to handle it and succes!

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2 users joined lately l2jsunrise.

we keep updating every day and fixing reported bugs.

we adding new features and options.

we rework bad coded and missing features/mods.


for more information pm me on skype: mrnevermore1


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  • 1 month later...

After a few weeks as a Upgraded user I've decided to write a short review.


I was quite reluctant before committing. I previously tried to set up a server using L2J Server files which are brilliant but lack dedicated support and developers have no obligations towards users - which is perfectly normal by the way. I was spending too much time implementing new features and waiting for people to respond to my queries.


L2J Server files are very good if one have loads of time to spend on implementing features and making adjustments etc. It was a lot more economical for me to purchase a ready made pack and benefit from the support.


I read bad and many good comments regarding L2J Sunrise from members of this community. I must admit that most of the bad comments were written just to flame, not to provide a constructive criticism.


I've never regretted becoming an upgraded user. Files are stable and have many features. Everything is easy to configure and the developers are very active.


I still spend some time tweaking server files to my liking. At least now I don't have to worry about bugs and things that I don't know how to get to work. Community is very good and people contribute their own stuff as well.


I hope this project will last for a very long time.


This is my honest and unbiased opinion. Hope it will help those who are on the fence about committing to L2J Sunrise project. If anyone have any questions, please don't hesitate to send me a PM.


There are a few good project out there and L2J Sunrise is definitely one of them.

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Thank you very much for your honest words.

The most importand is that we never asked you to write down this review, and this means a lot for us!

We will never stop work, and updating our files!



Our project progress is great, we slowly gain more and more users ( usually 1-2 every week ).

Currently we are 49 upgraded users of l2jsunrise. 



we keep updating every day and fixing reported bugs.

we adding new features and options.

we rework bad coded and missing features/mods.


for more information pm me on skype: mrnevermore1


Edited by `NeverMore
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  • 3 weeks later...

After much thought, I decided that I bought this pack. I wrote to them on Skype.  - OK


He sent me configs files and I immediately thought something wrong.  - OK


After all, it is the same as L2jPS !!! Never not to buy this pack! - VERY BAD


I am quite disappointed. I expected more.


You dont need to buy this, download L2jPS, take features and you will have same project without his CB and some fixes...




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Yes comparing configs between 2 packs which are based on same platform is a really good comparison measure.

Also is known that ps and eternity was copying our features and scripts from reunion times. This files are there over a year!


Bless god that you didnt be our user  :happyforever: . We prefer smart and good users. Not tards!

Guess what? If you really wanted to test the files you should join our test server!


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After much thought, I decided that I bought this pack. I wrote to them on Skype.  - OK


He sent me configs files and I immediately thought something wrong.  - OK


After all, it is the same as L2jPS !!! Never not to buy this pack! - VERY BAD


I am quite disappointed. I expected more.


You dont need to buy this, download L2jPS, take features and you will have same project without his CB and some fixes...





I'm not sure what is the problem here. I'm pretty sure that majority of the widely available packs have components adopted from other packs, sources. That's why you probably struggle to find a 'perfect pack' - it simply doesn't exist.


Yes, L2J Sunrise uses elements from other sources but they never denied it; what make them honest (a good quality in my book). Other copy and paste things from them as well. A bulk of the pack they offer is made of their own stuff or things that were shared. I'm sure that if you want a 100% pure and original pack you will have to build your own. Not a single premium pack on the L2J scene is free of 3rd party elements - simple as that. What you should be really concerned is the build quality and support.


I was a bit anxious before joining Sunrise as an SVN user simply because I didn't want to waste my money and time. There's a lot of bad opinion floating around regarding their project. I simply did some research and it turned out that most haters simply hate everything around them - check their posts in general, not only in this topic. They mostly flame others work. Then go and check  NeverMore's posts - he often wishes good luck to his competitors and only fiercely defends Sunrise from haters if they push too hard. I've never regretted joining Sunrise project, I get support for all bugs, new features if I want them and most of all friendly community.


One more things, the link that you provided. Almost all google results lead to topics like "[share] L2Jps (Clean And Full) - Do Not Use It On Live Servers, It's A Crap" or posts clearly saying that it's not ready to be used live as it lacks many features etc. The time you will spend on fixes and features could be easily saved by buying a premium pack with support. For that reason I chose L2J Sunrise. Nevertheless, I hope you find your desired pack :)


Just read the topic next time.


I proved in many ways the only difference there is with l2j is copy paste from RU pack.


I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. Your surely very able and knowledgeable developer, I greatly benefited from your work on L2J Server. My live server's news section contains acknowledgement and a big thank you to your entire team for making it possible for me to have a L2 server in the first place.


I don't understand why you dislike Sunrise project. Even L2J Server has it fair share of, constructive or not, criticism. People complaining about exploiting junior developers, wasting their time and efforts and even elitism within the 'inner circle'. Some of those opinions are baseless, some of them valid. L2J Server may be the base for most L2J projects but is not free from faults; pack and team related alike. I'm not sure what exactly causes your negative attitude but I believe you're very subjective and just jumped on the 'hate' bandwagon.

Edited by Sybar
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I have leaved L2J since February, don't mix them up with this please. My stay was quick in the end and I did leave for a reason, and you might have partially explained why already.

I personally don't like seller of any kinds. I don't like donation server. I don't like what money do to effort in general.

I never earned nor spent a single bucks on Lineage and never will.

I respect the people buying, while it hurts the community.

But I can't let rip off do their business. You're basically buying a pack full of shared stuff, a compilation of what's available to add things L2J is missing today.

How can we support people barely trying, taking something here and there, and selling that to people without them knowing ?

I wouldn't say anything if their advertisement (http://www.l2jsunrise.com/features.html) wasn't full of lies.

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