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Lineage II copying from WoW?


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Since today i visited www.lineage2.com

Well i think ok, gracia has been released.

THen WTF! Instanced Dungeons:



All i can say, is yeah World of Warcraft had Instances from the begginings of the game.



So the Vitality system.Yep another copy:





Just a cosmetic change but still:

Castle Sieges and etc. are now called BATTLEGROUDS.

WoW has the same but: Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and etc are called BG's too.That's pretty OOOLD.


Nothing much to say.

But let's remember the days of Kamael (When it was released.)

Gun's (xbows which were'nt xbows) were released.

Level 55 skill of Soul Breaker's:

Steal Divinity (Steals abnormal state of enemy.)

WoW mage spell:

Spellsteal (Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.)

Not really a copycat but reaaaally the same effect.


Blink (again SB's)

Teleports you backwards while stunning and damaging nearby enemies. Consumes 5 Souls.


WoW mage Blink:

Teleports the caster 20 yards forward, unless something is in the way. Also frees the caster from stuns and bonds.


Now that's a copy.Just it's changed from forward's to backwards, and changed from releasing from stuns and bonds, to stunning and damaging.





Share your thought's about if LII is copying WoW.

And why yes or why no.

If you know something that could of been copied reply too :P.

EDIT: Just remembered,

They changed color's for item's:

Like WoW has: Grey,White,Green,Blue,Purple,Orange.

They changed the color's of items to color's depending on grade.

Like yeah almost the same, but it's just an cosmetic change.



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Dude... seens 2003 (realse of l2) u think they will have alllll new ideas? ;P come on evry one has at least copy something from other games .. any way if it improves the game whats the problem?


[Also is not copy beacuse if it was the same the wow managers would take legal actions against korans and l2 managers would lose a lot of $ so i dont think its the same... (may be they pay for the rights to use it? O.o) who knows..]

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u cant blame ncsoft for "copying" wow to improve their games. wow is a very good copy of l2 so why l2 cant copy wow?(even if in my opinion by doing this NCsoft ruins lineage...)

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well if nc soft releases a new throne they need new things not just a little better graphics so they copy something from somewhere with new name and description i think this is normal they cant have some good ideas every 6 months

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yea is not really copying, is adapting an idea to a game with great graphics, plus is not really nothing huge that would even deserve a demand from blizzard...or whoever owns WoW

chill out

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i've seen a copy that NC soft took from wow :d

in kamael/hellbound/gracia u can press in ur weapon Shift+Left Touch mouse , u will have the name of the weapon in chat,  this option was in WOW

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