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Posted (edited)

Hi Guys 



I Want To Know Which One The Best Pack From This Answer:



 Packs To Rate :





Trust Rate:







Support Rate: 







Helpfull team:






Support On skype:


2-Not Have



Pack Bugs Rate:

1-1% Bugs

2-50% Bugs

3- 100% Bugs


Update Rate:

1-Every day

2-Every Week

3-Every Month


{Note: How to rate?}  

1-select your pack 

2-answer question (copy question  and   answer  on it on your replay)


Regards HighClass

Contact Me On Skype : fares.alain2

Edited by HighClass

for me better is reunion. fandc have big prices (120 E , 200 E , 350 E) and have not something big difference from reunion.  both packs are good for all server rates, but fandc have big prices


i had bought these 2 pack.. FandC project was shared on 2013,L2Jreunion was shared on 2014...but they were all restart for now.

why not use shared stuff to test their pack???you will see which one is better...



Trust rate:

all 50%    [coz when their pack was shared you will not get any updates,even they all restart their project]


anyway,if you just wanna to buy the one of these 2 pack,i think FandC project is more better than L2jReunion...FandC is more profect(if you say there are lots backdoors in Fandc,well,just forget my words),,maybe coz fandc not use l2j core...L2jreunion is suck,and more problem not solved,skills and instance and boss problem...

@l2jreunion:if you will not support updates for old members just tell me,i wait 3 mounth for your reply,but nothing...go to the hell...


sorry for my bad eng.


i had bought these 2 pack.. FandC project was shared on 2013,L2Jreunion was shared on 2014...but they were all restart for now.

why not use shared stuff to test their pack???you will see which one is better...



Trust rate:

all 50%    [coz when their pack was shared you will not get any updates,even they all restart their project]


anyway,if you just wanna to buy the one of these 2 pack,i think FandC project is more better than L2jReunion...FandC is more profect(if you say there are lots backdoors in Fandc,well,just forget my words),,maybe coz fandc not use l2j core...L2jreunion is suck,and more problem not solved,skills and instance and boss problem...

@l2jreunion:if you will not support updates for old members just tell me,i wait 3 mounth for your reply,but nothing...go to the hell...


sorry for my bad eng.


another victim of reunion...

thats sad man, im with you!

Posted (edited)

i pray with my middle finger only

why you pray with both hands ? i dont comprehend such concept of life


" Off Topic "

You are a horrible person my friend .

To make fun of someone's Religion is a sin onto itself .

~ Esti jalnic copile sa te iei de religia unuia aiurea ~


" On Topic "

I tried to make a deal with FanDc owner but he to me apears to be a very not  trustable person ( i might be wrong )

About L2Reunion i have no idea who or what they have done .



So the logical choice would be FanDc if you wish to risk money on it .

Edited by MrPerfect20
Posted (edited)

" Off Topic "

You are a horrible person my friend .

To make fun of someone's Religion is a sin onto itself .

~ Esti jalnic copile sa te iei de religia unuia aiurea ~


" On Topic "

I tried to make a deal with FanDc owner but he to me apears to be a very not  trustable person ( i might be wrong )

About L2Reunion i have no idea who or what they have done .



So the logical choice would be FanDc if you wish to risk money on it .


ro: Taci ma... ,eu sunt ateu ,ma doare-n pl de religiile voastre ,dute si puneti mana si roagate la mata :)))


Inteleg ca oamenii sunt retardati si ca majoritatea dintre ei cred in zei, cum si eu s-ar putea sa cred in extraterestrii

Dar sa se inchine in fata lor ,e penibil  frate,oribil! Si cand te gandesti ca 98% de pe planeta cred in zei, ce plm e porcaria aia ,sunteti toti retardati mintali ? aveti probleme cu neronii ? sau ce plm


inseamna ca's singur pe pamant...

rasa proasta de maimute...

Edited by Karasu

" Off Topic "

You are a horrible person my friend .

To make fun of someone's Religion is a sin onto itself .

~ Esti jalnic copile sa te iei de religia unuia aiurea ~


" On Topic "

I tried to make a deal with FanDc owner but he to me apears to be a very not  trustable person ( i might be wrong )

About L2Reunion i have no idea who or what they have done .



So the logical choice would be FanDc if you wish to risk money on it .


I don't know why you still sustain i did not appear cause i always were to pc, just @one-two weeks ago i had some health problems and i missed whole week. Nothing else.

On my website in right corner there you can find a live chat to get help and questions about my project and any detail or on my skype, you can find my skype id on my webpage http://fandc.ro

  • 2 weeks later...

I vote for  FanDC with Both hands.. High price ? Hell yeah... BackDoors? Hell no...

Example: Tales FanDC files(not supported by Claww anymore) but still better than other trashes like L2Scripts, Reunion, etc...

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