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[QUESTION] Dragon Network IL bot


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Hi! I tried to login in to dn with bakeice bypasser.


The result is: 26400: request to connect dn-login.ath.cx:2106

26400: Token is not fit with the server token


I think the problem isn't the token, cuz i dumped the engine.dll from running game, and i found the token at the default address, and that token was the default IL token. But i don't know the protocol version, and i think its caused by the wrong protocol version. I tried 709, 746 (default il protver) 749, and some random protversions too, but bypasser wrote the same error everytime. Do anyone know the protocolversion of dn servers? or any solution for this?

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i dont know how the protections works, but i got a crypthinit packet when i try to get dragon networks's packets, and l2phx gets error :S


and with my packet watcher program, i can see, l2 always change incoming port when i join to server.

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i dont know how the protections works, but i got a crypthinit packet when i try to get dragon networks's packets, and l2phx gets error :S


and with my packet watcher program, i can see, l2 always change incoming port when i join to server.


2106 login server, 7777 gameserver. This is not new...

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I've take a look at DN login packets. They aren't encrypted, or only the pass, and user was encryped. There are +3  unknown packets at login, what didn't exist when c4 was. But the old packets are looks same, just they contain some additional data in packet, where was a lot of 00s in c4 packet.

There was a packet modifier program, what i used to outgame bot when c4 (for save the encrypted password, and replace the walkers unencrypted pass with the saved encrypted one when login), that was the walker patcher 5.04 by sauron. With that you could analise the packet too. It translated the raw data to readable data, and for that it used T2packets.xml and some ini files, to seperate the data of raw packets. But it's only working for c4/c5 packet, and not for interlude. Is there there an updated version of this file for interlude packets?

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