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Everything posted by qesaras

  1. kalitera na kanw donate.. ase tha sinexizw na agorazw apo ekei p agoraza (me 15 euro to ena -ayto to lew gia kapoious p nomizoun oti ta 20 euro einai liga- some1 lock this plz
  2. 1st post updated. fell free to dl.
  3. wtb glittering medals ston l2 pride. 15 euro to ena. psaxnw atoma mono apo athina p na mporoume na brethoume gia na ginei i sinalagh. ty. leave offer edw i pm me. An thelete pm me ig (at l2 pride i mean) name InShane
  4. amazing shield!! gz gr8 work!!
  5. Monica Bellucci. thn pamela gt tin evales?? tin exeis dei pws einai xwris make up?? giapsa3e ki otan thn deis mallon tha thn vgaleis apo to poll xwris 2h skepsh
  6. can some1 resahre the patch? it had beed dled 10 times ard :S
  7. tested at l2 pride. not working
  8. glady kai pr. glady crit sta skills kai o pr poly crit power p.atk
  9. dl ur server system again. or use official systextures. couse it seems that 1 file is not working properly if it wont work: reinstal l2
  10. This is not an exploit nor a bug. it is an l2 feature that l2off dev team incloded at theur project. anyway ty for posting.
  11. Soutzoukakia me poure!! Goodys: Golden special+ megalh portokalada XD
  12. den eipa ayto.. alla poso kali pisteveis oti mporei na einai mia on board karta?? eleos dld... kai na s pw kai thn alitheia.. pali 100000000 fores ge force para ati!!!!
  13. 3anades prosektika ta xaraktiristika kai tn 3 pc... idika to 1 apo aya p edikses... (karta grafikws Ati on board??) wraios tropos gia na xalaseis alla 200 euro gia mia karta grafikwn p s tin parexei idi to mixanima t anni....)
  14. 1000 fores tha protimousa to pc t anni para ayta ta 2 mazi...
  15. Ram// kali syndesh internet (oi ellinikes sindeseis einai gtp) kalo epe3ergasti.. alla gia na mn lew polla ena kalo pc genika...
  16. egw tha s protinw ydropsi3i... kai ena kalo trofodotiko.
  17. opws exw pei kai pio panw ta XP ipostirizou ews 3.5 db ram... na ginese pio sigekrimenos.. ta VISTA ipostirizoun kai 6 kai parapanw arkei na 3ereis na ta douleyeis.. p kollaei to kinito me to pc ???? mporeis sigrineis ena aplo kinito me ena pc ???
  18. i dont get that.... kill what box? u mean l2?? anyway if i understand that correct is useless.. not only that doing this is pointless but Dav wouldnt let something that foolish to be found by players...
  19. lol paidia... katevaste to msn plus kai meta to scriptaki "getip"..... molis arxiseis na milas me kapoion tha s petaxteiena window me tin ip t allou.. eleos....
  20. <center><a href="http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/" target="new"><img src="http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/twisted.jpg" border=0></a><br><a href="http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/" target="new">How evil are <i>you</i>?</a></center>
  21. oc i like Xmas :D
  22. pare ena fileedit kai anoi3e to itemname-e.dat apo to system. tha vreis kai ta id kai ta name
  23. NOD 32 detects trojan...
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