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Everything posted by qesaras

  1. i want 1 with the same colours ^^ :P
  2. @ RAMY... lol man.. this topic has benn answered 3 months ago...
  3. perfect !! i want 1 too :P if u can make me 1 plz write at name D. Luffy nit qesaras ty :P
  4. @ strike can u give a link w/o the textures of dynasty? just the shop... ( i have a prob with my connection) ty
  5. palio alla kalo :P
  6. durex. an kai den xreisimopoiw profilaktika :P eimai prosektikos ( oso mporw vevaia :P )
  7. sh with emp echo and glady.
  8. kane kai kana search.. des edw: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28139.0
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40362.0 ayto einai to kalytero mexri stigmhs.. mn 3anakaneis diplo post....
  10. nice share but i prefer the way it is (w/o changes..)
  11. bes navicat spawnlist vres ton valakas kai ton antharas kai kane delete ta lines tous.
  12. too much yellow.... anyway nice 1st try :)
  13. valakas and antharas already exist!! u cant have 2 valakas or antharas... thats why u get this msg....
  14. at sieges/pvp critical pts... at rbs mage pt farm mage pt...
  15. yeap apo u r right :P mul= decrease :P:P
  16. i vote fore new style... cause on dnet i have sps/ee and 3/4 hit= crit so i dont care if i hit for 1000 dmg less...
  17. Ghost Hunter.... gia trelo critical
  18. Bill Gates XD
  19. diamond
  20. ncsoft is trying to ruin this amazing game... c1-IL is L2 CT1-gracia= wow+l2+shit++++ they could try to make this game more realistic but no they prefer to add shit like horses bird and others....
  21. world cup
  22. ronaldinho
  23. glady... nerco isnt that good... everything on IL is about dark res, dark res... buffs, armors even mobs have dark resistance.. sry gia ta aglika :P egrapsa etsi logo sinithias :P
  24. edw mporeis na vreis dragon slayer gia IL mono me ice-fire textures kai gia CT1 kai up mporeis na ta vreis me ta gnisia textures tous. mono p prepei na mpeis sto l2 client mods kai na kaneis ligo search :P
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