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Everything posted by qesaras

  1. omg!! cs overwrites l2 ???haha nice share :P
  2. 1 ee 1 bd 1 tank and the rest mages... (and 1 bot to give emp :P no need to be in the pt :P) i see ppl suggest sws for mage pt but in my opinion is just waste of 1 slot that can be used from one other age for more dmg....
  3. on glady there is no need to put dyes couse its the most balanced class at stats.. (destro too) for adventurer i suggest only DEX+4 STR-4 and u will be fine!!
  4. l2 and dungeon lords.
  5. i like RPG games and racing.
  6. qesaras

    The Topic.

    1. with friends goddip... with boyfriends about sex!! and some times about ex boyfriends... i hate this... 2. sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex...... thats what we are ... SEX MACHINES :P
  7. [Gr] re file kai poios tha se empisteytei? ola ayta ta itmes einai non tradable kai ta acc den allazoun...
  8. privete x10-15... einai ta kalitera rate pisteyw....
  9. DNET dragon x15 kai l2 pride 1 evdomada kathe mina gia na farmarw items kai na ta poulaw me real money :P
  10. if u will check the eye at every weapon u will see that it close and open again like a real eye!! this are amazing weapons!
  11. thanks skiller!!! at last some1 reuploaded that :) god bless ya :P
  12. Wc at the best cheating forum!!!
  13. did u really use search???? whatever...... look here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35027.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28139.0
  14. i see a lot of people tell the dont like names with xxx or iIiI what about xIXIx??? ane simple and easy name to pm :)
  15. Aden castle is the best by far.....
  16. i play l2 since c2.. (lol) now i got a bit bored.. i may join a server just to make some items and then sell em for reall money :D
  17. wraio fenete. simazemeno.. ola ok menei na to dokimasw :P ty ga to share
  18. gt den anevazeis apla to rate twn adena?? kai dokimase kana mob p na einai sa lvl s... p pas se ayto? ble to vlepeis.. h diafora sta lvl einai megalh ara kai kai sto drop chance....
  19. des an ston fakelo config t gameserver exei config gia ta custom gt mporei na thelei na ta energopieiseis. an den einai ayto (kai den se voithisei kapoios allos) allakse pack. an allakseis pack s protinw ayto: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=38659.0 to kalytero pack p exw dei sto site!! einai c6 alla einai toubano. btw c6 powns :)
  20. me DNS einai kalitera gt akoma kai rr na kaneis tha alla3ei thn ip aytomata ston server etsi den tha exeis problima oute me host oute me tpt.
  21. + AUGMENTATION_NG_SKILL_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationNGSkillChance", "15")); + AUGMENTATION_NG_GLOW_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationNGGlowChance", "0")); + AUGMENTATION_MID_SKILL_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationMidSkillChance", "30")); + AUGMENTATION_MID_GLOW_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationMidGlowChance", "40")); + AUGMENTATION_HIGH_SKILL_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationHighSkillChance", "45")); + AUGMENTATION_HIGH_GLOW_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationHighGlowChance", "70")); + AUGMENTATION_TOP_SKILL_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationTopSkillChance", "60")); + AUGMENTATION_TOP_GLOW_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationTopGlowChance", "100")); + AUGMENTATION_BASESTAT_CHANCE = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("AugmentationBaseStatChance", "1")); skill chance=15 adit "15" to have what u want :) the others are for glow/ base stats (dex,witmwint etc)
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