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  1. Many links are dead now, I checked 4 random and all are dead
  2. I remember first time when JoAllisson start the project. Opensource! Free for all! ORG! Let's do it together! I asked him "What the point?" Answer " I', doing it for fun, as a side project" (more or less) I have lost a lot of time, many hours testing and reporting bugs. Today old "free", " for fun" become: "you will need to do a 20eur/month donation. 1 month without renew then starting back at 200 €" As expected.
  3. Thank You for share of fixed version. First of all, HF-GoD stated as 20720(2268) is for real one revison earlier, almost all bugs stated as fixed are not fixed at all. Bugged party, bugged shortcuts, bugged pets/summons, broken movement, bugged doors, bugged geodata engine and many many more... Someone probably take this source short after commit of earlier revision, before start work on 20720(2268). For REAL it is old Overlord project with some l2scripts solutions, broken in many places. Most of leaks posted as "famous project" are pure crapp, especially remorse files,. First time I see so messed project.
  4. Ok, with a little help I found a bug and fixed it Topic can be closed or deleted.
  5. Check if they are in the spawnlist like the others, next check geodata, read server logs.
  6. Try spawn with admin command: //spawn mob_id or //summon mob_id Check if mob exist in datapack
  7. A topic that requires a password that the author does not want to provide to forum users should not be pinned
  8. To this time I do not see better looking skills animations in game than old UE2 Lineage 2 NCSoft is focused now on mobile games market. Money and only money. Lineage 2M is a big commercial success, best selling mobile game in Google Store, company reach almost 0.5 million € income every day! The game itself is hopeless - nothing common to original L2, only music, names, some monsters meshes.
  9. Old LU4 movie, AFAIK LU4 is mostly unfinished - few monts ago team work on some armor adaption. I saw only Dark Elves Village, Talking Island, Wasteland, Ants Cave, partially done Forgotten Temple, some random areas on west of Aden Kingdom - Ruins of Agony. I can be wrong, but IMO only 1/3-1/4 of area are done. Dunno about rest - characters, skills, items. In almost 5 years. You can read on FB last news about project status from the project leader. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Lu4CWOTeam/ Guys from Remorse take old LU4 and they started some marketing noise. There is original clip
  10. I'm talking about possibilities not peebles on the road like lack of game knowledge. It not my words, but someone on the forum said - some delevloper l2j maybe know j but not l2
  11. "MUST"? "equivalent code"? It is a wrong idea. Game mechanic is well know, that's why the java emulator was made, some guys try even CSharp or javascript. Nothing prevents you from writing such a new game engine, modern, based on newest tech stack and modern compilers. How many players can hold l2off Interlude? 10k? 15K? How about 100k? 200k? How can I be sure that l2off project was perfect? The way @MasterToma is the dead end. Technology and ideas from 2000, not 2020. The problem is here - developers community. Try look at WoW emulators - C++, good documentation, opensourced. In world of L2 dev-admins - money, greed, closed, bad code, lack of no documentation at all. And at least but not last - best game engines (UE4, Unity) are now available from zero cost at beggining. (Again, LU4 closed project and not finallized, maybe 1/6 or less content after 5 years and only client side) Many free opensource tools - Blender , free assets etc Theoritically nothing stops You from making a modern opensource AAA grade game . Only lack of skills and time. Wake up ppl, we are living in 2020
  12. Yes, sure, and I am the Elvis. Call me The King
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