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Everything posted by Trance

  1. That html gives me a headache.
  2. :alone: :alone: :alone: :alone: :alone: :alone:
  3. You may know, but it's an endless process.
  4. Experimenting with C#. It's an open-source project, so you don't care about money, nor to open a server with it.
  5. Are you experiencing, or what?
  6. They run a business after all. I'm sure they can do something against the premium ones if you increase your budget.
  7. This reminds me of those random projects from 2008. You're just willing to edit/add customs, random possible fixes on core, and nothing else. Crappy coded and pointless.
  8. 2-3 stops in aeroporturi pana ajung in Romania, cam 2 zile numai pe drum fac. >__<
  9. I like when somebody creates something and then keeps improving it. ;D I know that feeling.
  10. Daca plec pe 12, imi va lua ceva pana ajung in Romania. :))
  11. Trance

    I'm Bored

  12. Cam dupa 10 plec si eu de aici, cred ca pe 12.
  13. Lifetime license is the biggest mistake. Monthly payment keeps developers updating the product.
  14. In aprilie vin si eu acasa. Trec prin TASMANIA, si dupa flight to Romania; cu un stop in Singapore.
  15. Anunta-ma cand esti in Sydney.
  16. I may see you in greenwich. Good luck and do whatever you want no matter what.
  17. For what the hack do you need a video?
  18. That's not one-person project.
  19. I just wanted to point out.
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