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Everything posted by Trance

  1. I remember that list from 4shared.
  2. And this anti-ks system. HAHAHAHA http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/64806-anti-ks-system/?p=827725
  3. It supports HTML5.
  4. Can you please elaborate your answer? Quote my posts.
  5. 06 Aug 2015 BUMP. Stop asking everywhere for it.
  6. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  7. Pokemon reborn? https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/photos/pb.1726539840951734.-2207520000.1464948323./1731111320494586/?type=3&theater
  8. Aberonn escaped from the psychiatric hospital.
  9. How the hell is that professional? Their web/forum is pure garbage.
  10. That's not L2Finest. I invite you to read this.
  11. But still... what difference does it make? Being the real one or not, who gives a damn about the guy behind the screen.
  12. So you're just a fanboy.
  13. No, no. That's me.
  14. Look in the mirror.
  15. At least I can make a proper sentence in English.
  16. Lucky me, right?
  17. L2Finest never failed under my administration, and people know it. :)
  18. MADA ftw
  19. Did I f*ck you and I don't remember? :happyforever: gay.jpg
  20. I know what you're trying to do. I won't bother myself with an ignorant fool.
  21. I actually accomplished whatever I wanted. I'm feeling sorry for you.
  22. You're laughing because you have no knowledge, and you obviously don't know what we are talking about.
  23. Even if Colville is the developer, I don't think he knows more than editing some values on skills and items.
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