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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. We can't know from where he get that, maybe someone shared sources, he use some old sources which was .zip-ed? As I can see on the screen, he tried to launch it from dist folder, which is wrong.. Anyway :P
  2. For gods sake baggoss.. Your screens are from dist folder, not from build. First of all you have to COMPILE. Then you take all files from build/dist for gameserver and build for datapack and you paste them into new folder and you have full pack.. Obviously, if you don't compile the pack you will have errors.. :gusta: Keep all configs default, only change External if you want to make it public.
  3. Bullshit. For gameserver its dist. Looks like you did not compile.
  4. Navicat basically, phpMyAdmin.
  5. While you unspawn all, it's like deleting whole spawnlist.. If that's the case, simply clean up your spawnlist and spawn npcs/monsters which you want to be :D
  6. There is some stupid config for that.. You ask where.. no idea :rage:
  7. You gave the answer by yourself. :P
  8. Dat frozen -.- locked
  9. The site is up.. :happyforever: So much hate.. You should spread the love :dat:
  10. We gave you all possible ways how to find it, while we don't see the sources you are alone..
  11. Already exist in proper section.
  12. You can remove it. Check enterworld for ExShowScreenMessage with weird message, like kjasd908asdasda0, sort of :D
  13. EnterWorld.java probably. Else use search for "Welcome to l2 primer"
  14. Thank you, I rly appreciate. :troll:
  15. Obvious is obvious :troll:
  16. Bcs he did something wrong, it's obvious.
  17. No, it's 1,2,3,4,5 - 127 also works, but Admin privs is 1. access_levels.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <access level="1" name="Admin" nameColor="FF9900" titleColor="FF9900" childAccess="2;3;4;5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="true" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="true" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="true" takeAggro="true" gainExp="true" /> <access level="2" name="Head GM" nameColor="CC9900" titleColor="CC9900" childAccess="3;4;5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="true" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="true" takeAggro="true" gainExp="true" /> <access level="3" name="General GM" nameColor="CC6600" titleColor="CC6600" childAccess="4;5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="false" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="false" takeAggro="false" gainExp="false" /> <access level="4" name="Event GM" nameColor="0033CC" titleColor="0033CC" childAccess="5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="false" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="false" takeAggro="false" gainExp="false" /> <access level="5" name="Test GM" nameColor="0099CC" titleColor="0099CC" childAccess="" isGm="false" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="false" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="false" takeAggro="false" gainExp="false" /> </list>
  18. That's true actually and ppl cry for similar prices for whole pack :troll: Sad.
  19. You have to rework some methods to fit with your idea, for example L2CastleDoormenInstance @Override protected final boolean isOwnerClan(L2PcInstance player) { if (player.getClan() != null) { if (getCastle() != null) { // player should have privileges to open doors if (player.getClanId() == getCastle().getOwnerId() && (player.getClanPrivileges() & L2Clan.CP_CS_OPEN_DOOR) == L2Clan.CP_CS_OPEN_DOOR) return true; } } return false; }
  20. You failed hard, brah.. If you know what I mean :D if (player.getPvpFlag() != 0) { player.sendMessage("Get lost"); return; }
  21. Add a check for flag to the gk instance.
  22. That's why pure .diff would be enough if he don't have any knowledge about it, imo :)
  23. He asked for various ways, so.. here you go ;) "Update to head" with custom shit inside.. won't happen.
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