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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. You could bump your old topic. Anyway. That's not what he was talking about. Good luck :D
  2. It's hitTime actually, but it's bugged. Compare 500 hitTime with let's say ~499, the difference is HUGE. So, in short. The whole hitTime is facked :P
  3. Bcs you have both java. Uninstall all and keep only 7.
  4. Remove it. If you want to change it, remove the getText activeChar.sendMessage("blabla");
  5. Wrong java version. You need java 7 if you use free cycle.
  6. Locked. Btw, the code still is kinda bad. Also, you skipped the solo player, you only reward party.. You should move the party check under the npc check :D
  7. Its not working probably bcs its under for loop. I experienced that in past. Create a custom script for that.
  8. As I know he is providing a test server, so there is np. But well, you should post it as well, even if those haters want to find some bugs / ddos your test server for fun :happyforever:
  9. Bcs you have subclass active? Or in short, you are not replacing the file / not restarting the server.. Ppl always claims that my code doesn't work while I have proofs it is working, anyway :D
  10. So far, no bots around :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: What's the point to .zip files while you .unzip them right after that.. :gusta:
  11. Kill the gameguard - nwindow.dll file. Here you go clean updated system, killed gg + no sleep mode. http://www.4shared.com/rar/dgERYKV5ce/system_clean_no_gg_no_sleep.html
  12. It's plain wrong, the WHOLE code and it's logic. Still, your for loop doesn't consider party members. You create for loop for party members and you still focus on the player, in short, your actual for loop is useless, has no use. Here you go the proper code.. Change the msg if (getNpcId() == _barakielId) { for (L2PcInstance newNoble : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { if ((newNoble.isSubClassActive() || player.getLevel() >= 75) && !newNoble.isNoble()) { newNoble.setNoble(true, true); newNoble.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(player.getObjectId(), 15)); newNoble.sendMessage("You have received nobless status by killing Raid Boss Barakiel!"); } else newNoble.sendMessage("What a shame. You don't meet the required criteria (subclass is not active or lvl is not greater or equal 75 or you are simply already a noble.)"); } }
  13. The movement issue is not geodata related, but what you can know.. Damn, lazy to put that big thumb up, so.. simply troll face must be enough :troll: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  14. You will NOT achieve anything with such a report. The only person who would get punishment is.. Swen. Guess why? He "shared/send/sold" those files to him. At least looking at the screen. I'd say, stop the drama.
  15. activeChar.sendMessage(getText("VGhpcyBTZXJ2ZXIgdXNlcyBMMkosIGEgUHJvamVjdCBmb3VuZGVkIGJ5IEwyQ2hlZg==")); activeChar.sendMessage(getText("YW5kIGRldmVsb3BlZCBieSBMMkogVGVhbSBhdCB3d3cubDJqc2VydmVyLmNvbQ==")); activeChar.sendMessage(getText("Q29weXJpZ2h0IDIwMDQtMjAxNA==")); activeChar.sendMessage(getText("VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciAxMCB5ZWFycyE="));
  16. You can't do that, the example you provided. You can do like bypass -h npc_buffer_buff 4343 1;4344 2;4345 3 but, obviously, you have to edit the core to support such bypass.
  17. I do not care actually :happyforever: Anyway, good luck to them :P
  18. So far, there are more important things to fix than that. While he fixed it, he should share the fix, but anyway. Everyone knows how things works. You take and you don't give anything is return. It's np, sooner or later we will fix it as well ;)
  19. Check the method which increase the pvp/pk. No idea what name of that method fandc uses. Search inside L2PcInstance for setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); and see what is wrong.
  20. Yo bro, take a chill pill.. and just go with the flow.

    1. Tryskell


      I took too much pills, I see a flying elephant...

  21. aCis team really appreciate your engagement to fix mother pack.
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