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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. How did you get ~85k euro (or even more, at least) to buy it? :D
  2. @Root Leave it.. Just leave it.. You have realized that he has no idea what he's talking about.. @pirama I will not provide you links, you will c/p them. It's sad, you won't do that. Huehue. Good, good. You coded everything alone, you don't c/p from l2jserver the dimension system / instance. Ofc ofc.. Now, let it go. I'm already tired of this guy :)
  3. You almost did it. But why you put " ! " and " || " .. :) Remove ! and change || to &&
  4. You miss the check here public void updatePvPStatus(L2Character target)
  5. Remove it and see what happens. Still consumes mana? Then set it to 0 and see what happen. Simple.
  6. And who said that you have to look "one by one" :okey: Be smart. 1. Most likely then are at the very bottom. 2. While you know the skill name (using the original system - skillname-e.dat) you can open the file and check it's ID. 3. While you got the ID, you can rip the skillgrp. Profit..
  7. Then share it in Share section.. Locked.
  8. Everything is shared, so.. :troll: Ohh I see, you reworked the sources and that's why it's loading so fast, damn, you are such an awesome guy. So bad we don't have you in da crappy team (IC) :D
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/137-web-developmentdesigning/ I can recommend this guy http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/180924-coding-lineage-2-designs/ and http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178518-website-development-service/ If you are talking about the design part, then Strain. Locked, since it's a wrong section :P
  10. Connection con = null; String password = null; try { .... } catch (Exception localException) {}finally { try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException localSQLException2) {} } try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException localSQLException3) {} return false; Such an ugly way to close connection, I feel like java 6 o.O
  11. Locked. If you still didn't resolved the issue, pm me to unlock.
  12. You miss the index file. Create it and fill with data, or make CellPathFinding = true - recommended.
  13. I already told you 3 times XML. data/stats/skills As I see on l2j H5 dp, it's defined by abnormalType(?) <set name="abnormalType" val="PA_PD_UP" /> SoS <set name="abnormalType" val="POSSESSION_SPECIAL" /> BM <set name="abnormalType" val="POSSESSION" /> Make them the same type.
  14. Unlocked, link updated.
  15. Open the skillgrp from the server you are playing on, copy lines for those new skills and paste them into your file. Profit.
  16. Here you go, it's updated system, no gg, with no sleep mode inside :) http://www.4shared.com/rar/dgERYKV5ce/system_clean_no_gg_no_sleep.html
  17. Also wrong section. If you are interested in selling them, Marketplace is the correct section for this topic.
  18. Make them the same stack_type.
  19. That was a "support and requests" section, not cheats. I already asked for section organization.. Since ppl post there instead of here.
  20. Is that cheat or l2j management related? If this second, then change the stack_type from the xml. Moved to req dev help.
  21. Its for skills, not "classes". Nop, no errors.
  22. Cleaned, but seriously.. Remove that facebook spamming crap. Otherwise srsly I will lock it to prevent unwanted spam from ppl who visits your site. If I want to share your link on fb, I will. Do not force anyone to do it. Even worse, they do not know that they are sharing your fb link (spamming).
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