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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. It's total bullshit. What I meant is.. Open the file and put your custom code under doDie method, which handles the die. What you want to do?
  2. doDie() L2RaidBossInstance maybe? Else, you can create a custom script with overriden doDie() to don't see the core.
  3. Here you go, darling http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/191149-some-readycompiled-l2j-sources/
  4. More like a geodata files issue, itself, I would say. I tested the same scenario and mobs stuck on wall or simply go through it, don't disappear / fail into texture / a (geodata) hole. So, before saying it's pack issue, better check your geodata. Since there isn't perfect, bugless geodata. The only issue from pack is, mobs movement (pathnode) is not reworked, yet. Obviously, the pack isn't perfect and has (many) issues.
  5. Frozen has it.. Simply 'update' the method. Shared on mxc, topzone forum.
  6. Global, individual.. You have to be more precise.
  7. Maybe being invisible causes the issue? :D
  8. If you are playing on local, you keep 127 for internal and ini. External is for outside ppl.
  9. You can always "adjust" it with photoshop. You know the html width/height and so, you can create it, exact size and voila.
  10. By donating. http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=1093.0
  11. They see big online, then keep playing. They see empty town/server, they leave cuz of low online. Admins and players are bad :D
  12. Yup, depends on what you are gonna rent. Good luck :P
  13. Shouldn't you use query like "SELECT * FROM character_territorywar WHERE obj_Id = ?"
  14. Depending on the length of the text. Should not be much :P
  15. Meh, better find a guy who can speak/write properly in English and know russian. Since if you hire a RU guy, then you will have to translate it again. "Infinite nipples" everywhere :troll: If you are willing to pay, I know a guy who can do it.
  16. The same programs as always. Java, MySQL/phpmyadmin, navicat, apache, bla bla :p
  17. Guess why :pFake online and fake players. You can clearly see it on sieges. Server with xk online and you can barely see 4-5 parties (two clans/ally).
  18. You try hard, but you are not funny. Sorry. It's like asking for enchant rate.. Read godamn features you lazy ass. :)
  19. 20_22 is dion territory and I highly doubt it's gonna work like that :P Also, what's the difference between them?
  20. More specific? lol Title says it all :P
  21. achylek the hackz0r.
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