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Everything posted by Jαkє

  1. the game doesnt start with that.... really strange. anyways, why to use that when 2.02 is up? :S
  2. use l2 divine, but i don't know the protocol for interlude..meaby it's 629 if i remember well?
  3. yeah he took the game too much seriously :S
  4. well it works, but unless there are pkers in town, why should you use this? :/ is only 4 fun ^^
  5. Not so useful for mages, anyways, as they cant use a shield with these :P
  6. what is this effect? is like, phantom weapon? :S
  7. yeah but orc have huge stat, and only lvl 40 :S kinda unbalanced
  8. darkside was good when it was interlude...now not that much anymore..
  9. l2off > l2j more stability, less bugs, but less customization too.. it's your choice anyway :P
  10. i don't think it's working on l2off..meaby in some old l2j :s
  11. doesn't actually work in all the servers i tried.. >,<
  12. Nice share...but why to hide it with 10 posts? :S it's kinda useless
  13. that's a cool share! I want to see a dwarf with it, the helmet would be bigger of the body XD
  14. isnt this the epic armor with changed colour?
  15. Tell us what weap/armor/wings are there inside..
  16. very nice newbie guide for start editing ;) It's always useful to know some more infos about L2j
  17. Tell us some information about the server
  18. lvl of mobs, chests, colorful messages..
  19. Try to use divine instead of OOG..i never tried that server so i cant answer surely
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