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Everything posted by Jαkє

  1. that's l2j, i suppose? edit your title, please, you didnt add this info.
  2. French site? good joke.. as i saw it, i just alt+f4'd.
  3. site in ucoz...FAIL. It's scientifically proved that 99,9% of servers that have site in ucoz closes after 1 month. Get a domain.
  4. i was wondering if you make make one for me too, if you have the time ^.^ Something with a moonlight sentinel in it.
  5. i mean, the programs you gave us are similar to walker and phx.
  6. phx is already posted..also, the other programs are very similar to walker and phx, so whats the point?
  7. PFFF answering in a topic that is from april...and doubleposting too? LAWL
  8. i dont like the colors, meh. they are childish
  9. try think about it. OFFICIAL. lvl 50 mob..easy to kill.. drops 1-50 of these mats. you can sell these mats for (donno) lets say 1-5k each.. thats pretty a LOT of adena for offi servers.
  10. Like cheat engine..? Well, we might hack only client side if so.
  11. LOL i tried it in a interlude (cant say the name) and it worked greatly!!!!!!! i got 200k hp and 2k atk spd on it now ^.^ ill post screen later
  12. they have rly strong skills. know how to play em in an unbugged server, and u'll see how powerful they are.
  13. lol, stupid topic. //ontopic: hack the server, take GM rights, +65535 and then PWN ALL! :o pr0 tips.
  14. 67 S grade? ò,O i didnt even remember that it was so low in c5 lawl ^.^
  15. I'll explain better.. 1) use cheat engine..attach it at l2. (google it if u dont have it) 2) search in the exact value the NUMBER OF UR ENCHANT+1 (example: if u have weap +5, search for 6; if u have weap +44, search for 45) 3) change it to anything u want..+65535 or anything, meh. thats just a client side hack. nothing of important.
  16. still i never made it working, meh. just 1 time out of 200 like, lol.
  17. it's just started: 2 days ago lol, u cant have a so big community with such a low uptime. anyways it looks a good server, im playing here..fun lvl'ing..the gms are helpful..the community is increasing fast. IG: Jake
  18. FAKE 100%. 2 gb ram? meh, with an off server it wouldnt even start. 1000x rates? never saw an off like this LOL Gracia T2? LoL, not even all l2js are updated to this, how would you have that?
  19. mb u mean more realistic? anyways i will delete kamaels too..they simply suck a lot.
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