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Everything posted by Jαkє

  1. this topic is made 90% of spam. btw +1 also, who tries to use aggression on rb?! no1 right?? the healer must tank! if this is an exploit, im jesus christ. and i will not do good things.
  2. Hopzone. Servers indexed : 478 Good luck on close em all. About at last 10 new servers are opened daily.
  3. doesnt look bad, ill give it a try to see how is it.
  4. lol l2 underworld xD its not the old one, its just a fake
  5. btw, cannot login now. the server needs a restart!
  6. the site isnt working now btw server is just OWNAGE, VERY good
  7. btw, 20 online not much of a masterpiece huh
  8. that looks as a masterpiece. lot of strategy inside to develope your class, dammit.
  9. L2J server & L2JDp has the best support, easy to edit and compille , light packs, etc.
  10. so, maybe someone got a Gracia Final Client (korean too?) or a gracia final pack ( a real one) :s
  11. thanks Tolis. Server Updated to revision v2 ! Please Check into ur forum about the new Updates. thanks.
  12. yeah these are kinda good indeed, but a bit too shiny imo
  13. It isnt just a c/p of Vago, cuz this has been discuted here => http://l2jserver.com/forum/thread.php?threadid=29406 Also, I Updated it to the lastes revision possible. Think before you write. Also, the credits is given, what you worry about ? If you dont like the topic, just dont reply. ;)
  14. Maybe in L2Jfree that is Implemented, but in L2J its Not. so Before you speak ,think a lil bit..will be better for all.
  15. edit: btw why make that topic? we can check the toplists instead of your message lol!
  16. what was ur nick there?? i was Jake, hero 7 times out of 9 played (now left the server)
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