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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. "She" is hot blonde so this topic need to be locked asap!
  2. well i will exlain you what i was saying, there will be a loop for the ids of an array. ( ids will be all ids for mage class for example ) on this loop you will add on players inventory one by one the items using .getInventory().addItem(..blabla.) and then force them to auto equip on character using .getInventory().equipItem(id here); you will propably need also inventory update and broadcastUserInfo each time you loop. its just an idea, and code will be much better, try it alone and if you cant do it, i will help you!
  3. then what Ayami- posted is the best solution.
  4. add items on arrays and use a loop to equip everything with one method. it will not be more than 5 lines
  5. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

  6. yeap but i am still eating from your 250 euro you paid me ;) :-beep- yeah: btw you said you are not going to reply again :D what happend? truth touched your feelings ? :happyforever: :happyforever: I know how you feel dude! Its okey! You are trying to feel better saying i am telling bullshits, but everyone who know you knows the truth ;) Thats why everyones trashtalks on you. we give views to the topic ;) we cant have one mature conv? :happyforever: :happyforever: thats why forums exists my friend :)
  7. yeap 15-20 real online and on first day 150+ votes on all vote sites ( more than your l2eva had for 4-5 days ). okey please do me this favor and dont reply again :D . Your replys makes you look silly. On first place you would make this server fail, and now you going back to your cave like a kiddo since you cant do a shit :P Then you are going to open a night club with your 3k you made from l2 :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: Thats your 'BIG' plans for your future ... hahahah ... I will say once more that all mxc is laughing at you! Good luck from me bro. You gonna need it :happyforever:
  8. community splits on sevrers bro,what i mean? when there are only 2 servers online community on them will be higher ( nowhere else to play ) . When a third servers opens ( like empire ) community from other 2 servers come to the third server. on our G.O there was 180 ( real unigue ip's ) and our .online was showing real players which means 270 + playes on server, if some them was "ghosts" is another story( arround 70 i think )! Yours showing players that doesnt exists, and believe me i made much better advertise than you, and all this without hopzone/topzone :D! Imagine what if we was on this 2 sites what would be the result ... W/e it was my first try, i made mistakes ( i was newbie on this ) i learn from them , my next try going to be much better and believe me you will not be able to hurt me like you did. The difference between me and you is that i didnt even spend a single euro for empire, mashine , website , hosts everything was free.. and quess what? on that 2 days i got 100+ euro donations :D. Sorry if i make you feel stupid but its the truth! I hope for you found your way on making your pro bar with 3k euro, and leave l2 because you hurt its community! bye bye
  9. I am not going to start this conv again with you, what my customers report is fixed on latest revs of l2jreunion, so if you wasnt that stupid to share our files w/o our permission you would have all this fixies for free like all my customers. Finally i ve already said countless times that buying our sources doesnt make us your developer. You should had wait like every customer do ;) Now guess what? you lost many euros because of your stupidity not because of me! Sorry to bother you bro but thats the truth! And l2sexi where i used to be dev dont buy votes, he just dont use fake players like you do ;) Try harder and maybe one day you will reach aerons community ... maybe ... oh wait .. you will never reach that much people...
  10. quess what? you simple cant hurt this server, because owner is not beginner ( like i was ) with empire. he knows your poor tricks better than you! on your first posts you was saying that they hurt your business and you will make them fail , and now this :D! some1 is defeated! sad story bro, now watch your shit revenge loosing his 50 players. ( even l2sexi has more votes and daily online is 80 :D )
  11. finnaly, this is the end of revenge/eva and all this trash servers! i will be there on G.O. You should be too! Good Luck ;) @karasu /Cry more litle kid, ( kgo spam about empire now like 5 years homo kids do :D all mxc is laughing at you)
  12. and party matching bro, i provide link from where he got it
  13. come on guys, we all know that its synerges code! also party matching is made from lotriem and he was selling it here -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/172550-hi5interlude-party-matching-mod/ when i was selling aunction from russian packs (only for l2jreunion) , without to post any image , i got my topic locked because ED was informed that i am selling others work. now things changed...
  14. i see reply from Trance here :O
  15. ισχύει αυτό αλλά το λειτουργικό τους είναι αρκετά δύσχρηστο... νομίζω δεν θα το μετανιώσεις για την επιλογή που έκανες... καλοδούλευτο! ναι και εγώ για αυτό δεν έπαιρνα τόσα χρόνια, περίμενα να βγει ο αλέκος
  16. μην κάνεις το λάθος και πάρεις κινητό με windows
  17. site down :(
  18. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

  19. So you created auction house and this party matching from scratch. Nice work buddy. C'mon!
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