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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. hmmm 470 online right now , but from yesterday only 270 votes and 34th place on topzone :( http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-info/11728/RevengePvP.html it seems like admin needs fake players to fool his real players :D ( arround 150 )
  2. http://www.l2reunion.eu http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/183961-l2jreunion-high-five-project/
  3. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

  4. bro forum is not working, good luck ;) !
  5. Looks like a profesional work on website and in general i like it. People should stop joining same server with same admin again and again and give him again and again money for donating same shits. The last year this situation made me sick of stupidness of people. really. Good luck on this project, i will be on opening to check it!
  6. 1 year ago we was, something like 200 revs back. Too many things and provlems are fixed till then. We are still alive and updating every day or week. During xmass we will decrease projects price. For more information contact me on skype or pm me here. Also by purchasing our project you will also get a discount for lameguard ( best client side protection ) Dont waste time and purchase your copy now! I can provide test server anytime you want.
  7. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

  8. `NeverMore


    you cant give me warns , lol ! only moderators can do this.. i think this conv becomes ridiculous, i will not anwer again! bye bye
  9. `NeverMore


    is this a threat? i think mods should see this :D
  10. `NeverMore


    http://s1.postimg.org/89aebmoa7/32d3e.jpg one example -> http://l2seal.com/for more than 2 months on top10 of topzone/hopzone etc.. it seems you are fully informed!
  11. `NeverMore


    its not working like this, its not a trade feedback. rep works like this! i am sorry to bother you, you should accept it! http://s22.postimg.org/8meroyigh/32rdf.jpg
  12. `NeverMore


    never created a sigle topic for scam about me and my project... every customer accepts my terms before purchasing, they test , they gimme the money and we are both happy! also the rep you are asking back you was beging me on skype to give it to you lol
  13. and i did the same... i posted my opinion also ;) whats the prob? i didnt abuse anything, rep works like this i am sorry you need to re-read the forum rules!
  14. `NeverMore


    you should thought this before posting on my sales topic... the fact that you are trying to scam again , doesnt mean that you should destroy others sales! i didnt even posted on your topic. you did it first because we still sell our pack and we was getting you customers! iits obvious
  15. `NeverMore


    this is not karma dude, it not works like this so it will not returned, also i reported you and you will see the results soon.
  16. yeah i need your 5 euro, while i ve made from l2jreunion more than your whole family makes in one year! you was begging me for +rep on skype and know you pretend the pro... hahah how rediculus! i will stop this here... you will not have any customer and i am sure about this so have a nice day sir. everyone with some brain woudnt buy files from a guy like you. ( claimed scammer about 300+ times )
  17. obviously a scam! if seller was trusted he would provide screens of the source , images from ingame etc... also even if this files are real they will have 92345823894 backdoors! buy packs only from official sellers to avoid problems and scams!
  18. you will need latest java dude :happyforever:
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