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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. thank you guys! If someone want more information just send me a message here. I can provide test server for everyone with master access account!
  2. actually yes you are right, i guy with litle brain if do some maths can check an average of online players... so here how it looks like.. stalone says that he have 10k players lets say that only half players votes.. we have 10k/2=5k votes each 12 hours.. one day have 24 hours which means that 5k players can make up to 10k votes a day... 30 days of a month x10k votes a day means about 300.000 votes at the end of the month. ( and remember we just calculated half players of what stalone says )
  3. l2tales website -> http://tales.l2holiday.com/ http://tales.l2holiday.com/how-to-connect.php http://tales.l2holiday.com/features.php http://tales.l2holiday.com/store.php hmmmm
  4. hmm acest google translate poate face magie
  5. I really feel sorry for myself for replying in guys like you. You cant even get the right meaning of a sentence. But you just proved again to everyone how retard you are. hahahah you even changed your signature for me ... Just pathetic...
  6. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

  7. Well after i'am anwering on all your bullshits , you just post some new.. so thats what i will do again..I will make you look silly again to everyone that reads this spam and then i will request from a mod to clean up my topic once again! First of all i ve made a new topic since moderators asked me to do it .. but you are silly enought to think w/e you want ... Second my price is same , we ve just added a new plan with only compiled files that costs 25 euro! The svn access still costs the same money like when you gave me your nice and hot money! So stop telling this bullshit again and again ... You becoming rediculus ... About your servers , i dont remember any of them stay online for more than 2 months ... and you claim yourself a server owner? hahaha You pretend the pro , but you never make better gameplay or real online from the 1-2 years online pvp server with name "l2aeron" and guess what? your current server with will close again because of your failness in less than a month! But this time you will not have anyone to judge ... or maybe yes , you will ... hnoke ... thats the reason of your currents server failure hahahaha And yes there is reunion based server with better rank than you! Just open your eyes kiddo..
  8. The only bot here is you :D ! You are not even my customer and never tested our latest sources since you dont have access too... Post some valid proofs of your sayings otherwise non will believe you! Thanks for your bump anyway! This are not my friends but my customers, a guy with litle brain would be able to see them on my forum with customer access. Also a moderator would be able to confirm this checking our accouts informations. And yes there are all active and latest customers ;) Right now more than 5 server onlines using our files and i can say that some of them are in top10 of topzone/hopzone! Even in higher place than your fail server ... We count more than 60 customers in the last 2 years of our project! Thanks again for your bump!
  9. well, i ve read it , it was just a correction.. i am not pro at english too why so hattin nab..
  10. You request from everyone you buy something your mobey back after 1-2 month? Else you share his files? like you did with me because i didnt gave you back your friends money? What a garbage....
  11. its '' proud of myself " little England pro
  12. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

  13. That wasnt for you idiot, even pineapple is smarter than you.
  14. Yeah we all know the story. A wannabe opens a server and the second day earned enought money to built a house , buy a car and drop down a whole country.
  15. why who asked for yours? But your brain seems messed up since your last failure once again on lineage 2 servers. If you didnt noticed it we are on spam section!
  16. Thanks guys for your feedbacks. Topic updated. If you want to access online test server or purchase the files drop me a pm here or at skype "mrnevermore1"
  17. Professional High Five Servers - Skype: mrnevermore1 / http://www.l2reunion.eu

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