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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/191870/resized_high-expectations-asian-father-meme-generator-try-harder-or-dont-i-will-always-be-disappointed-in-you-a170d6.jpg
  2. We was talking about RU feature's,then you post a random link with trash shits, of the free version which i answer about them on next posts. I dont know why i spend time here with you and the other tards. At least my topic gain some views :D!
  3. And her "gamia" ARXIGOS
  4. Yes obviously, if you join our test server, every feature is from RU source's. Oh my god :poker face: . -> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg Stop reply please, because you make yourself silly with that kind of reply's. L2jSunrise does not include any RU feature. But how you are capable to know that? Did you ever tested the real latest l2jsunrise files? NOT. Your sayings proves it also... Once again owned hard.
  5. King of devs for converting some ru features on l2j. Hmm should i keep reading? Its obvious that you have 0 knowledge on the subject. Maybe you need to dedicate your life on another sales topic, because here, you just prove to everyone how "re-smarted" you are! :happyforever: Yeap the fact that i dont know recognize you as an upgraded user and that you have 3 posts only my topic doesnt mean something. Oh god. People nowadays trying too hard... So hardcore!
  6. You already admited that you dont even have installed h5 client on your pc. whos liying? bitch please back to your cave now!
  7. Yes i should spend 1 hour of my life, creating a video and uploading it , just to prove to "you" , ( while you are not even intrested ) that my source's are legit. Yes you seems really smart ;) . Who is really intrested, joined my test server, tested instances and w/e he wanted and he is already upgraded user. 33 and still counting ... ;)
  8. Okey thanks for your effort, you are l2j hero , now i would apreciate it , if you didnt reply again here, if you dont have something legit to say! I will not bother reply to kenlegent, he is trying too hard for me!
  9. Oooh and suddenly, KaiPower with the 2 posts on forum ( on my topic ) logged in. Lets wait for his legit and real reply! Fuck it why i even reply? http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/334141/resized_jesus-says-meme-generator-i-know-who-you-are-i-know-what-you-have-done-b23ebc.jpg
  10. Go convert some of my npc's to java and then come back to reply about legit reviews. Believe it or not, this guys is upgraded user. I do not force anyone to reply, and i do not have their accounts! I know it looks bad for you and your "ego" but you have to admit it. I feel sorry for hurting your fealings. Now you can join every day mxc for me and my project to spam my topic ;) ( like you never did it ) huehueheuheu
  11. Posting the same things, again and again, is considered a spam ... You should knew that! And its an opinion, non of this guys ever tested the real l2jsunrise, files! The guys who tested them , already stated some legit reviews and you can posibly read them on the first pages! You opinion is not a fact, neither mine! Everyone have hes own opinion and point of view! Dont try to be smartass, because you put yourself on the same cave with KenRen the 40 years old l2 player! Fuck it, people nowadays have serious problems. http://www.juanquotes.com/images/0024-jealous-people.jpg
  12. Yes if you want i can give you the first rev of l2jreunion to test the skill engine and then come here, and make an 100% legit review ;) Also you said your opinion once, you dont have to remind us your childish behavior everyday by spamming on my topic. Let people use their brain and make their choices.
  13. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  14. Yes sure you have, to come here and post irony reply's! Unfortunately, you did read this reply's but the one's with the spam not. Seems legit!
  15. If you think i am talking "bad comments", then you are possibly blind. Just check the last 20 reply's and half of them will be with shitty gif images with no sense. thats what i consider as spam. You have something to say? Okey do it once, and leave people make their choises. You dont have to come every day and spam on my sales topic. I'am always accepting bad comments, since i know you cant have only good one's!
  16. Its cool , reading all this from an acount with 2 posts! huh... To be honest free version is mean to have bugs and problems. If free version was bugless and working 100%, what would be the reason of silver and gold plans? Finally thanks for all the comments, i do not hate! I love spam, and as it seems, even moderators do , :D since they visit this topic, and instead of clearing the previous spam, they take place on it. Mature moves over 9000! Jealousy is a bad thing :(
  17. This guy legendkay is totally retarted. The pack that is shared, is 2 months old, and source is not included. Which means is nothing. We are working on something you. Soon i will announce everything. Also SmartGuard is supported from now on, and all our upgraded users obtain discount for their services!
  18. Yeap guess why :D
  19. Okey thanks for your advice. Let me and l2jsunrise do our job and keep living your real life. Cheers.
  20. I checked the server yesterday, its great and gameplay is really good. But from my experiance, pvp community will not even bother spend 10 minutes to learn something new. This means in 1 week server will be empty. It has nothing to do with the server, but with the community.
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