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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. lol'z i mean to be a part of l2jsunrise, only upgraded users aka donators takes access on forum. you will never get access anyway, simply because you cant :P we (l2jsunrise) dont accept wanna be garbage detectors :D
  2. δεν αντιλέγω πως τα αποτελέσματα αυτά είναι μακράν μακριά από τα πραγματικά, παρόλα αυτά θυμάμαι στο συγκεκριμένο site στις προηγούμενες εκλογές πολύ μικρότερο ποσοστό της Χ.Α συνεπώς θα υπάρχει αύξηση , τώρα κατά πόσο δεν μπορούμε να ξέρουμε .. εκείνοι κάνουν λόγο για 2ψήφιο ποσοστό.
  3. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  4. My dns was shared in the past, and its not changed till today to be honest, but quess what? some pathetic scambugs like you thought it was funny to ddos my house connection every 10 fucking minutes. So then for about a month i disabled the dns and i was giving directly my ip to the people who really wanted to test and be a part of our community. read again the last 10 words i just posted, and you will get your asnwer.
  5. yes shared features which you coudnt even imagine or code the 1/3 of them :D litle wanna be dev of l2jserver huehuehue garbage detector
  6. Not wanna bother but, 50 euro for some htms and some shared codes which can be combined and make some easy funcions like tp,buffer etc is a LOT money. Maybe including the database, which you simple cant make, it would be a good price! My project include this cb with much more extras and features and the silver plan costs 34,99 ( for the whole pack ). Maybe you need to re-think about your price, 10 euro its good price i quess!
  7. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  8. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  9. I know, but it seems that LogicalMind have another opinion.
  10. Propably he means the oldschool way, counting the vote before the player start voting and then again when he finishes. Ofc its not safe and its the worst way if you ask me. 2 connections per request for vote reward threads running all the time only one vote per time people have to vote on the validating period otherwise they lose their reward
  11. Our Database aka Drop calculator from now on support, sort by Name , Level and Chance http://prntscr.com/8bidye http://prntscr.com/8bie4x Also you can see spoil drops and normal ones ofc. With one click on the icon of the item ( drop ) drop calculator will search automatically for it. It is available for both XML and SQL versios of l2jsunrise. It have more features than you can imagine.
  12. Non of them provides the voters ip. There's an API which takes as a var an IP and returns TRUE or FALSE (0/1) if this ip had voted the last 12 hours. So simply with the .getreward the mashine connects to the API ( link ) parsing the ip of the player and reads the result. If its TRUE means that the player had voted. Examples of the API link http://l2network.eu/index.php?a=in&u=l2awakening&ipc= We are cheking if IP voted for server with id -> l2awakening There are only 3 topsites that supports this kind of API and its l2top.co , l2network and l2topzone.
  13. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  14. Never thought about the length of the html, but unfortunately you are right, this tale's htmls even need to edit the seperateAndSend method to be displayed
  15. Try something like <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td height=10></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=4 valign=top><img src="L2UI_CT1.Gauge_DF_Large_MP_Left" width=4 height=14></td> <td width=55><img src="L2UI_CT1.Gauge_DF_Large_MP_Center" width=55 height=14></td> <td width=4 valign=top><img src="L2UI_CT1.Gauge_DF_Large_MP_Right" width=4 height=14></td> </tr> </table> http://pastebin.com/zEhsjstj
  16. Instead of adding <br> or <br1> on tables like <tr><td><br></td></tr> to move down the content is more easy and efficient to use the height function. not only is better, but you can also move it as much as you like and not "fixed pixels".
  17. Very nice. Suggestion, your next video should be related to l2jsunrse!
  18. Moved npc's and drops from SQL to XML. 1. Now all drops are more retail like with group chances etc 2. Fixed some wrong npcs stats like p attack hp mp etc 3. Fixed Npcs drops to be more retail like plus also added some missing ones 4. Fixed npcs stats calculations 5. Fixed npcs skills, added missing ones And many more Tho its up to the customer if he will use XML or SQL. We have 2 seperated SVN folders. This means that old users can keep updating on their current SVN or start useing the new one with XML. New users can choose which way they wanna work. We will keep update both versions to latest revs. Finally i finished my summer job and from monday i will have more free time which means i will code new features etc. More is comming.
  19. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  20. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

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