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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. Pmed! I was away for like 10 days, so maybe i ve missed some messages, if you didnt got your asnwer please, send me again! Project is growing day by day. We currently have 31 upgraded users and each week more and more poeple joining our community. Why? Because we insta fix ( next 12 hours ) every report (bug) on forum. Because we offer support. Because if there is not bug reports we still working everyday on new features or reworks. Because files are really stable and buggless. Who want to test the files can simple pm me on skype: mrnevermore1 http://www.l2jsunrise.com/ Thanks to everyone who supports our try and our project!
  2. You shoudnt even talk, you started 843912 projects and closed them after 1 month. At least l2jsunrise and l2jreunion is online and still going for more than 2 years. Finally who are you? Hmmm oh yes hadiwk :dat: Where i cried? I didnt even pm some1 to lock this topic which doesnt follow the forum rules. Its normal for some jealous people to flame and blame me. I accept it... You and everyone can keep spaming but you know something? We have 31 upgraded users till now and we are really happy about it.
  3. Server looks really promising. Good luck . Balance will be the hard part. It's l2jserver or Russian? I quess Russian
  4. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  5. the thing is that you always talking w/o arguments, and with bets. still didnt saw a responsible answer from a moderator, only troling reply's. i will not bother reply again here... i ve justed returned for a trip ( 10 days ) and 3 people joined already. keep going :D
  6. ofc some scripts will be similar or same with l2jserver, never hide that our project is based on l2jserver, but the fixes are taking place in our project has nothing to do with l2jserver anymore, about old skill engine you said, some datapack scripts didnt change but formulas reworked to be as retail as possible, if we still have some broken skills or some work in a very bad way we are free on suggestions how they should work and we are capable to fix them, like we did with other skills. you said its a copy of l2jserver, you can also test our geoengine and compare with l2jserver's problems, about some scripts which are made long time ago when java 7 and java 8 was like a dream or something, we updated and reworked those scripts on a daily basis, that shared version is like 70+ revs back, this can be confirmed from our svn customers. Haters gonna hate, but we are still here and we will continue our work for ppl will like some ppl will hate us thats business.
  7. but its not about the share, its about the rules that this topic does not follow. What i said there is true. Its almost the 5th time sharing my project and in all russian forums and spanish one's you can find also copies. I quess in your hard try to be smartass you confused yourself. about l2jserver yes thanks for you opinion, on your next h5 server use l2jserver! it gonna success! ... like all of your projects .... :troll:
  8. Its compiled version, so there is not even a share, the tag is wrong and the source's are not included on any link. Topic should have been locked but mods maybe they dont know their own rules. About all trashtalkers i will not even bother reply... why? first of all its statements w/o arguments and second if sone1 check's my sales topic will see that its the same accounts that was talking and spammed like jealous guys again and again! l2jsunrise is going great and no1 can do a shit ;) we still have upgraded users and we still updating! cheers !
  9. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  10. Accepted, i was away some days, who is intrested needs to contact me again! I will update later with information about the progress of the project.
  11. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  12. Support, Instant fixes, Almost everything working Custom features, Everything configurable What more? Everything you need is on this pack! Dont waste time and upgrade to gold plan today! 2 months after project officially announced and more than 30 happy users upgraded. For more information add me on skype -> mrnevermore1 or visit http://www.l2jsunrise.com/
  13. i ve tried to contact you w/o success! I was offline for like 1-2 days because i was travelling. if you are still intrested just check your skype!
  14. no, you are not hatin, you are just saying the truth, when you never tested sunrise files, or any sunrise project :D huehueheu thats so pathetic.. you are not server owner or dev , but you care about my project like you are :D ! it seems i am so importand to you. oh and, i never pretend the pro, or something, i am just posting the new features that my project offers. jejeje keep posting, i will ignore you like a boss! :dat:
  15. Dude really? there is nothing to compare between sunrise and universe ... As you said time will show :D And it gonna be hard for them. I ve just stated my opinion this bullshit about "open source" with transactions! Nor to blame something or their shitty commits :D W/e good luck from me!
  16. L2j Perfect administrator said hahahahaha :happyforever: Spend some time reading -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source Finally you will learn something of all this effort you make for your open source project. What? The meaning of open source!
  17. huh same avatar with admin's forum
  18. who want to take down ovh mashine and have money on his pocket pm me! cheers!
  19. an oi filoi sou mporoun na perasoun ton login (2106), kai exeis aniksei me ton idio tropo tin porta tou gamesevrer (7777) tha prepei na psakseis allou to provlima. den nomizw pos einai sta ports
  20. that will attract a lot of people for sure
  21. its not, thats why it wasnt exist on l2jreunion and l2jsunrise, but since a lot of users asked for it, we made it for everyone ;) thats l2jsunrise :dat: y u keep hatin? bring me some more views please
  22. Yeap you should be right, because i dont see this shit click-jack pop up for facebook like's and forum is based on IPB
  23. Some icons of the upcoming services tab of l2jsunrise. Html might look similar to other cb's but code is 100% done by l2jsunrise team! Our community everyday becomes bigger, and bigger ! Thanks to everyone who supports this project! Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/l2jsunrise Website: http://www.l2jsunrise.com/
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