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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. I am sorry dear friend cakooo21 but you knew before you become compiled user that you will not have updates and bug fixes. Everything you reported the next day was fixed for the gold users. You cant have lifetime dev support aka bug fixies for 30 euro you donated for the silver plan.
  2. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  3. make it work from the "shared" source's you say on l2jserver and then come back to post. oh and i thing you misunderstood the post of kyosume . read again his post and use your brain ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 new users joined today :) new features are coming soon! we fixed every reported shit and we keep updating everyday. http://www.l2jsunrise.com
  4. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  5. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  6. The images of drop calculator -> http://prntscr.com/84oh4c http://prntscr.com/84ohc3 http://prntscr.com/84ohjt http://prntscr.com/84ohva http://prntscr.com/84ois4
  7. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  8. L2jServer and Database on cb similar to tale's is possible? On http://www.l2jsunrise.com/ it is! Join us!

  9. L2jServer and Database on cb similar to tale's is possible? On http://www.l2jsunrise.com/ it is! Join us!

  10. L2jServer and Database on cb similar to tale's is possible? On http://www.l2jsunrise.com/ it is! Join us!

  11. Drop calculator aka Database is finished! Will be available from tommorow on extra features for all the users of l2jsunrise. Preview soon! Also this is the new index of our cb -> http://prntscr.com/82lqna Will be able to handle announcements from admin panel. There will be pagination ofc! What i mean? You will not need to edit html to update the announcements, you will be able in real time to update them ingame. We are still growing , we are still updating, we are still the BEST! L2jSunrise!
  12. or simply -> http://l2topzone.com/forum/announcements-and-news/1/fix-for-vote-reward-that-use-total-votes/23902/
  13. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  14. L2jSunrise - Professional H5 Emulator http://www.l2jsunrise.com

  15. More and more users are joining every week our community. We still updating our files everyday, fixing existing bugs and adding new features. This week we will commit ingame LogsViewer. What it is? You have a new button in admin panel called "Log Viewer" ->http://prntscr.com/7wu7yr When you click on it you select which file you want to spectate. ->http://prntscr.com/7z4r1q Then board will automatically open with the last 30 lines of console's logs. -> http://prntscr.com/7z4qqc You have option to use "Start Capture" which will start parsing all new logs from console to the board, and ofc "Stop Capture" for stopping it. Also there an option for "Capture Once". Our head dev reworked completely connections engine which means a) No more areal lags (exists since c4) b ) No more player stucks when spam skills etc Also Database or Drop Calculator is almost ready for use. http://www.l2jsunrise.com/ Join oor community now!
  16. Chek my signature, test server is always online, pm me on skype if you want to join and test the files, dont listen randoms.
  17. Yes comparing configs between 2 packs which are based on same platform is a really good comparison measure. Also is known that ps and eternity was copying our features and scripts from reunion times. This files are there over a year! Bless god that you didnt be our user :happyforever: . We prefer smart and good users. Not tards! Guess what? If you really wanted to test the files you should join our test server! Cya
  18. πολύ ενδιαφέρον , αλλά δυστυχώς μόλις 4κ views
  19. κάπου μπερδεύτηκες αν νομίζεις πως το όχι θα σε πάει μπροστά, εκτός εάν εννοείς διαφορετικά το 'πίσω'
  20. Remove your shitty click-jack auto like for facebook. First is almost everything un-clickable and second some anti-virus blocks your site -> https://www.virustotal.com/el/url/87adaf6526009b389c5826e58703a2b81c49faefc0f1a335784b7e225da2196c/analysis/1435828332/
  21. Thank you very much for your honest words. The most importand is that we never asked you to write down this review, and this means a lot for us! We will never stop work, and updating our files! Our project progress is great, we slowly gain more and more users ( usually 1-2 every week ). Currently we are 49 upgraded users of l2jsunrise. we keep updating every day and fixing reported bugs. we adding new features and options. we rework bad coded and missing features/mods. for more information pm me on skype: mrnevermore1 http://www.l2jsunrise.com
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