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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. A beer in our beaches, and a sleep in our sand, will make your life happier!
  2. Thanks for this share.. We need active people to help the others. Good job and take care what merlon says.. Will be more clearly. Keep sharing..
  3. Fast way to fix this issue.. Close your eyes for 2 seconds after login. :not bad:
  4. Try to read the multifunction's code and remove what you want, or pay someone to do the job for you. with mobs --> you can spawn mobs inside of this zone.. with full buffs --> no comments here. with respawn after kill --> there's already respawn code. So, register your zone in file ZoneId.java paste in your eclipse the L2MultiFunctionZone.java file, remove restrictions, reward, whatever you want, and keep only what you need. It's old, can be done with less lines, but it's good enough for free. Also, you will need to touch the method updatepvpstatus in L2PcInstance(Player).java If that Isn't clean for you, send me pm.
  5. Reborn ask you to be more specific.. Tell us exactly what you want, so we can help you.
  6. Oooooo thanks.. You've just made my day. :D
  7. Yes.. That's my bad. I don't realized that is a scammer because he made trades with other guys..
  8. Αν διάβαζες στο Gr help, θα έσωζες τον εαυτό σου από τις ώρες που έφαγες. :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212863-λύσεις-σχετικά-με-ερωτήσεις-για-το-acis-και-γενικά-γ/ Κάτι άλλο, μιας και είναι στα Ελληνικά, θα πρέπει να μετακινηθεί εδώ.
  9. Hello there.. So, with this guy I made a deal before 3 weeks for his server. I worked over 1 week for him for fixes/adapt some things and etc. The price was 100E, but his server got down in less than 1 week. So, I made a new deal for 60E, to help him. He told me that will send the money another time because now he can't. Yesterday I told him to send me the files who I worked to take back my fixes and the other things for my own project, but as it's look, I got block. He trade 100E psc before 2 days, so, he got money but he doesn't seems to want pay me. 12 days later (Yesterday): That's all.. As I hear, he got ban some years before with another name for the same reason if I remember well.
  10. 'Baggos'


    Δεν υπάρχει κάποιο άλλο φίλε δυστυχώς.. Και γω έψαχνα αλλά τίποτα!
  11. You should tell us what project you use.. aCis/Frozen somethign else? Open the xml file of the mob id. And you will find the stats there.
  12. I will be alone or with 1 friend. You will bring your clan?
  13. Interesting server with hot features.. I will give a try here! Good luck buddy!
  14. Θα πας στο eclipse, και θα ψάξεις στο net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instances και θα βρεις το L2PcInstance.java Παντού εκεί είναι, ότι pack και να έχεις. Τώρα δεν ξέρω στο Gracia final αν έχουν κάνει μετανομασία τα instances που δεν νομίζω.
  15. Σε aCis που το έχω, θέλει ένα check στη method " public void refreshExpertisePenalty() " στο L2PcInstance.java Για παράδειγμα: if (!Config.EXPERTISE_PENALTY) return;
  16. Run the RegisterGameServer. Also, you need l2jls database for login, in case you don't know it.
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/216147-report-fake-negative-feedback/?p=2645576
  18. As Celestine said! Locked until / if, global mods wants to do something about this feedback. But feedbacks/reps will be reset, so I don't think there is reason for any action.
  19. As I said, download the latest mysql version. Visit the website of l2jserver --> Get Started --> The hard way. Follow the guide and you will success.
  20. Download the latest version and will be ok. Visit l2jserver's site and check how to make compile from git url.
  21. If you said corrupt or anything without proofs, then it's ok.. Cele has the right to delete everything in this case. (Imagine that when you create a server topic, and I come to say shits without reason). But if someone post photos, then I don't think celestine will delete the replies.
  22. hahahah pirama love you re, more than Tryskell. :o Merlon thanks for this share mate.. It's a fresh idea. :1010:
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