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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. a):Report them-forum doesn't allow that big signatures b)Read the fckin rules c)feel free to flame?read b) d)Who cares
  2. Δεν ξερω,αυτη που γαμ...κοιμηθηκαμε χθες μου ειπε οτι θα ειναι στο party και δεν ειμαι ανωμαλος
  3. Not even comparison IL has nothing good to show,only it's unbalance
  4. Oλοι στο παρτυ γενεθλιων του μικρο DS ! Εχει και show η μανα του!<3 α και ΗΒ
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186497.0;topicseen did one in L2j dev help too
  6. Who had this,solved it with reinstall i had this shit 2-3 times in past,isn't it just random?
  7. Welcome
  8. Γιατι crack αγορι μου...απλα να βρισκεις αδειες καθε ποτε...η κατεβασε το tnod pass finder
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186465.0 Jank
  10. to moderate the nothing...
  11. for a post each 2 months
  12. It doesn't rly do,cause it says i can't run it and i run it w/o lags
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186264.0;topicseen lol
  14. PM Valve and wait we can't help,lol
  15. x100000 custom armor + balance? lol btw,double post only each 24 h
  16. Σοβαρα τωρα,θα σου προτεινα να κανεις spellhowler main,το SLUG μετραει παρα πολυ,καθως και το empowering echo EE για τον λογο που ειπα παραπανω,καθως θα εχεις empower/acumen/btb/bts
  17. Not rly And,what the hell,this update MUST be done most players want new things You can stay at a 2006 Chronicle as well...with it's unbalance and all of them
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179977.msg1416615#msg1416615 Ναι και bot? ας κανει κατι κλασικο..
  19. Seriously,your server has 400 ppl?not
  20. what is this for?
  21. Photo το google δεν λεει τιποτα για αυτο;
  22. Pdef-mdef-critical dmg απο μπροστα-life>Speed o BW δεν μπορει να κανει edit το ποστ του..
  23. Worths playing?
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